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Using Strong Style?

Darth Vader 10

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Hey guys, it's my first time posting here. Hope I can learn dueling stuff from you great guys out there ;)

I'm just like many of you, an anti-backstabber. I'm usually on the Dark side of the Force but I'm trying to learn to side with the Light, just like Kyle. I'm a Singaporean and I frequent the local dueling servers with Force disabled. Any other Singaporeans here?

Alright, enough of the crap introduction... :D


I use the Strong lightsaber style. I try to get my attack ready and close in to my opponent. However, as soon as the lightsabers clash, I roll away to avoid getting hit. Some people say I'm being coward, but I just don't know what else to do after I landed my hit. It's sort of weird to stand there recovering and risk getting hit. Hence, I need you people's advice on what I should do. Should I change my dueling style or just continue with it?

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IMO there is nothing wrong with your tactic. The first rule in saber fighting is "Don't get hit.", so there ya go. :D


When using strong style, you give your opponent enough possibilities to hit you already with every swing, since you always need some windup time. So there is no need for your opponents to complain.


However, there is not really a need to roll away after each and every hit. Also it depends on what is "away". If you roll once, thats okay, if you roll twice or three times after each hit, this may get annoying to the other one because it takes more time.


But I still wouldn't complain about that or call you a coward because there are ways to take advantage of your behaviour :D


So keep it up... :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by Bluezman

However, there is not really a need to roll away after each and every hit.

Hmm... Why not? As a Strong style user, I find that it's very risky to stay near an opponent especially if he's a Light or Medium user. They can do almost instant hits, unlike Strong users whom have to stall for some time...

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I prefer medium style myself, but I don't see anything wrong with hit-and-run attacks -- the blue-stylists use it all the time, so why can't yellow and red do so, too? Serve them right if they get killed by Strong there/not-there attackers while they try to set up for that irritating lunge attack. :evil5:


Like Bluezman said, the first rule of combat is "don't get hit." Get the other guy to die for his country, not you for yours. :D

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Originally posted by Duelist

Hmm... Why not? As a Strong style user, I find that it's very risky to stay near an opponent especially if he's a Light or Medium user. They can do almost instant hits, unlike Strong users whom have to stall for some time...

I was just trying to figure out why they would call you a coward. If you roll away after each hit say like 20 meters (exaggerating...) I might understand that.


Also, if you move passed your opponent e.g. in a sidesweep move, you are still running passed him and away from him anyway so you would not really need to roll away additionally.


I didn't say you are wrong in doing so. Maybe sometimes it would be wiser to stay close, example: you swing at your opponent and he does a blue lunge, but misses you. Now it would be way more clever to stay close and hit him once more while he is still consumed in the lunge animation and cannot move, than rolling away and missing an opportunity to hit him.


Basically it is a matter of style, whether you like to fight more defensively (rolling away) or offensively (stay close).

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Originally posted by SeraphimII

Wait wait wait. Let me get this straiGHt.





No Force duels. Heavy stance. You hit them you roll away from them?



You after you hit them they're still alive? Are you using heavy right?


Don't be so harsh on the boy. :p


I'm primarily a heavy saber stylist, so I'll share my bountiful pearls of wisdom with you. The first thing you should strive to perfect is your footwork and your depth perception. Footwork because you have to know when to run into striking distance, depth perception because you have to know what your striking range is (it's difficult in 3rd person, so you have to practice).


Once you become a good judge of distance you have to learn swing timing. I read somewhere (and have confirmed many times) that left-sided swings (in heavy stance) are a split-second faster than right-sided swings. I'm sure there's also a damage potential difference, but that speed difference is key. I myself use right-sided swings from a farther distance because of the wind-up time, but switch up to left-sided swings every once in a while to mess with my opponent's timing.


You also should know that you can string certain attacks in heavy stance! For example, you can string forward/right+attack1 --> right+attack1 --> back/right+attack1. My personal favorite is the left+attack1 --> forward/left+attack1, reason being that there's a marked delay between those two attacks, and the second attack is a quick snap (like the lunge), which has caught many people off-guard. Experiment, there's a couple of string attacks you can do.


Oh yeah, a clean forward+attack1 strike can take a person from 100/25 to around 20. :D Learn to use it and be accurate, it can end a match pretty quickly.


Also keep in mind that heavy stance strikes can interrupt most other strikes (except for BSes and lunge/DFA) so, if you have timing, you can break your opponent's offense and defense at the same time.


People think heavy stance is slow and cumbersome. It's far from it, if you have timing and can switch up your strikes.

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I myself use the medium stance, because i like the chains of moves that you can do, but with a bit of strength intertwined in it. Like that other dude said, learn timing and fancy footwork. I have won many a duel from hoppin around like a mexican jumping bean, swingin my saber like a madman. The strong stance is ok, but it tends to make duels too short, cuz one swing will chop ya in half.

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If you REALLY want to kick ass with a sabre, learn to use all the styles. Learn to switch between the styles to deliver the most damage, as the situation warrants.


IE: say you and your opponent start out a ways apart from each other. You have a few options. You can move in quickly, and use blue stance to wail on the guy, then back off quickly. You can rush in with yellow and hope to get in maybe two or three good hits, then back off, or you can try and smack the guy with one, maybe two red hits. OR, you can approach your enemy using red stance, trying to batter down his defenses, then switch to yellow or blue stance when you're up close and deliver as many blows as you can.


Personally, I tend to switch back and forth between yellow and blue stance, since I prefer a faster attack, but red stance does have its advantages IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS. If you depend on one single stance at all times, you'll end up limiting yourself ultimately. When you come up against an adaptable foe (IE: if I see someone using red stance, I let them swing, then move in for the kill while they're recovering), you'll be in serious trouble.


Fundamentally, the various sabre stances are simply tools for you to use. Would you try to use a 1/4" phillips head for every single screw you ever put in? Of course not. So why limit yourself to one single sabre style?

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as the lightsabers clash, I roll away to avoid getting hit. Some people say I'm being coward, but I just don't know what else to do after I landed my hit.

Id rather be a coward then a dead coward :D

Good tactic. Dont be predictable though.

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A few other posts covered it good. Your doing fine to hell with them. If playing one of the 1.04 mods, it's actually pretty cool but sometimes you can stand there and afford to get hit, knowing you'll be blocking perfectly, as soon as your opponenet strikes, then begin your counter strike. BAM.... score.... anyhow.... But beware red stancers, blocking or not they can still take a little bit off you, and if theyre quick can use strong to knock the saber away from you, then switch to blue to get in 2 or 3 hits.....

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This post reflects exactly what I find on any NF Duel server I join. I find that my PING times are significantly lower than others that are on the servers I choose. Im a COMPLETE novice at saber fighting. I prefer the Lightstance since it is easy to perform spins and move around. I roll and jump like crazy so they dont have a target to hit. My favorite and most effective move is the lunge, which usually predicted causing them to jump over me, then a backstab finishes them off. EVERYTIME I do this, Im called a Backstabber (and worse).. I never "A$$ ATTACK". If I suspect hes behind me, I attempt a backstab, which if hes not there, your walking backwards.. Anyhow.. My point is.. People are just sore losers, and have to come up with excuses why they lost, either im "Exploiting" a bug or something like that. I've actually been voted off cuz I was 17/2 on a Duel server and my ping was 30 to everyone elses 80+.. It is very easy to predict moves when your PING time is low.

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