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Nar Shaddaa single player level

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While I'm not going to give out the plot any time soon, I am pretty confident that it's a bit more intelligent than the rampage-through-imperial-base-slicing-stormies-and-reborn levels that've been floating around recently. Strangely enough, it does involve Reborn, but not necessarily fighting them. :)

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Originally posted by KAK

NO! Not Courscant! Nar Shaddaa! please do not speak of courscant anymore as that is obviously NOT what this is.


The shots looks amazing by the way.


lol this looks like the kind of thing i ocasinaly post at 3 am when i should be in bed. Lol @ KAK

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Nar Shaddaa

this was Nal Hutta's spaceport moon, known for its vertically-built cities, experienced spaceship mechanics and its lawlessness. It is a center for smuggling operations, and is supposedly where Han Solo learned the smuggler's trade as a youth. When the Hutts took over the moon, they began using it as a spaceport, and soon huge refueling spires and repair facilities reached up from the ground into orbit. Over time, the mass of the moon was increased 300 percent as construction continued unabated. There is no observable land mass left on Nar Shaddaa, since the spaceports have grown around the spires and now completely cover the planet. The moon was uninhabited during the time that the Evocii lived on Nal Hutta, although they called it Evocar. When the Hutts took over the planet, they relegated the Evocii to Nar Shaddaa. However, the Hutts used them as semi-free slaves on the moon, and the press of so many various species and technologies eventually mutated the Evocii. Nar Shaddaa is similar to its parent planet, having a day which lasts 87 standard hours, and a year which lasts 413 local days. It is tide-locked with Nal Hutta, and only shows one side to its planet. This results in a day which has two distinct periods of ligthness: one in which is is in full view of the sun, and one in which it obtains light reflected from Nal Hutta. This also results in two periods of night.

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OK, my mistake.

I just tought that a huge amount of gigantic constructions built around a planetoid with their base on it were still considered being on the planetoid.

So it's just a floating city with a moon "in" it...


Btw, were did you find this text, Emon ?

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