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The Catholic Church's terrible secret


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Of course it is...although it may be entirely ludicrous to go back in time and do something that could easily be done in the present without all of the hassle of time travel. In the end you are still killing yourself even if yourself is a younger you...whoa...

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Lets be resonable here people it's more simple to travel forward in time. Just by traveling really really really really really very very very super fast you will be traveling in time. That's a scientifict fact that's been proven by clocks in orbet around Earth. It's reather simple when you think about it. It's like if you were standing still on the freeway the cars would be passing you at a set speed. These cars will rep. the speed of light which, according to Einstien, is the same as the speed of time because light is the max. speed anything can travel. As you star moveing faster and faster the speed of the cars compared to you seems to slow down when it's really not. So inside that vehical you're in time seems to be traveling slower than when it's standing still.

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken

If you go back in time and kill your younger self... would that be considered suicide?


Well here is the problem. If you go back in time to kill youself. You would alter the timeline you existed in. So when you commit the kill, at the same time you couldn't. Here is why.


Since you killed yourself in the pass you wouldn't be alive to go back in time to kill yourself. As such you would never be dead, and alive to try and commit the same act. You would be in a nice time loop.

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