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Wiskers on Kittens...These are a few of my

Recommended Posts

:jawa some say you learn more

about a person from their dislikes,

than you do from their likes.

this thread I leave entirely

up to you? Is your glass

half empty or half full?


help me weave a Number 9 Tapestry

of all our lives which we can all

take with us to the 9th Underworld.



I have three Batman comics;

The Dark Knight Returns

Arkham Asylum

and The Killing Joke.

I own The Watchmen.

V for Vendetta.

most of the Sandman graphic novels.

The High Cost of Living.

Stray Toasters

The Tick graphic novel.

Some Flaming Carrot's

(a miscellaneous plethora of others)

but my newest favourites are;

Lenore the Adventures of

a Cute Little Dead Girl,

Squee graphic novel

and all the

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac's.

also I Feel Sick parts 1 & 2.



still comics but also books.

Maus 1 & 2 by Art Speigleman.

and How to Commit Suicide

in South Afica.

I Leonardo,

The Big I AM

and The Curse of Lono.

I Leonardo and The Big I AM

illustrated by Ralph Steadman.

The Curse of Lono by

Hunter S. Thompson

illustrated by Ralph Steadman.

The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy

by Tim Burtton.



Jane Eyre,

Moby Dick,


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress,

Starship Troopers,

any and all Terry Prattchet

Disc World novels,

(Good Omens)

all three MYST novels,

Clan of The Cave Bears,

(not the rest of the series)

Interview with a Vampire,

The Vampire Lestat,

The Queen of the Dammed,

(the Witching Hour and Lasher)

*not the others however*

Alice In Wonderland,

DR Sueus,

Watership Down,

The Velveteen Rabbit,

bookshelves of too many

more to list.



Rabid Grannies,

Meet The Feebles,

Toxic Avenger,

Time Bandits,


Baron Munchausen,

12 Monkeys,


It's A Wonderful Life,


Children of the Lost City

Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas,

Edward Scissor Hands,

A Nightmare Before Christmas,

Haunted Summer,


(Vincent & Frankenweinie)

Tim Burrton's early work,

King and I

Ten Commandments

(Yul looks cool bald),

The Fifth Element,

The Messenger,

any Jackie Chan movie,

(movies like books line shelves

and shelves of my home.)


Computer Games:




Drowned God,

The Dark Eye,

Bad Day on the Midway,

American McGee's Alice,

Star Craft(Original),

Star Craft(Brood War),

Age of Empires Gold,

Age of Empires II Gold,

Unreal Tournament,

Quake III,

(any old Arcade classic),

Grim Fandango,

Sim Theme Park,

Pod Racer,

most games that make me go




Dragonball Z

Ramna 1/2





Tiny Toons,

Pinky & The Brain,




King of The Hill



100 Center Street,


Nero Wolfe,


(any Star Trek while channel surfing),

Crocodile Hunter,



Discovery Channel


Zen Monuments & Moments:

Climbing the mountains

of the Valley of the Kings

in Egypt between Queen Hatshepsut's

Tomb and King Tut's tomb.


Floating down the Nile

surrounded by 1,000's

of Ibis at sunset.


Getting Lost in Cario

and taking a cab ride

around entire city including

The City of The Dead,

(all the while riding

in the back seat with

the cab drivers goat.)


Being taken to a farm house,

in the middle of the night,

in the middle of nowhere,

Cape Breton Nova Scotia,

only to find a field full

of trucks and inside the house

rooms and rooms of people

engaged in every conceivable

vice known to man.


Wearing a kilt as Best man

at my friends Scottish wedding.


Watching two wedding parties

errupt into a bench clearing brawl

which caused the cops to come

and arrest all those who did not

get sent to the hospital first.


Living through almost 4 decades.



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"What the Hell?"

no what the Trivial.

or even what the banal.

Is everyone out there shy?

are you all introverted?

do none of you wish to share?

inquirying minds and

(people with no life, such as myself)

want to know.


How about at least your top 10 lists

of anything. Music, Movies, and PC games

the most seemingly harmless generators

of condemnation and affirmation

in the realm of small talk.

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Leave him alone, turd. His posts are dense, like poetry but w/out the dark, hefty chains of irregular symbolism. He is a joy to read. [sorry to call you a turd, Gexx. -bx.]


Here's my top Five books right.. NOW:

1. Man in the Black Coat: Russia's Literature of the Absurd. (this is almost entirely the works of Daniil Kharms)


3. Master and Margarita (Bulgakov)

4. The New York Trilogy (Auster)

5. various and multiplicated works by slews of authors


Those movies that I love:

1. Th[is]e Big Lebowski

2. [Those] Bottle Rocket

3. evry other by Anderson or Coens.

4. Brazil

5. crap.. i don't watch movies very often.


My most enjoyed taunts:

1. Gloat, gloat: Merciful.

2. Perchance a fierey sword?

3. Mind your totums.



Honestly, though? What a dragon!

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My Top 5 lists:


Books (series or singular):


1. Tenchi Muyo! No Need For Tenchi Graphic Novel Series

2. The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan

3. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

4. The Grey Lady And The Strawberry Snatcher

5. Any Oriental books


TV Shows:


1. The Simpsons (can't beat it)

2. Futurama (next best thing)

3. Beyond Belief (big fan of J.F.)

4. Emergency Vets (hooked last July)

5. X-Files (up until the movie...)


Anime Series (more or less the ones I've seen):


1. Tenchi Muyo! (and most other Pioneer)

2. any Ghibli films

3. Oh! My Goddess

4. Ninja Scroll

5. Pet Shop of Horrors


PC Games (I haven't played a lot):


1. Grim Fandango (duh)

2. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

4. ?

5. ?


That's all I can think of so far...Maybe I'll make some more specific ones later...

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very good, good form on the forum.

see sharing is so special people!


hey Isis you forgot:


to add to your list:


shopping for Pocky

eating Pocky

swapping Pocky recipe's online

and collecting cool Anime toys

in special boxes of Pocky cerial.


*I know Gendo will include

these on his list when he comes

forward and threads his soul

into the tapestry of this topic*

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