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Tusken Raider in Progress

Major Clod

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Hey all, just letting you know that my Tusken Raider is finally available for download.




It should be up at JK2files.com soon too.










I've started working on a Tusken Raider player model. There are some shots of it below. I will most likely include a Gaderffi Stick replacement for the lightsaber with the model.


Skinned front view


Skinned back view


Faceted front view


Faceted back view


The model itself is virtually finished. All that remains now is a few skin touch ups, and to assign it to the skeleton. I have already done a few quick weighting tests before I mapped the mesh so that I know it will deform properly. This is always a good thing to do when creating models.


As always, let me know what you think.

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I will try to get LOD's in this time. Multi-res is the best tool for the job, it is far better than the optimise tool. The reason I did not include LOD's in my previous models is because so many of the vertices were hand weighted. I did not have the time nor do I particularly fell like weighting the mesh 3 times over. However the Tusken Raiders baggy clothing supports the envelopes in the Skin tool much better than my previous models, so it is simply a matter of saving the envelopes and reloading them for each LOD. I try to go back to Jar Jar sometime soon and add LOD's, its just it isn't the most interesting of tasks. :)

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major clod strikes again! yet another *BLEEP* incredible model. great work!


are you planning on keeping him as a generic tusken raider? what about the jedi "something-or-other hett" who lived on tatooine with the tusken raiders and dressed like them? i guess that if he dressed like they did, anybody can say it IS him.


whatever ... i'm babbling ... don't mind me ... the model is so amazing i can't think straight. :D

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Clod, you freaking RULE! :D:D:D You are a damn awesome modeler! That tusken looks awesome!

For sounds, the taunt has GOT to be that 'Raawg!' Yelling warcry they make! :) The rest might be tricky though. As for the CTF skins, what are they gonna look like? :)

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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty


I sure hope its kit fisto or an ewok :) (im keeping an eye on that avatar)


Major Clod you rule! how on earth do you churn these models out so fast ?!?!


Maybe he doesn't live on earth, maybe he lives on a planet that's rotation is faster then earths so days seem like hours to him.

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Another major Clod Model,

A Classic, Needed Character Model,

And best of all...

An amazing peice of work!!


Thank you so much, Major.


A possibly good source for tusken raider sounds could be from the The Masters Of Tera Kesai playstation game. Just in case you need some pain sounds that you cannot find.

Just give a shout if you need any help in that area, but knowing the work you've done in the past, you're probably fine on your own. :)





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I just started one 2 days ago! It will be done soon, skins and all, the only saving grace is that mine is tailored specifically for Sharad and A'Sharad Hett.


Kick ass though! Thanks for yet another new model!


How do you do that so fast anyway? I bet you have some top secret ultra time saving techniques. lol


Or a time machine.

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Originally posted by adillon

what about the jedi "something-or-other hett" who lived on tatooine with the tusken raiders


sharad hett (or maybe a'sharad hett - i've found reference to both) is who i was talking about.


this guy ...








major clod, ROCK ON!

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