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just had a question Im new to multi playing jedi and keped geting killed by the kick backstab when i tryed to kick i was told its jump+jump but it wont work for me is this part of the 1.03 patch or is kicking something people have added into it?

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thanks thay make it look so easy I still cant get it to work for me I also was told you can practice it on walls is this true and do you have to press the jump key 2 times realy fast ? I have jump maped to my 3ed mouse button so maby thats just a slow button then.

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Yes, practice on walls. Run up to the wall and hit jump twice as fast as you can, the second jump does the back flip. You can also side kick. Strafe into a wall from the left or right and hit jump, you will flip off it sideways.


Good luck! ;)

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Kicking a person can enrage them so much that they simply *have* to deliver their own kick...


I've tried sidestepping a guys kix for, like 2 minutes.... He comes charging at me, I sidestep. I roll my eyes at him, but he continues to charge me from the front to no end.

If only some people would learn to stop and realize that it's very easy to dodge kicks if you want to....


And also, try sidekicks in the middle of a fight.

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