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A Republic Gunship we can all live with!

Darth Windu

Which would you prefer for the Republic Gunship in SW:GB?  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you prefer for the Republic Gunship in SW:GB?

    • Gunship as the 2nd Republic unique unit
    • Gunship as a toybox unit
    • Gunship as a cheat unit
    • I don\'t want the Gunship at all

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Ack. Everybody, please, let's just get back to discussion of the Gunship.


In reflection, using this thread as a gunship discussion thread for SW:GB 2 is pretty pointless, considering that it's a poll about the proposed GB 1 UU gunship.


Personally, in SW:GB 2, I'd like to see a new unit class (if it's unique, just a general kind of unit) called the Assault Transport or some such, and the Gunship fits this bill perfectly.

I'm too lazy to post particulars, so just head on over to the SW:GB 2 thread if you want to know.

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Personally, in SW:GB 2, I'd like to see a new unit class (if it's unique, just a general kind of unit) called the Assault Transport or some such, and the Gunship fits this bill perfectly.


Exactly what I said at least one month ago...

Anyway, I think it gets interest for the sw flight simulators players only 'cause I've never heard of the assault transport anywhere else.

But this won't change windu's mind 'cause he wants a damn ''unique'' Republic gunship.

Sooo let LA make another RTS with an unique set so this problem can be solved.

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You thought of that, Luke's dad? And here's me thinking I'm all special and I've come up with a totally new idea. You've shattered my hopes. *shatters* ;)

Er.... I really didn't have the purpose of satisying flight sim players when I came up with that idea (or didn't come up with it, as such). I haven't heard of the Assault Transport either. It's just a "unit class." For example, nobody's heard of a Heavy Assault Mech, but everyone knows the AT-AT.


OK, Windu, here's a basic layout of what I'm trying to say. If SW:GB 2 does have unique unit sets, every civ will have something that flies, shoots things, and moves units. But they'll all have very different stats. For example, the Republic Gunship may be quite a lot faster and better armed than the Imperial Lander, or something like that.


I think I've said this before in the "unique or generic" thread... anyway, the fact is that "unique" unit sets still have similarities. For example, in WCIII, everyone has a first-tier Barracks unit; everyone has a scout-style flier; everyone has a far more powerful flier- BUT they all greatly differ in stats.


It's this stats difference that would make the Republic Gunship incredibly different to the Imperial Lander, and thus, both are unique.

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It amazes me how the topic of the stupid Gunship and Assault Transports, etc. is still being discussed! Don't you ever get TIRED or just plain BORED of this topic and Thread??? It is going round in circles and is repetative.


I actually feel sick everytime i see a post for this thread in my mail! So, i'm going to unsubscribe from this Thread as it is completely and utterly DEAD!


Ta ta.

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The gunship should be a unique unit for the republic. Why? BECAUSE IT IS UNIQUE!!!!!!!!! (ie no-one else has anything like it). The other civ's may have armed transports, but they are very different to assault transports, such as the gunship.

In the same thread you have contradicted yourself. You say the gunship is unique and you mention that it's an ASSAULT TRANSPORT!


Matrix- It's true. but we just so love to argue!

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sithmaster - as i have said before, the Gunship should be a UU because it's unique. Why else would a UNIQUE unit be called a unique unit?


Madrix - if you dont like it, dont post here, its very simple.


corran - if it was done so that, for example the gunship was an infantry assault transport, while the Imperial lander was effectively a transport with guns, i wouldnt have a problem with that.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

corran - if it was done so that, for example the gunship was an infantry assault transport, while the Imperial lander was effectively a transport with guns, i wouldnt have a problem with that.


oh, okay... i'm sure lucas arts will make sure that anything they do in the future will meet up to this tool's standards (windu, not corran). give me a break. completely, and utterly clueless... i still why don't see why he has such a hard on for the gunship anyway...

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Hey. You calling me a tool!?

All I'm trying to do is reach some kind of agreement here. What's wrong with unique unit sets? I'm sure LA will do that and try to make the units like they were in the movies, without ruining gameplay and the like.


Windu- what exactly do you mean by "infantry assault transport" and "transport with guns"? Are they fast? Slow? Armoured? Armed? Agile? And so on.

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I think he was calling Windu a tool.


As for differences between an Assault Transport and an Armed Transport, I would think it would have to do with the combative structure of the unit. An assault transport would probably better armed, faster, and more agile. Given the better speed and agility, it would most likely be smaller, and transport smaller units. Its purpose would be to drop units and remain with those units to lay down cover fire (good air-to-ground fire).


An Armed Transport would would be bigger, slower, less agile, with lighter weapons. Because of its larger size, it would generally have a more stable hull (more hps, and possibly more armour). Its purpose would primarily be dropping off the payload and getting out as soon as possible to gather more units. Weapons would be primarily for defense... nothing powerful, but capable of at least doing some damage to anything attacking it.


Of course, we could set up a transport like assault mech of the air as well. Would carry smaller units, but a lot more of them, well armed/armoured with a large hull. Basically an ATAT with wings. Don't know how many people would want it for transport purposes though, since it would be a lot slower than the other transports (like the AMs are already).



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I would like to point out that saying something should be a unique unit becasue it is unique isnt a knowledgable arguement. It is the arguement of someone who has an inexplicable desire for a gunship uu, but lacks any reasoning for it other than saying its unique 100 different ways. Look at Kryllith and my posts a ways back for knowledgable points and counterpoints for a gunship uu.

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It's a nice idea to have an armed transport and an assault transport but it seems that one of them will be useless. I mean, why should you use an assault transport when you have an armed transport? Of course with the assault one you could do raids but it is a little too much micromanagement in the heat of the battle.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

The gunship should be a unique unit for the republic. Why? BECAUSE IT IS UNIQUE!!!!!!!!! (ie no-one else has anything like it). The other civ's may have armed transports, but they are very different to assault transports, such as the gunship.


They are called fighters, and many of the civs have them. Yes, I know, people with simplistic minds cannot see past appearance, but use is more important than how the unit looks, what it was modeled off of, etc. It has also been stated that the troops carried, when matched with the scale of the game, amounts to less than one trooper... so the transport capacity is negligible, and other than that they were very nearly used as... fighters! If uniqueness was based only on appearance, then AT-AT's would be an Empire UU! And so would TIE fighters! I don't see any other planes that look like TIE's! And they were less expensive, and easily mass-producable, making them unique. The price bonus is not acceptable! I want a UU! :rolleyes:


Now, why do you not want any other civs to get armed transports? You want your precious republic to be overpowered. Then you can host a zonegame, say "only host can be reps" and come close to winning the game for the first time in your life.


Summary: Your motives for wanting the Gunship are that you want an overpowered civ, and the Gunship is not nearly as incredibly unique as you make it out to be. Sure, it looks different, and has a different size, but it was used in almost exactly the same way.

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OK. Thanks for the clarification, pbguy.


Sith- yeah, we get the point about the circular logic. I hate to point this out, but you've been going on about it for around the entire thread. And continually raving on about the same topic is something you've been yelling at Windu for.... :D


Simwiz- Though I wouldn't have been as insulting as you, you're basically right. Every civ has a kind of armed/assault/whatever transport, and every civ deserves one. (for SW:GB 2- must remember that!)


OK. Here's the way I see it.

Assault Transport- Fighter speed, can carry 7/8 units up to Strike Mech size (no heavy weapons). Good air-to-ground weaponry, OK health/shields, pretty bad armour. Generally good for a combo Fighter/Bomber/ground troop strike. The fighters come in and take out enemy fighters, Bombers destroy the buildings, Assault Transports drop their troops (who deal with enemy units) and also help in destroying enemy troopers.

Art examples: Republic Gunship, Lamda-class shuttle.


Armed Transport- Bomber (or worse) speed, can carry 10/15 units, of any size. Vaguely decent weapons, primarily for Air-to-Air defence. Powerful health/shields, very good armour. Used when you're really serious about going in and blowing the enemy base to bits. Generally goes in with fighter support, drops heavy weapons and heavy mechs, and goes home for more.

Art examples: Imperial Lander, Rebel Transport, etc. (basically the normal transport, if anyone else has other ideas tell me.)


As you can see, they both have individual roles, and complement each other (and other units) nicely.

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