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my thoughts on the 1.4 patch ,,|,,


gimme a flipping break!pull and push are USELESS!!USELESS!!


im not even going to go off on the other obvious mess ups with the patch.....




who makes the patches..i mean what division..i want to email them,in fact all of us should.If you cannot see the obvious wrongs with this Quake wannabe...maybe u should play the game longer than a week.


i want to know the reasoning for making such a horrible mistake.

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Pull is still good. Many people don't assign many points to pull in favor of the Push which is a million times better...or was...


Now if you have equal ranks in these skills you may block it, much like how the reborns and shadow troopers preformed in SP.

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before both of you go on a '1.04 suxors' crusade, please read the post right below these... one of which I should lock, prob both, and tell you to go to the sticky threadat the top of the page...


oh yeah, the other post is about damagescale....

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no disrespect.....but im not a l337 talking 13 yr old.you may speak to me as an adult,for i am prolly ur senior...im just saying the patch(and i have read all around these boards about it b4 i posted)is ruining the game.pls play it and let us know how u feel about it,compared to 1.3 and even 1.2.i beleive u cannot honestly say that u like this better for JO.

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Originally posted by worryman

no disrespect.....but im not a l337 talking 13 yr old.you may speak to me as an adult,for i am prolly ur senior...im just saying the patch(and i have read all around these boards about it b4 i posted)is ruining the game.pls play it and let us know how u feel about it,compared to 1.3 and even 1.2.i beleive u cannot honestly say that u like this better for JO.


no but you are also not a english talking person either... yet.;)


why do you know what I like better then I do?


may I ask a question without being flamed? why did not give any reasons besides push and pull are useles, that the new 1.04 patch is bad? who made you god?

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I dislike the patch as well very much so. I am not on some 'crusade' or something. I have lurked on these forums since the game was released, but have not felt as if I had to post until now, once the game is not fun to me.

Also, you locked my thread saying I posted the same thing '2 hours ago'. Pretty amazing, seeing that I just registered. Also, I have valid points. I am not a teenager spamming the forums - I am a adult who enjoys PC games and is upset with the changes to the game and simply wants to voice his opinion in the hopes something can be done.

If you want to lock my threads for that, or ban me for it, then this forum can go to hell - I will not be part of such a biased forum if that is the case - and I do not think it is, based on what I have seen in my lurking over the past few months.

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No he did NOT say you posted the same thing two hours ago.


I remarked that there are TWO OR MORE threads up on the front page, in the top recent postings, that are about the EXACT SAME THINGS. (BTW, I don't mod here so you really don't have to put up with me if you don't want to. I mod over at the GB.com boards who are networked in with all the lucasforums)


There is no reason to say one thing in one thread then hop over to the other and then say the exact same thing so it was best to either close the thread or merge it. (BTW, mods really don't have to justify their actions so learn to live with it);)


If you want to lock my threads for that, or ban me for it, then this forum can go to hell - I will not be part of such a biased forum if that is the case - and I do not think it is, based on what I have seen in my lurking over the past few months.


ROTFL!!! Ban you for that? LMAO!!!:D

No wesen not likee dat herrrrreeee...(at least I don't think so...last time I checked...*looks around wondering if he's right or not*)


[edit]Your actually lucky this thread has stayed up, because previous threads have been locked and people have been directed to the Patch discussion thread that is stickied to the top of the board[/edit]

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i agree van,


who made me god?whos the one locking threads,the only way we americans can..and yes i am american..can change things is to voice our opinions,if enough of us voice what is wrong with this game..THEY WILL CHANGE IT.


and it shows your age btw,grading my forum response.

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Originally posted by worryman

i agree van,


who made me god?whos the one locking threads,the only way we americans can..and yes i am american..can change things is to voice our opinions,if enough of us voice what is wrong with this game..THEY WILL CHANGE IT.


and it shows your age btw,grading my forum response.


I am not really intended to be doing this... but I will anyway...


guess my age.




I could use the laugh....:rolleyes:

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"Pull is still good. Many people don't assign many points to pull in favor of the Push which is a million times better...or was... "



um...no.most people dont assign points into these?um..ive been dueling for quit some time now,and i have given 1.4 a looong gaming session today,and i maybe pulled a person down twice(i am shooting high).


btw..i agree with some of the patches..but why take out the blue stance forward slash after a jump?not the one where u can float down gracfully,the attack?

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who made me god?whos the one locking threads,the only way we americans can..and yes i am american..can change things is to voice our opinions


free speech is a privilege you have to earn it to use it..


This patch was developed to please crybabies I am afraid.


would you stop crying about it...look whos complaining! O NO, I can't be the godly-backstab-whore anymore...boohoo...live with it or don't play it. In other words, suck it up. I personally feel the patch is great because it makes backstab/backsweep so much less cheap. I think Raven did a good jobin realeasing this patch, just hope more servers would start using it...

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umm ok?did i mention anyting about bs?hmmm?hmmm?i didnt think so.and get it right,im a draining whore...they didnt nerf that..so in response to u...um...yeah.


oph and SPY_jmr1,

im not attacking you or anything,but have u and do u play the game at all?

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Originally posted by worryman

oph and SPY_jmr1,

im not attacking you or anything,but have u and do u play the game at all?


nither am I.


yes, I have the game. yes I play it alot. yes I WILL kick your ass.(maybe not your's, but anyone's)


I am not jumping on you, but useing english like the rest of us, would send your quality rating soaring... just FYI....

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Originally posted by worryman

Lord Groove is my ingame handle..search for me...i would love to duel u,even with the 1.4.see u there...and gl.


please... not tonight... I'm a few timezones east of you, and its really late here...


can I get a rain check?

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Why are people getting so uptight? The new patch has barely been out a day. It will probably take at least a week of playing to "get the hang" of the new stuff, right? Just like it did for the 1.03 patch.


I wouldn't expect anyone to be a master overnight, and just like the last patch a few people are getting pissed off just because they aren't automatically winning every time with it.


Anyhow, when I get time I'll be updating my Strategy page to reflect both patches, but it will not be for awhile yet. G'night folks... play nice, I don't want to have to ban anybody tomorrow.

; )

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Oh yes - please post a Sticky 'patch 1.04 complaints thread - we can vent our displeasure, and the fanboies can prove us wrong. Trust me - I want to be proven wrong! I love this game but the things I have seen right now with the *untweaked* 1.04 are horrible. The *tweaked* 1.04 is much better, but how many server admins are going to tweak them? 5%? 10%.


Also, since the other threads were locked, I will post this again so everyone can see it :


NO you wont, there was a reason those posts were closed, you were REPEATING yourself... aka SPAM, now for the 4th time...


there was a code of conduct you agreed to when you joined this forum. its posted at the top of this page for anyone to see. I would strongly sugjest you read it VERY closely....




There we go. Please note all my comments are based on patch 1.04 - UNTWEAKED.

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Oh and spy_01 or whatever it is, please son. lol I will respect your admin powers, despite your age, but just make sure you follow the board rules ok> ? :)

I have been playing on the net long before your first computer was a gleam in your eye. :) I love saying that ;)

Let's be friends ok? I got upset because I thought you were trying to shut up EVERYONE who even said one negative thing about patch 1.04. Is that the case? Remember, I have been lurking here for almost 9 months - long before you came here. I know this boards 'aura' pretty well - and I know you have been fair in the past as well. I just ask you keep that same fairness when you see negative comments! I dont care if they are in one thread all the way in the back - just do not try to remove all negative comments! Make a sticky for negative comments then lock all the rest that are negative - it sounds like you all want only one place where negative comments are made, so do it! :)

Also, you will find if redeeming features are found about the patch, I will come back to the same thread and post that I was incorrect and/or am happy now about changes in server commands and/or emergency patches.

I am one of the FEW online who do that - I always clean up after myself :)


Let's all be friends - we all like the game - that is why we are here. :) Also, a quick update, I have played on a tweaked 1.04 server and it is a little better - but I still want the ankle turn back. it was a challenge to turn yourself while backstabbing to hit someone - now that element is gone - while I stand there either missing or hitting and having nothing to do until animation is over - or watch a heavy backslash get blocked ( which is very absurd lol )


Ok there we go for now :)


- Van

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Wow, this reminds me of the posts flying around after 1.03 went live.


Hell, I was extremely anti-1.03 based on the saber damage lowering and the increased blocking and often flamed people who were pro-patch (and strangely I never see those people in this forum anymore :) I think they got bakstabbed to much and just quit lol).


So far, I like the changes. I always thought force pull was overpowered anyway and I no longer have to worry about backing into a mad spinning backsweep blender. Forward lunge in mid-air was annoying at first but easily countered when you got used to it. I have been a kicker since playing MP so I can handle the kick spammers. Increased ammo with one of the more powerful weapons will probably cut down on some of the flag whoring in CTF.


All in all some good changes. I wish alot of you complainers had experiened 1.02 with increased saber damage and lower blocking. At the games inception, finishing moves were optional- you could get killed in 5-10 seconds with just regular saber swings from an experienced saberist. It was alot more intense then the vanilla saber combat post 1.03. Unfortunately, alot of people whined that fights were over to fast. :(

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Originally posted by worryman

"Pull is still good. Many people don't assign many points to pull in favor of the Push which is a million times better...or was... "



um...no.most people dont assign points into these?um..ive been dueling for quit some time now,and i have given 1.4 a looong gaming session today,and i maybe pulled a person down twice(i am shooting high).


btw..i agree with some of the patches..but why take out the blue stance forward slash after a jump?not the one where u can float down gracfully,the attack?


I'm guessing they had to take it out to eliminate the "floating" exploit.


It's a shame, I used that move a good bit...it was excellent for punishing a DFA-spammer on a narrow platform :p

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Originally posted by worryman

i agree van,


who made me god?whos the one locking threads,the only way we americans can..and yes i am american..can change things is to voice our opinions,if enough of us voice what is wrong with this game..THEY WILL CHANGE IT.


and it shows your age btw,grading my forum response.


Wah. No, seriously. Wah. I haven't even played 1.04 yet, and I know I like it, simply because you don't.


Also, I wouldn't be bragging about your age. If you're older than twenty, you should be ashamed of yourself. Try taking a typing class, or here's an idea, learn how to speak the language that is spoken by the majority of your country. "u" is not a valid substitute for "you," no matter how many times you type it. And You can run your mouth saying how old you are, but if you keep talking like that, we're going to believe you even less.


One last thing. If you hate the game so much right now, stop playing it. You knew, you KNEW, they were going to fix push/pull and backstabs. God, the devs have said multiple times how the backstab pivot thing is a bug, as is the damage and unblockability of it. The vocal minority won't win out with this game, my friend. Leanr how to play with the new patch, or keep playing with your assfighting buddies on old servers.

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