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EU and why it doesnt' belong here.

ET Warrior

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I know this has been addressed time and time again in these forums in different threads, so i thought, maybe we could end this problem with a thread devoted to it. The EU is of course anything that is not the Star Wars movies. books, comics, etc. etc. Many of these are very interesting, but it is VERY important not to confuse them with the movies. There is no such thing as the movies contradicting the books or comics. It is always the other way around. I like EU, i read many many books. But do not use EU to validate arguments that you are making in this forum, please.

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You're right guys!!!:D





































































































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Oh I love both the movies and the EU, I think it's all great. I keep an open mind to it all and do not focus on any contradictions and such.


I think the movies vs EU feuds and arguments lessen our worth and passion as Star Wars fans. Perhaps we should love and accept it all and not mind the contradictions, how futile or important they may be.

This off course, without undoing the originality, value and worth of George Lucas' work. :)


For me it's all passion (and about Aayla Secura obsession but shhhh :p ), so it's all good. :)

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That's a valid point ET Warrior, I agree.


(Though books like the Episode II visual dictionary, reference guide, I do think that can be considered as the 'movies' and canon, no? I'm not sure about novelizations, they tend to be a little too different, good but off nonetheless.)


The paradox is, what with old scripts and deleted scenes, meaning George Lucas planned it, wrote it, sometimes filmed it but never changed it, he just left it out for various reasons ... that could be considered as canon.

Why? Because for example he films a scene about -hypothetical example- Aayla Secura killing Nute Gunray during the Arena battle. It's not in the theatre version, so many would say it's not canon, even though it was in the script and filmed. But what if Lucas then adds the scene to the DVD release version? Interesting isn't it?


(And boy do I wish that scene would be real and on the DVD. :D:) )

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So? Your point being Nebelwerfer_?


I'm fairly convinced you contradict yourself more on a daily bases than the SW EU or SW canon movies have ever done.


Where's the idea of being a fan? Of liking it, even loving all of it and accepting its flaws and contradictions? :confused: It seems that for so many 'fans' we see roaming here, that has gotten lost. Star Wars doesn't bring them any passion or joy but only brings them to more hating, being negative.


They still haven't learned a thing, have they? :(

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Dont get me wrong, I do love the EU, and JKII is my favorite game. But the people I was referring to are those who come into a conversation about Episode 2 or 3 saying, "yah, well darth bane was supposely sidious' master, so we'll see him in EpIII". Stuff like that. I take lots of pleasure in reading EU stuff and playing the video games, but i'm smart enough not to bring up that stuff in the Episode II forums where it has no place. I highly recommend people to read the SW novels, it makes you have a better understanding of the starwars universe. I only wish that the authors didn't write about important characters pasts knowing that Lucas was going to make prequels which would probably contradict them and confuse some of the "slower" fans.

I dont think it should be up to no-name authors to tell us the origins of boba fett and owen lars, let's leave it to GL ok?

thank you.

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Yeap, I agree. EU is fine for people who want to see other possibilities of what could happen or what might have happened. But when people try to use it to present an argument about GL's story (the scripts and movies) then it pretty much just falls apart on them. That's his story, not the other writers, and he's the only one that can tell his story the way it's meant to be told.



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I don't know, to me it still seems to many here are too negative about Star Wars, canon or EU. They get into fights, frankly so many people here are 'haters', to use a popular word for it.


Why not go back to what it's all about, our passion and love for Star Wars and respect it all, with most respect for George Lucas. :) (And if someone in the EU writes something contradictory because they do it for their purpose of story or their passion for a character, so be it. It's fiction, we love it but at the end of the day we know it's fiction and supposed to be entertainment.)

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

I almost S* my pants in theaters when i saw the geonosians reveal the death star plans i was so excited....it was approximately really really cool......so I prefer EpII origin for sure.


Yeah, what really sucked was that my friend told me about that before I saw the movie. :(

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According to Lucas, EU is a clouded window into the Star Wars universe. And clouded windows can still provide hints to the reality of a situation.


Much EU was created to explain holes in a movie; for example, the Maw Cluster, Eeth Koth and Mace Windu switching lightsabers. EU is not canon but it is a valid source. It's certainly superior to guessing.

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