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Map for Darth Maul fight


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I was wondering, I'm new to the forms so bear with me here, (yes I can't spell) has anyone made a power generator fight for JK2? The one where Darth Maul dies and there is the several lazer walls? Just wondering, thanks? I just though that would be a cool map, especialy if you could get someone with a Maul Skin and 2 others with a Obi, and Gin skin.:fett:

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Yes there IS!!!


And it is one of the most popular maps ever downloaded!!!


But beware...it takes 20 MB of Harddisk space :D (not kidding)


I will give you 2 links, so if the other don't work, the next might... :)


Here at jedioutcastmaps.com




Here at JK2files.com


Enjoy!! And should there be any other things u are in the searcg for, just ask!

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Originally posted by Hanch Saode

Yes there IS!!!


And it is one of the most popular maps ever downloaded!!!


It also has one of the worst framerates I've ever witnessed in a non-beta map.


Downloaded it, looked around in it, then deleted it because it was so dog slow.

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Duel of Fates (ffaepisode1) map is great for that, I have all my duels held in the pit area. That map has some great custom textures, it's a very nice map, there's also another similar map, that just has the reactors and pit area (No Hangar) I forgot what that map was called. I just wish the ffaepisode1 map had Naboo Starfighter prefabs instead of Lando's ladyluck. :confused:

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Originally posted by Xzzy


It also has one of the worst framerates I've ever witnessed in a non-beta map.


Downloaded it, looked around in it, then deleted it because it was so dog slow.


Exactly. Even with that much detail, it could still have run faster. I've seen much more detailed levels that run faster than that.


Also what I don't like is it's inaccuracy. There were SIX of those big purple power cores in EP1, not like 12 or however many there are in that level. Also, the hanger shouldn't open up, and that stupid tunnel in the pit area wasn't in the movie. That's all crap taken from the bogus EP1 video game.

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I think that the main reason the map is so bloody slow is because of the Lady Luck in the hangar.

The map runs fine for me, but every time I even look at that ship, it moves slow as hell.


If somebody could remake this map, WITHOUT the Lady Luck, it would probably be a lot better.


Or, perhaps it's just my computer that has troubles with prefabs like that.

I know that in the IRG Coruscant map, whenever I look in the general direction of the shuttle on the top of the platform, it moves slow as hell

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As far I know, there was talking about the update of this map, where that crappy ship would be replaced by some Naboo N1 fighters....which I am really looking forward to!!


But still I find it a very great map...


And yes, as I said earlier, there is another map.....featuring only the reactor with the area of shield doors and the pit....


It's by the clan nWo2k....is far as I recall!!


Also there is another map featuring the hangar only....though I don't like the size of the N1 fighters in that map...they seem a little too small....

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Originally posted by Eklin

I think that the main reason the map is so bloody slow is because of the Lady Luck in the hangar.

The map runs fine for me, but every time I even look at that ship, it moves slow as hell.


The ship probably doesn't help but I suspect the biggest problem is the door between the reactor area and the hangar. When the door is closed it's probably fine (at least I HOPE the guy put an area portal in) but as soon as someone opens that door jk2 has to draw pretty much the entire map, every frame.


It's also the detail in the hangar.. the arches and niches look pretty but they really make it painful to drop the lady luck in there too.


I think the moral of the story is that movie sets don't neccessarily make good maps. ;)

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Originally posted by Xzzy


The ship probably doesn't help but I suspect the biggest problem is the door between the reactor area and the hangar. When the door is closed it's probably fine (at least I HOPE the guy put an area portal in) but as soon as someone opens that door jk2 has to draw pretty much the entire map, every frame.


It's also the detail in the hangar.. the arches and niches look pretty but they really make it painful to drop the lady luck in there too.


I think the moral of the story is that movie sets don't neccessarily make good maps. ;)


exactly why i don't make maps based on the movies... not only that pressure to make it exact from the community but it's extremely restrictive in what you really want to do. i prefer original maps/map ideas myself.

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SithBrakiss, what are the specs of your "average" comp that doesn't suffer slowdown from FFAEPISODE1?


I like the map. It's nice. Lots of nifty areas you can get to, like the big room under the hangar, the walkway above the Lady Luck that leads to some other secluded walkways, and the little area behind the pit room. I actually needed the "use" button! Framerate is only bad in the big reactor room, and it sucks. It would be such a cool place to fight in, but everyone avoids it because the framerate goes so low.


I have one other episode1 map that only includes the big reactor room, the forcefields, and the pit room on the other side. It's smooth, but not very detailed. And the bots are total idiots in that map. They do nothing but jump around, fall off and die. The best I can do is give them a push so I get credit for the kill.

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Actually, when being one of the unofficial beta testers of the 2 different versions made by LivingDeadJedi, the lady luck for the most part reduced FPS, on my Radeon 7200 overclocked, it only got 40fps without the Lady Luck, but with the Lady Luck, it gets 60-80... some settings that will help FPS, but not really r_speeds are the HunkMegs and adjusting the fps default.. by default it is set to 85.. by typing set com_maxfps 120 it will adjust it accordingly to default it to a higher framerate...hence better gameplay, in some areas I went from 20 fps to 50 fps...

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i love ffaepisode1, it works fine for me. i do wish someone would just cut off the hang area so there is just the catwalks and the place with like 10 forcefields and the pit where maul dies. 1 thing though, the pit where maul dies is the right siz but there should be more walking space around it and alos the tow openings that lead to the bacta there should be closed also

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Originally posted by Andy867

by typing set com_maxfps 120 it will adjust it accordingly to default it to a higher framerate...hence better gameplay, in some areas I went from 20 fps to 50 fps...

That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


Just to prove it to yourself, go somewhere in some map where you get less than 60fps. Stand completely still and type com_maxfps 80. See what happens.


And really try it, don't just assume. You know what assuming does.

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