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Discussion 1.6 Player vs Player

Wraith 8

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Now i saw on the main forums a huge Discussion about this subject. and i wonder if we can get some of that in here.


first can some one tell ne the defenition of PLayer vs Player and what is so bad about the new system and the advantages of the old system.


-wraith 8-

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Originally posted by ewok hunter

I really don't care either way. I just going to mind my own buissness buying and selling things in various towns.

i mostly agree with you.. but acording to the main forums on Starwarsgalaxies.com.. a lot of members found this not such a good idea... the change that is.. i was wondering how people in here thought about it
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well here is what the new PvP system will include:


- a PK switch that keeps newbies and true PvE folks from accidentally shooting a Stormtrooper and thus engaging in PvP


- places and ways for PvEers to fight the war without interference from PvPers


- places and ways for PvPers to fight the war without interference from PvEers


- everyone gets impacted by the outcome of the war


- people can sign up as "PvP Rebels" or "PvE Rebels." PvE Rebels get temporarily flagged (like UO gray flagging sort of) if they interfere.


- towns can basically decide how they want to handle PvP




Not so sure I agree with the last one. Basicly the towns have all the control, and will assume no risk unless they prefer to. I feel the old system emersed us with a greater feel for the SW universe than the current system.

Basicly a certain degree aof risk exhisted throughout the galaxy despite the threat of outcasting.

Now if a rebel base is built next to an imperial base, and both do not allow PvP, basicly they will both be forced to co exhist peacefully by an internal restriction within the game rather then be able to interact with each other in character.

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I think most people are unhappy because they don't really understand what the new system is about.


It is not just taking outcasting away and leaving everything as is.


There are now two types of players types in a faction.


A) A declared member. These guys are PvP 24/7


B) Covert member. These guys don't do PvP unless they choose to. Covert players are more PvE players and fight NPC's rather than real people. But they can still fight real people. However, if they decide to kill a stormtrooper outside of a PvE battlefield they incur a TEF (temporary enemy flag). This means they can be attacked by other players of an enemy faction for a certain amount of time.


I think the new system will create a more Star Wars environment because of the enhanced GCW (Galactic Civil War).


The estimated population ratios are as follows.


5% Declared member

35% Covert member

60% Neutral


NOTE: Both Declared and covert members are fully fledged members of their factions. Both of the types get come with their own perks.

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yeah the problem is that you can now predetermine whether you want to be a victim or an agressor. Now, if you choose to play the game without any risk it is certainly possible.


Im just saying, the imperial arms dealer who sets up shop next door to a rebel base knowing that the other side cant touch him is going to conflict with the continuity a little bit.


Dont get me wrong, I wasnt to fond of the outcasting idea either, however i feel it is still the better system.

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Well, if you don't like how a town is run, make a bid for mayor...


I can see factions using political intrigue to gain a deciding vote in other towns to change legislation so that an attack can take place...


PA leader - Right guys, we are going to raise that other PA town to the ground.


PA assitant - My Lord, is that legal?


PA leader - I will make it legal!


It won't be easy but I imagine that a skilled spy could pull it off...

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Now im just confused...

I just want to live in a neutral base, and 'smith weapons untill I become Uber L337, then I'll shoot some Imps.. right now back to those 'possible' weapon designs.. :jawa


(Uh.. I think I need to read more about this game, I think iv forgoten what the point of the game is...lol)

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