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ahhhhhhhhhh (two cheers for whiners)


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this goes for all games, as well as jk2...i wish people would just stop complaining every time they die and just play the damn game. I was playing alien versus predator 2, and every 5 seconds the marine team was like...damn you aliens, stop spawnkilling...or dumbass predators are disc spamming..im about to scream. If your gona buy a game and moan and groan and gripe about it, why the hell did you buy it in the first place. Just play the game and enjoy it. sheeeeeeeeesh

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but whinings half the fun :o



I find it funny when people whine about a perfectly legit kill.



you-That was luck.


me-Luck!?! I had 100/25. You never even landed a hit!


you-Thats why your so lucky. I would've killed you if my backstabs hit you.


me-Um yes...You would have, but they didn't.



Never really happend, but it will...someday.

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heh i know what you mean


i was on a duel server and i was using sabre throw a lot...i admit i was whoring the move but it wasnt so bad- if it was a powerful move we would all hear about 'sabre throw whores' but we dont, we hear about people who dfa and backstab because the saber throw isnt a powerful move and can be countered so this means less people use it


and i started killing everyone on the server and one of them started swearing at me, it was so funny! at the start of one of my duels against him he was talking ( i rarely ever ever saber someone when theyre talking) but the guy was standing there swearing at me and he thought i was gonna stop attacking him so he could swear at me!!! i showed him whos the daddy


so he carried on and on swearing and i said to him "I dont find your swearing insulting or impressive, it merely shows ur immaturity" and with that i left the server. people with attitude problems like this ought to be left alone- its not worth fighting a bad loser!

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Their are times when it is senseless whining and times their is a reason to complain. NO ONE can say that a guy runnign around backward the whole game should be at the top of the score borad. And thou I've never played AvP2 I do know spawn camping as in you sit on their spawn piont unmoving and kill them before they even turn around. It can be EXTREMLY hard to stop not mention a fun killer of the highest order. Even more so if a team is doing it most games have a way to keep guys out of a spawn but some don't operation flashpiont for instance and to make it worst alot that don't also have camofulge and so finding the spawn camper can be very hard since he drops before you can even look around.


As to why people "whine". If we all followed your advice the company would never know they made a mistake. You shouldn't whine for a whole year but you should make your discontent known less it never be fixed. An example is EE they promised a patch to fix the probelms in the game. This shut up many people They didn't piont out what was wrong. The company thought nothing was wrong and decided on an X-pack that focused on SP casue MP was so good and well balaced :rolleyes:. The patch never came the company now thinks they made a great game casue no one said otherwise and the chance to tell them they didn't has passed :(. Most games that come out are fairly good but most also have things that are poorly thought out, bugs, and featrues run amok. It's up to players to piont these out.

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My philosophy in MP is simple.


If someone kills me, using whatever tactic, then it's my fault for letting them.


The only tactic in this game I disagree with is the rapid-spinning backstab/slash. That, to me, is a little overboard.


But, if I lose, I just try not to let the same thing happen again next time. :D

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Talk about whiners...

I was playing CTF on ns_streets the other day and was b*tched at because I was using the Homing Rockets. People don't know how to dodge them or push them away and so they call me a cheap @$$. One guy was actually complaing about "Damn Guns!!" on a guns servers. How bright is that.


Stupid complainers.

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Originally posted by Gaming Nut

Their are times when it is senseless whining and times their is a reason to complain. NO ONE can say that a guy runnign around backward the whole game should be at the top of the score borad.


You are 100% right my amigo.

But I look at that statement in a way you do not.

If a person running around backwards, not even looking at you can beat you; you are either inexperienced or not very good.

I am sorry to burst anyone’s bubble, but you "I've been playing this game since the day it came out" people who still complain about backstabs need to move on to something slower like Zoo Tycoon.

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Bleh.. I love the clever answers of some people that miss the whole point of -as you call them- whiners..


I had to stop playing this game -and complained quite a bit about its problems in this forums- because of the cheap players that filled the servers (namely people that do nothing but pull-backslash, preferably with absorb on 24/7).


The point is: it doesn't matter whether you know how to counter that crap or not.. you SHOULDN'T have to. I myself didn't find it that hard to beat those lamers.. some I would kill them pretty easily backflipping on them or using a yellow finisher, some not.. either way playing with that people is not fun at all for many people like me. When you kill a lame backstabber running backwards you don't think: wow, what a great fight.. you just think: wow, what a retarted punk.. . When you kill 15 BS whores during a game you don't think: what a great game, and nice win. You think: I hope all those ******* lamers would do something else, like sticking their tongue in a shredder and finding out how many chunks come out..

If you ever tried fighting with the saber like before the patch (anything but backstab/backslash) without absorb, you were bound to be pulled and BS..


Before the damn patch I used to play for hours, using all kind of saber moves/force powers, almost never guns.

Now all you find is people spamming pull-backslash, using absorb all the time. Seeing anything else on a server (people using grip/rage/drain/protect, or regular saber swings, is almost impossible.


I had a blast playing 1.02, and even if gunners were usually on top of the scoreboard I was happy to be always among the first 3. Now if I want to be on top I either have to spend the whole time pulling/pushing people off ledges or use BS/yellow finishers all the time, and I find it pretty boring. If you like that kind of playstyle, that's fine. When I pay for broadband to play with human people, I expect I bit more of variety than a bot match. :p

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Agreed. You're all trying to b righteous and say how whiners are stupid useless punks, but I bought this game for the variety it promised. It has lost it's variety, and the only way I can feel a sense of satisfaction with the game is to try and kill all the backstabbers without backstabbing.


Raven better be doing something.

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Originally posted by Bill_st

The point is: it doesn't matter whether you know how to counter that crap or not.. you SHOULDN'T have to.


I see your point, but why should I have to listen to people constantly complain and whine about how I beat them?


I bought the game just like you, to have fun.


You say backstabbing ruins it for you.

People who constantly complain ruin it for me.


I should be able to enjoy a game and not have to make excuses or defend myself because you as a player, do not approve of how I choose to attack/kill you.


You don't like it?


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When will people learn, if it is in the game...find a way to beat it,don't whine about it. BS, backslash,kick, etc., these are all legitimate moves. Sure, they can be spammed ad naseaum, but that is simply a challenge for a good player to prove the superiority of balanced play. And if the play is so annoying...just go elsewhere, there are many servers and many clans that enforce fair play!

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Ah but part of the BS moves are NOT legit moves, at least not when people spin while doing it. Raven said that moving while backsweep/stabing was meant to be fixed like the DFA but the guy forgot. So they really are bug exploiters if you want to see it like that :p play 1.03a

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The point is: it doesn't matter whether you know how to counter that crap or not.. you SHOULDN'T have to.


Amen brother.


Only thing I can tell you is to just find a server where the lame CS kiddies wont last long, where their crap is not put up with. Those servers are there, just gotta find em.

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Unfortunately in JK2, other computer games and in real life there are going to be people who cheat, play unfairly, and/or whine.


The best thing to do in the case of move-spammers is learn how to defeat them. If you see someone handing a pull-backstabber's @$$ to them time and time again, watch them, and ask for advice. Think of strategies to beat them. As soon as they realise that they can't kill you with the same move over and over again they'll either find a new strategy, or leave you alone.


The problem is it takes a lot of them a while to realise. :nut:


:gben:The Force will be with you, always.

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The point is: it doesn't matter whether you know how to counter that crap or not.. you SHOULDN'T have to.


Forgive me if this sounds rude, but that's the STUPIDEST thing I've heard anyone say in this discussion. It makes no sense, and I will explain why.


Sure, some things are more difficult to counter than others, and some stuff takes time to master. Is that a reason to remove it entirely just because its hard? Now before you answer that question, think about this:


First Person Shooters are INHERENTLY COMPETATIVE in multiplayer (it's you and/or your team, verses another individual or team, even in co-op its the human team verses the computer's team). They are setup around the principles of tactics and counter tactics. This is especially apparent in games such as the Dark Forces series, beginning with Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.


The Dark and Light sides of the Force are setup as counters to each other. The lightsaber is setup as a counter to blaster weapons, and explosives are setup as counters to other types of tactics, such as pursuers and melee fighters. The whole game is based on countering, and so to say that we shouldn't have to counter something that is commonly whined about like the DFA or the Backstab or Grip or Absorb or whatever you want, is silly.


The game is fundamentally based on learning to anticipate your opponent's movements, countering them, and adapting in order to overcome them and win. That's what the game is all about.


Some people modify their gameplay style in order to hurt people's feelings (cheaters) or to make believe they are real-life Jedi (role players) but most play simply for the sake of the game, that is, to try to kill the enemy before he kills you/take his flag before he takes your's, and to be successful in that endeavor (rather than simply having it be a random numbers game) they have to practice and learn.


All of the DF games from JK to JK2 have been like this and I think that is part of their success... even when compared to more popular FPSs: they are easy to learn, but take more time to master. Granted, they attract many Star Wars fans, but they have to have substance in order to provide long-term play-value. I'm sure you can think of many Star Wars based games that are NOT inclined to long-term play value and lack the depth of the DF series...


What some people want is for their playing style to be the ONLY playing style possible (for example, many role players have asked for this in the history of these forums), which would require either mods to be made or official patches to be released that facilitated those options. Some of this has happened.. a few people have tried to create mods that modify the gameplay more towards their liking, that's fine. People who don't wish to play their way can still play without the mods. Raven's patches and unofficial updates in the source have mainly offered MORE options, rather than less, which I think is the right way to go. The DF series has always been about options (since JK, again) allowing people to play how they want to play. But I think it's silly to try to stop the majority of people from playing how they want by limiting the options through official patches that remove everything to facilitate roleplaying.


As I have said before, I feel that deep down this argument about game dynamics and patches comes down to those who wish the game to be a fun and competative FPS and those who wish the game to be a role-playing environment for their star wars fantasies and the fundamentally different approaches of those two groups of people, to how they play the game.


My advice to those who don't get their way, is to stop whining, and play on servers that play with the rules you want and/or create mods that implement the changes in gameplay you want. Even "cheaters" can play in private servers with other cheaters and in that way not impose on anyone else. The worst thing to do is complain and ruin it for others by trying to force them to play it your way. If roleplaying is your thing, do it on YOUR server, and respect the rights of others to play other ways, even more conventional ways. This is not a problem. I just feel that roleplayers need to realize that the default settings of the game, used by perhaps the largest numbers of people are geared towards competative play, in the classical structure used by FPS games since Doom and Quake.


Again, I don't mean to be nasty, but I just had to respond to that, since it seems like with an attitude like that, you shouldn't be playing multiplayer games like this in the first place...

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