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Slightly ridiculous but entirely possible Matrix dueling mod!

Lunatic Jedi

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I've just been struck with an idea for a matrix mod! First of all, it would most certainly have to take place in the already-existing Matrix dojo map, though others should be created. Various locations in the Matrix: city streets, Neo's office building, the subway station, etc.


There should be a set of mod-exclusive skins: Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Apoc, that traitor who killed Dozer, Dozer, Agent Smith, Mouse, that girl who was good with mechanical stuff (what was her name, Gadget, Fidget?) and the agents who weren't important enough for names... maybe even that one who disguised himself as a hobo. We can't use Tank since he couldn't link to the Matrix because he was a genuine human, not grown by the machines.


Those should be the only usable skins in the Matrix mod, since it wouldn't look very genuine seeing Morpheus fight an ugnaught.


The only available force powers should be speed and jump. There should not be any sabers. The only weapon should be Matrix-style Ju-Jitsu, or maybe some Matrix-style firearms for the more expansive maps. All the acrobatic moves (wall walk, cartwheel and such) should remain, since they're a big part of the whole Matrix feel.


The guns would be pretty straightforward, but for the kung fu, it should basically be much like saber swinging (i.e., you attack depending on how you're moving), but with punches and kicks. The blocking, instead of blocking with a saber, a character blocks with their arms. The block detection should be a noise rather than a spark, maybe a dull thud. The hit detection should be the "PSH"-like sound of a punch landing, and the person who's hit should get knocked down or knocked backward or maybe just flinch, depending on the strength of the blow.


The controls should stay about the same for movement, but for Ju-Jitsu fighting, the controls should be left click to punch, right click for kick. Naturally, a kick would do more damage than a punch.


Styles should still be used: Fast, Medium and Strong. Fast, naturally, would do little damage, but attack faster and have more frequent combos. Also, fast would have a low chance of knocking down an opponent. Medium would be sort of in-the middle, a mix between damage and combos, and a higher chance of knocking an opponent down than fast. Strong would be the slowest, but would do the most damage, with the highest chance of knocking down an opponent.


There would be style-specific special moves, but I have no idea what they would be.


Ooh! Idea! How about a "dodge move" that uses up the force meter the same way jump and speed does? In the gun levels, it could let you dodge bullets, and look awesome at the same time.


Since this would require a lot of new animations, new skins, new maps, new weapons, new sounds, new effects and new and altered code, it would be a job best left to professionals like the guys at Raven/LucasArts, but if they could make it happen, it would be absolutely awesome! :D


What do you think?

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Erm... I'm going for authenticity here, Amence One. The Matrix didn't have lightsabers. If you want lightsaber fights... well, that's why there are hundreds of other servers out there.


And Sean Connery. Well, nobody's asking you to do all that... but if you could it would be great. Could you? J/K :p Hopefully, the pros at Raven and LucasArts could probably do something like that. If they could create a game of this scope from scratch (save for the Quake III engine), I think they could add a couple new animations and maps and skins and splice the code a bit. Quite easily, in fact.

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the pros? haha. in addition to copyright issues (shiny bought the rights to the matrix game, for over $1 million), why would they spend months on a free mod when they have to work on their commercial games?

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True, but Jipe had another point: Why would they do all that work on a free mod when they're busy on their commercial games?


Well, they do a lot of work on free patches. Why not a mod? They make the patches so that they can improve the game. As far as I'm concerned, this matrix mod would classify as an improvement. Its an original idea that could add a good deal of variety to multplayer, and I think that will pique their interest. Besides, you all know you want it, and those guys are the only ones who can pull it off.

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It's a great idea and I for one would love to see it but I have to agree that I very much doubt it will become a reality (unfortunately). For now, why don't you all back up my request for a Trinity model and others requests for other Matrix characters in the following thread:



Well it's a start anyway! :D

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ok i'm pretty much sure that neither raven nor anyone from lucas arts is going to do this... no company will ever produce a mod when they can produce games for money.

BUT there are alot of skilled people out there that ARE matrix fans

i did work on a matrix TC for max payne before.. some of you may know it... we didnt make it very far tho... the max payne engine is not very editable.. some of you may hate me now when i say it was "dodge this"

well i'm doing my own mod right now.. but if it turns out to be not going for some reasons then i might try to help ya (i'm good at creating character models and weapons)


but dont underestimate the copyright... the ones who have the rights will try to shut it down if you do a 1:1 matrix conversion

you will have to create your own characters and some new moves and give it a different name


about new animations: we dont yet know how to do it.. we'll have to wait for ravens next SDK release to allow new animations

if you manage to get some skilled people together and if raven releases the third SDK then it may be possible to do this MOD


as for the katana you can have my model.. i'll post some pics of it later

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Well... we can't be entirely sure that they will refuse the mod. After all, public relations is a big part of keeping customers.


And if they do refuse, oh well. BacMeth knows skins and weapon models. That's a good start. And there has to be a few people who can work with code.


Eh... what's an SDK?

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