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OMG! WTF!? I'm not l337 anymore!?

Luc Solar

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Originally posted by HellFyre69

yeah dude.. I can relate.. 1.04 is n00b heaven...


4 out of 5 duels servers, there has a been sum spamming with the blue stance.. I thought.. a n00b, this will be ez kill for me.. yet i lost 4 out 6 games against him!! In fact he almost win the duel, if it wasnt sum who could own the n00b!!... Man.. attacking like crazy with the blue stance aint skill.. is just... n00bish!!


let me see if i get this.. if you only use one stance while dueling, your a spammish n00b?


OMFG, you only used blue stance, get some sk33l u lamer

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Originally posted by Keeper


What the hell is sk33l?

I'd say it's $k!LL$ but maybe that's just me =-)


ph34r my 1337 $k!LL$ :p



lol.. u got me.. i dont usually use h4x0r so i was bound to make some mistakes.. anyways u get the idea right?



w00t! :D

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Originally posted by power_ed


let me see if i get this.. if you only use one stance while dueling, your a spammish n00b?


OMFG, you only used blue stance, get some sk33l u lamer


is not the stance.. Heck i used blue stance all the time!!.. But the way he was fighting dude.. He just keep swinging and swinging.. Too bad it was a nf server, because otherwise, i would have spam his ass with guns.

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Originally posted by HellFyre69


is not the stance.. Heck i used blue stance all the time!!.. But the way he was fighting dude.. He just keep swinging and swinging.. Too bad it was a nf server, because otherwise, i would have spam his ass with guns.


oh.. sorry dude.. :)

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1 4m tH3 0n3 4n|) 0n7y kk1nG 0f 733t zP34kk!!!1l1!11L1!lo!1looll!!! n080|)y k4n m4tkH my u883r 733tn3zz f0r 1 4m tH3 Gr34t3zt m0zt 733t 0f tH3 733t 3v4r t0 71v3!!!1l1!11L1!lo!1looll!!! 477 y0ur f0rk3 4r3 8370nG t0 uz!!!1l1!11L1!lo!1looll!!!!!!1l1!11L1!lo!1looll!!!!!!1l1!11L1!lo!1looll!!!


Supreme 0\/\//\/4GE

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I feel violated...I STARTED THIS TYPE OF MESSAGE. (Ask Kal el HE knows whats going down.)


Hrm....my idea....stolen....stolen from me....I must make a return very soon....


My original message like *this....was about how gay saber defense is and how raven should nerf it.....



-Merc out


Life's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. I just hope I don't run out of ammo.

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Every hear of a little thing called Darwinianism?

Survival of the fittest?


If you can't adapt to a new environment, you obviously NEVER WERE "1337".


Same goes to everyone else who complains that n00bs are cutting them to shreds.


If the game is so much easier now, then how come your not "owning" even more than before?

Why aren't all the 1337 players keeping their edge over n00bs?


Perhaps it's because they are truly the fittest players for this game.

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If you cant adapt to a new patch then, you were never good at the game! now all these "n00bs" have a chance to actualy learn the game cause raven had enough sense to make it just a lil easier to last longer than 10 seconds in a game! get off of true servers you cry baby nerds

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Originally posted by icefox98

I feel violated...I STARTED THIS TYPE OF MESSAGE. (Ask Kal el HE knows whats going down.)

Hrm....my idea....stolen....stolen from me....I must make a return very soon....

My original message like *this....was about how gay saber defense is and how raven should nerf it.....



Umm... Kal-El? What's this guy talking about? :D


Sounds familiar though.. I must have read that post a month or 2 ago. But IIRC, your obvious sarcasm was mostly left unnoticed and you were flamed. Hehehehe..


But you're right, you "must make a return very soon....", 'cause now you are...I mean...I am the...uh...you know; the stuff that Vader taunts Obi Van in EP IV with just before Obi goes AFK and disconnects to avoid getting ownT.


Oh, and *Darth Vega* - Seriously...forgive me, I had no idea...I am no match for you. How foolish I was to overestimate my f33bL3 $k!llz. Thou art Da Master, I totally ph34r j00. :D:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Luc Solar


--- the stuff that Vader taunts Obi Van in EP IV with just before Obi goes AFK and disconnects to avoid getting ownT.



Lol. never heard it said like that before :)

But WTF? Obi \/\/0ul|) 7o74lly 0\/\/n v4|)3r'$ 4$$.


lol. I'm getting better at this :D

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  • 1 month later...

Heh... wasn't this thread buried somewhere on page 214? How'd you find it? :D


But thanks for the tip. I will adjust my l337 $trat to make sure this kind of injustice won't happen again.


(*grumble* Damnbugs'nlag'nstuff...)


Yes, whore them to pieces, I will. :)

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luc the patch made those changes because newbies crying about "Exploits" whined to raven. 1.03 was gay for gunners, 1.04 is gay for saberists. Raven is stupid, the only people they are listening to is complaining newbs who don't understand the game.

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Luc Solar? What has happened to you! Now you are using noob language and propagating the "1.04 is skill" lie.


I thought that we were starting to see eye to eye but it seems you have degenerated into a Raven sheep once again. Extending praise through sarcasm to a buggy, weak, and random patch.


You all know that 1.04 is not a good patch. If you wish to prove your skill go to ProMod when it is complete. Earn your own blocks and your own hits.


1.04 is base on luck, and flame all you want but the program code is written so that random numbers decide if your hit lands.

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Originally posted by DSbr-HaZe

luc the patch made those changes because newbies crying about "Exploits" whined to raven. 1.03 was gay for gunners, 1.04 is gay for saberists. Raven is stupid, the only people they are listening to is complaining newbs who don't understand the game.


At least I see that not everyone on this thread is devoid of intelligent thought. It is obvious to everyone who pays attention that everything that gets the most whiners angry gets nerfed.


I have never before seen a games future decided by its absolute worst players until JKII.

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the fact is a patch should fix bugs in code etc. not be changing the gameplay. yes, making ammo changes totally changes how u play, and changing faggot saber makes the game a lot gayer for saberists. hopefully this /kill whining will make raven realize they are catering to retards, or maybe the better players need to voice their opinions to raven....

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Originally posted by FatalStrike

Luc Solar? What has happened to you! Now you are using noob language and propagating the "1.04 is skill" lie.


I thought that we were starting to see eye to eye but it seems you have degenerated into a Raven sheep once again. Extending praise through sarcasm to a buggy, weak, and random patch.


Fatal, ol' buddy...this thread was started many, many months ago in a galaxy far, far away. (or whenever it was that 1.04 came out.)


I wrote it because I'd been watching the old "l337" players with their patented (scripted) "pull >> backstab >>> spin 4320-degrees"-strategy suddenly sink down to newbie level just because ONE move was nerfed.


It was funny as hell. :D



Anyways, this is an outdated thread. Dunno why it was bumped.


I'm all for Promod and non-random blocking. :D




PS. Just so that you know Fatal, I'm writing Lucasarts right now telling them to nerf the ranking. It needs to be toned down, *nerfed* bigtime! I mean... I got... what...like 350 posts and I'm a Wampa?! A WAMPA!?? OMG-OMFG! A Wampa should be like 1.500 posts!! Yeah, post-count is waaaaayyy overpowered at this moment. They should use max "set_postcount_realism_0.35"! Nerf it Raven, please! Everybody's like SithLords and it makes me wanna cry! Nerf-nerf!


Ummm...I have an idea! Come on Fatal, say it with me...just once..I wanna hear you say it, I promise I won't use it as a weapon against you :D


Here we go, you and me: 3..........2............1:


"Neeeerrrff it Raaaveen, Neeeerffff it please oh pretty please!!"


:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Anyone who knows even a little about the Quake3 engine or has a programable joystick/gamepad could rule in 1.03. Why? Because the pull backstab/spin takes next to no skill to use. In five minutes you could teach yourself that move. Now all of the so called "elite" bitch and moan over 1.04. If you cannot adapt to the changes in a game then you just plain suck. So what if someone uses only one stance. If they are good at it and kick your butt then they are a noob? No I think your just plain lame, waiting for a kill with a script is just plain silly.


I script everything except attack binds. Why? Because you do not need them. If you do then your even more lame than you seem to already be. Adapt to the game as it is or uninstall and go back to getting a boner from pull/backstabbing people in 1.03.


Your arrogance is astounding to say the least. If you hate regular 1.04 go and play some Jedimod, Jediplus, or the Promod. Most of these servers up the damage and some will even allow you to do your precious backstab again. Give us all a break from the "I am a elite" crap.


You were never elite, you were just a guy, among many, who had a good script. All of you who are whiners over getting killed by noobs need to look into yourselves not the game. Why whine if you got kicked to death? You would spam your backstab over and over for "easy" kills. Serves you right.



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Originally posted by Luc Solar


Fatal, ol' buddy...this thread was started many, many months ago in a galaxy far, far away. (or whenever it was that 1.04 came out.)


I wrote it because I'd been watching the old "l337" players with their patented (scripted) "pull >> backstab >>> spin 4320-degrees"-strategy suddenly sink down to newbie level just because ONE move was nerfed.


It was funny as hell. :D



Anyways, this is an outdated thread. Dunno why it was bumped.


I'm all for Promod and non-random blocking. :D




I too secretly laughed at the fools and there BS withdrawel pains in 1.04. But I can never support a Raven nerf fest because it causes more problems then it fixes.



Originally posted by Luc Solar

PS. Just so that you know Fatal, I'm writing Lucasarts right now telling them to nerf the ranking. It needs to be toned down, *nerfed* bigtime! I mean... I got... what...like 350 posts and I'm a Wampa?! A WAMPA!?? OMG-OMFG! A Wampa should be like 1.500 posts!! Yeah, post-count is waaaaayyy overpowered at this moment. They should use max "set_postcount_realism_0.35"! Nerf it Raven, please! Everybody's like SithLords and it makes me wanna cry! Nerf-nerf!


Ummm...I have an idea! Come on Fatal, say it with me...just once..I wanna hear you say it, I promise I won't use it as a weapon against you :D


Here we go, you and me: 3..........2............1:


"Neeeerrrff it Raaaveen, Neeeerffff it please oh pretty please!!"


:joy: :joy: :joy:


Have you been blazin the wild budda again?


:disaprove :disaprove :disaprove


When will you kids learn not to use drugs!

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