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Lightsaber Hilts in Progress


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One thing I'm doing, that may be of some interest, is taking the gaffi stick made by Major Clod and am currently making in sort of mod compatible.


I noticed that if, in jedimod, you set R = 0, B = 0, and G = 0, it makes the outside area of the lightsaber blade (the colored area and not the core) invisible. That way the only thing you have to put up with is the white core blur when you swing it.


Of course, there is still no way to have both the lightsaber and the gaffi stick sound effects operational at the same time. But it's good enough for me until someone comes out with something better.

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it isnt much as I haven't had much time, but heres a shot:



Working on the twisting snakes. I have a design worked up for it...it may not be exactly what the book covers show, but it should be cool nonetheless.


Oh, and that little platform at the top is not going to be in there much longer, that was just a test.




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Originally posted by _NinjaGaiden_

Would you be able to make a custom hilt if i drew up some plans for u quamosity????????? Please tell me if you can it would be much apprecaited




I barely have time to finish the ones I am currently working on, let alone take another request

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  • 5 weeks later...

quamosity, if I were going to use one of your saber hilts in SP, exactly how would I set it up so that the hilt texture would be visable in 1st person?


In the /models/weapons2 folder, I create a "saber" folder and dump the contents of the ... say ... saber_q_rahn hilt into it. And then pack it.


When I load it up, the hilt is visable, but it is without texture.


Do I need to edit the model_fpls2.skin file in the KYLE folder?




Also, is there a way to change the kyle saber color in SP without having to manually type in "sabercolor whatever"? I've played around with the npcs file and easily change the npc saber colors, but have not been successful with the 1st person saber.



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