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GE Predator

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"Yes, we are discussing changes to the PvP system.


Yes, it might involve removing Outcasting and wild space.


The reasons why we are considering it are:

to simplify the system

to ensure that people feel a sense of "belonging"

to the different sides (even in support roles)

to provide PvE ways of fighting the GCW

to strengthen the PvP side of the equation as well

to try to empower towns to have more control over their space In other words, it would NOT be to have one side or the other of the eternal PvP debate "win."


The game will not have PK gankers.


We are also not cutting PvP.


Nothing in the basic philosophies has changed. What we are trying to do is improve on the system we have. Not change direction."


No wild space and outcasting?! AHH!! Why don't they just remove ALL any means of being a bad guy? Effectively chopping SWG's balls off. *sigh*


MAN, this game BETTER not turn out to have a target audience of 10 year olds. My clan and I have been hoping so much that SWG will live up to all the hype, but I get the feeling it'll probably be 'just another neat game'.

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oh bugger that. thoguh im sure they know that a 10 year old audince wont have one thing it needs. a Credit Card =) so we wont have to worry to much, just rember the movies are really mellow but the games and books of EU are alot more violent. hopefully thell bas eit off the later.

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"Oh God! This Star Wars Galaxies is going to turn our children into bloodthirsty maniacs! You must censor this game, because we as parents are too wrapped up in our own lives to properly raise our children and monitor what they do!"


-The overbearing people of the world who

try to set the standard for everyone.



They are going to kill this game before it begins, if they keep it up. MMORPG's are geared toward more mature players, not kids. They can release games like Grand Theft Auto III on a console, but Star Wars, without a doubt the "cleanest" film you can see is being shredded.


A sense of "belonging"? this is a galaxy in turmoil, riddled by civil war. I understand the community aspect, but if they are not careful, they will take it too far.


This is starting to really annoy me.


Whew. . .OK, venting is finished.:D

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Maniac Mothers On Requiring Parental Guidance.....


Yeah stupid censors to bad the game wasnt be made in the UK or germany the censors are so much more libral, htoguh the violence would be really low. The us has the most violent video agmes out there with maybe the exception of Japan. We just cringe and cover our eyes if nudity or sex is invovled...

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If they curtail all of these things, they will kill most of the game's appeal along with their revenue. The SW universe was like the old west. Wild and untamed. I think Sckitzo has a good point. The little kids still under their mother's thumb don't have credit cards, and I think that is what Lucasarts will look at. The Wild Space must survive.:D

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i'm not 1 of those crazy star wars enthusiasts - but i did watch the movies...& one scene in particular fits right in2 this ****...

in the first movie (not the horrid Episode I - the real first 1 A New Hope (i think that's what it was called) & they were all in the bar & obi wan chops up sum dude right in front of evrybody & nobody cares much at all...& the same a few minutes later when han kills gredo...the star wars world obviously embraces violence if nothing else, and this must be supported in the games...therefore, i was against seein the whole "outcasting", but the "Wild Space" would be great - unless by removing these two concepts they mean to make the entire universe a "wild space", where the only consequences are what the ppl who see may the act may choose to do.


& what's "PvE"?

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PvE = Player vs Environment


I think the reason that they changed outcasting was so that people could roleplay being villains. The devs are planning on setting things up so that the major/leader of a community decides the local laws with respect to PvP.


Could work very well, could go horribly wrong...

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Originally posted by YourGod

i'm not 1 of those crazy star wars enthusiasts - but i did watch the movies...& one scene in particular fits right in2 this ****...

in the first movie (not the horrid Episode I - the real first 1 A New Hope (i think that's what it was called) & they were all in the bar & obi wan chops up sum dude right in front of evrybody & nobody cares much at all...& the same a few minutes later when han kills gredo...the star wars world obviously embraces violence if nothing else, and this must be supported in the games...therefore, i was against seein the whole "outcasting", but the "Wild Space" would be great - unless by removing these two concepts they mean to make the entire universe a "wild space", where the only consequences are what the ppl who see may the act may choose to do.

I think there is a major piece of information missing from your analysis. The bar all that happened in (and yes it was in A New Hope) was known as a "hive of scum and villany". I think you go too far to say that because the people in there didn't care about a couple of murders that the "star wars world obviously embraces violence".

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On the issue of violence and censorship within video games, the game could ne The Smurf's Big Online Adventure and some parent somewhere would want to censor it on the grounds that its degrading toward blue people.

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LOL! I hear you, Koffin. I remember a certain Smurf episode where a virus was spread by a fly, which turned some of the Smurfs purple. Well, the blue Smurfs went to capture and cure the Purple smurfs and a "battle" ensued, if you can call it that. Anyway, a woman actually complained in the news that the episode was promoting racism because the blue Smurfs were trying to subjugate the purple Smurfs, because they were a different color. :rolleyes:


The point being, there are people who are going to find fault with anything, no matter how innocent. Besides Disney and Star Wars films, you would be hard-pressed to find a movie you would feel comfortable taking your children to. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Norin Radd

Besides Disney and Star Wars films, you would be hard-pressed to find a movie you would feel comfortable taking your children to. :D


Go rewatch Star Wars. Count the dismemberments, deaths, weapons. See what you think then ;)

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