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Funniest JK2 Moment


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I was playing on a duel server. This 1 guy Sorn_Sh03 Was Easily just killing everyone with pull+backstab. I was up for my first time. I Do a backflip and then DFA and in the middle of my DFA (Which would miss) he pulled me into his face and cut him in half. I can't believe everyone kept on losing agaisnt him!

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Happenes to me all the time however with a backstab... I pull them and they slice my neck off... embarresing...


But funniest... The dude that was able to get a suntan in one of the Duels I had when I was still a heavy n00b... Somehow he would be able to lay down on the floor with his arms and legs streched, and was able to move left and right... Just like he was on the beach...


No wait.....


Under the title DEMOS GALORE (news title) download the Take 1 and Take 2 recordings, and watch them in JK2




(when you download the file, make a folder called "demos" (without the upper scores) in the base directory of JK2, and place the downloaded file there, then run the JK2 multi, and when in main menu press "Play", then press "Watch Demo", and there should be a default file and the downloaded file(s))


blah blah blah...

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This one time, at the begining of Ns_Streets, I spawned a jedi2 and walked into the bar. He then kills the 2 rodians that stop you for your weapons and I get stuck. So after reloading and getting into the bar I start talking the casual converstation with that Chiss guy, durring that I can hear the jedi2 slicing every1 in the bar into little pieces. That amused me.


Out of Sight (AHHHHHHHHHH) Out of (Ahhhhhhhh) Mind says (DOOK! AHHHH) us.

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Hmm... funniest gaming moment. I can name about 2.


Well, back when I was a heavy n00b to the game (about the first or second day playing), I loaded onto an FFA server running ctf_ns_streets. While I was putzing around, exploring the level, I noticed 5 people dueling on one of the lower platforms. Enter force push. I sent all 5 into the abyss at once, laughing all the way. :D


The second moment was on ffa_bespin, and it involved another jedi duel en masse. However, since there wasn't a cliff handy at the time, I instead pulled out my Tenloss, aimed... And fried 3 of them in the first shot, followed by 2 more in 2 additional shots. :cool:


Oh, and Kal-El, I have seen the method to get that "roll on your back" bug to work, although I could never get it to work. I'll PM you the command; maybe you will have more luck with it.


Merc out. :fett:

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This happend a few weeks ago at the tail end of a ctf game. I had been messing around the entire time trying to get up on the pipes and decided it would be a challenge to get up at the other teams base. Well consequently they started chasing after me while I was throwing down my det packs, I was running around to avoid them and grabbed the flag on accident and then decided what the hell it's worth a try and got up there with the flag!

Here are a few screens of it btw you might need a fast connection to view them.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

Happenes to me all the time however with a backstab... I pull them and they slice my neck off... embarresing...


And I thought I was the only one that accidently pulled people in the middle of their backstabs to me, only to have myself skewered...

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Originally posted by Mercen4ry

Oh, and Kal-El, I have seen the method to get that "roll on your back" bug to work, although I could never get it to work. I'll PM you the command; maybe you will have more luck with it.


Hey, thanks, I just remember it was such a cool move to do to taunt your enemy lol.


Originally posted by GEEZus

This happend a few weeks ago at the tail end of a ctf game. I had been messing around the entire time trying to get up on the pipes and decided it would be a challenge to get up at the other teams base. Well consequently they started chasing after me while I was throwing down my det packs, I was running around to avoid them and grabbed the flag on accident and then decided what the hell it's worth a try and got up there with the flag!

Here are a few screens of it btw you might need a fast connection to view them.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3



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Playing the ladder, I think on wave #3.


One reborn (Yellow) started running towards me, and did one of those really low lunge jumps they do. in the middle of that jump, I pulled him. He went from looking all intent on killing me, to arms spread out in fornt of him, feet kicking, and a look of terror on his face (I got a really good look, and his eyes went real wide and his mouth opened). he screamed, and I heard a nice THUD as he smacked into the wall behind me. he didn't get back up.


I got sliced up good because I was laughing so hard after that. :):):)



another time, I was playing around with oooohhh, every model in the game with the jump+Pull move (Spawning them, and lifting them).


ones that cracked me up the most:


Protocol (Oh no, I'm doomed. then falls perfect speard eagle, have to see that!)

Imperial (Nice, thoughty scream)

Bartender, just because I have him

lando, fun fun!


and last but not least, the mouse. :) (The ATST would'nt lift)



The time online where I joined a server, first time ever. three people on an imperial map. I came in, saying that I hope they don't mind a n00b...and won the match supa quick. I was shocked to say the least. :)


(I later found out I was lucky, as my next game I was absolute bait and target practice).




and, saving the best for last, in the swamps of Yavin. :)


I was walking about, lightsaber off. (Was swimming) a lone trooper runs up about 20 paces away, yelling "Surrender!" like they do. I didn't move, just pressed 1 and turned on my saber. not missing a beat he got up and ran away yelling "Retreat!" LOL


and another good one, on the doomgiver.

just got off the tram and was throwing the troopers around, when one got up, raised his heands above his hand and ran down the hallway. I fragged all his buddies, then went to see where he went. he ran away from me, down the stairs to where I found him, bending over repeatedly pressing the door button to a tram that wasn't there.


I even let him live because he made me laugh. :) MUAHAHAHA!

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Once in the first Carin level I was pulling stormie's weapons from em then slicing em up. Anyway the last storm trooper who was left runs to one of the doors, but before he opened it I pushed him over. He gets up, raises his hands, ducks and starts slowly......... crawling ........ away.


LOL!!!!!!! I wish I coulda gotten a demo of it. He walked up one of the ramps, around some boxes then around again while crouching :lol::D

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on Bespin this guy was owning the server because he was pullngi backstabbing everyone so he wan't able to do it to me yet and i had him worked down to about 25 health, and then he managed to pull me down, but he got cocky and decided to use his nice dfa script but he misjudged it and flew off into the pit

swearing and stuff and left the server nicely, was jsut so funny to watch this wido killing himslef so stupidly.


Another one, was that i was in sp and this shadow trooper came at me with heavy i rolled and he chopped the other shadow trooper that was behind me head off in a big swipe.

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I was playing and i threw my saber at some rodian and hit im in the neck. His head popped off and flew half across the map to lang right infront of me. It was just sitting there...


It was also funny when that one time some pull backstab whore was fighting me and i put on absorb and he called me a cheater and said that wasnt even a force power...he tried to kick my which lead to his doom cuz we kicked him.

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I was in a FFA game and was fighting some random 'Padawan' with sabers. He starts losing and runs away.... I run into him later in the match and begin to fight him again, I guess he starts to lose because he runs away again! I chuckle and decide to chase after him this time.


We both get in this long hallway so I decide-perfect for a saber throw. The saber starts flying through the air and I think Im gonna kill him finally...then some guy steps out of a doorway and catches my saber right in the neck-killing him. Padawan got away

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I was dueling last night with a guy called Preacher on the Duel_Bespin map. He was pretty good and Whooped my ass most of the time so I decided to make fun of him until he did somthing silly.


I happened just after I'd called him a big whiney Girl who obviously had wet himself several times. He jumped at me with a heavy overhead swing. I ducked and pulled him sending him into the dark pit below.


I managed to repeat this sucess 16 times afterwards.


The comments I used were.


"One hit wonder" referring to his over use of the pull backstab move.










"Donkey Raping Sh*t Eater" - Inspired by Eric Cartman


Seemed to work pretty well for me!

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My funny moment:


I was playing a six player ffa and a lot of us were just dueling.

I was lando and started taunting like crazy (to irritate the other players)

But soon, 2 of the other players had changed to landos and we were all standing around in a circle taunting.

then one of the nono-landos dfa'ed one of us.

So i shout "kill the non landos"

It becomes a choatic mess of landos yelling woohoo fighting (and owning mind u) the non landos.

simply hilarious

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Funniest moment was in a tornement and it waz 2v2 i threw my light saber at 1 of them but he knocked it down. so he ran at me and so did his mate i pulled the lightsaber and it cut through both ( i did not expect this to happen) so iturned to run and my partner aws behind me my lightsaber swong round and cut his head off and he got right pissed off.

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I was dueling a DFA spammer on Duel_trianing one day. I got tired of rolling left and right to get out of the way of his DFAs, so I just stood there, on one of the corners of the glass platform, which is lower than the platform itself. He landed right on me, so I did the medium arial (I didnt move anywhere, I did the flip and everything without going up) and killed him as he had his saber burried in air.

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in a duel server, there was a guy spamming pull-backstab as usuaul. Anyway, it was my first turn...and to my suprise (yeah right) he pulled and backstabbed me. After waiting for a second turn, he was still on. People were complaining and griping. I went in and immediately pushed him, he fell back, so i threw my saber at him. Then as he was getting up and coming back towards me i pushed him again. This time i used lightning and he must have been hurt bad. He pulled me, but i got up fortunately and he was just about to backstab me when I jumped and went behind him and just did one horozontal swing in heavy stance and killed him. :D

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one time i was playing a ffa on bespin i think. i fought this one guy a little bit and he backed off a bit. he started to do that walking thing with the saber to look tough, and i don't know how he didn't react to it but i just heavy slashed him right down the middle and he died. it was so funny.

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Copy/Paste from the funny thread in the multiplayer section.


My best must be on duel_bespin.

I'm fighting a kicklamer that must have 3 braincells or less. He stands by the pillar each time we fight and I go stand by the ledge. He runs towards me and I dodge him (easily) and he falls to his death. I think I did that about 5 or 6 times before he didn't jump far enough and he just ran off the ledge lol.


Then he left... bummer, he was good at giving me easy wins :)

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I joined a duel server/no force. This one guy was dominating with 7 kills while the next highest player had 1. Everyone who fought him was doing the ballarina spin blue stance dance and getting beat down.


So I'm up and decide I want to be an idiot like everyone else and do the blue stance dance also except I want to be absurd about it and not even swing at him. I was jumping up and down swinging at the air, mouse moving all over the place trying to look like Taz from Looney Tunes. I spent 30 seconds dueling the rock cliff (ajedimaster) while my opponent watched at the other end. I was all over the keyboard like Tourette's syndrome.


Finally, I took my frenzy over to him and beat him down fast. After which he says ' Dude, can you show me that combo??'


Thanks for the tips n00b's!


your Humper

your BIG humper

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