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3 Fave PC games


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For me, my top 3 PC games are as follows:


1) Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast - I needn't explain away this game here for obvious reasons.


2) System Shock 2 - Brilliant game. If you're a fan of creepy games look no further. Everyone boasts over crap like Resident Evil or the Silent Hill series. Crap. Well Silent Hill was VERY good I admit but compared to this game...crap. The setting is on a ship in space. It's your typical stranded broken down ship with things running amok type setting. But the way they incorporate the sounds and your enviroment is simply brilliant. You don't get levels in this game. Just areas. The ship is divided into sections. Engineering, Medical, Crew, Command Deck, etc. You usually have to go back to each one for various reasons throughout the game. But what makes it to where you're on the edge of your seat so much is that in each section you load, the enemies aren't confined to one space. They wander and roam freely all over the place. There's not a single safe place for you to hide. You can hear the ominous footsteps a few rooms away. Is it above you? Below you? No wait, the next room over! Crap is he behind you? Where is he! Die bastard, just die! I'm going to find you and kick your ass! Just shut up! Quit making noise! That's how riled up you get playing this game. Door can be very dangerous, especially cross-sections. I remember turning my back to one door to enter into another. I heard the whirring of a door opening but didn't think nothing of it since the one I was in front of opened as well. But then I realised it almost sounded like 2 doors. I turned around just in time to see the other door wide open and this thing beating me over the head with a lead pipe. This game is awesome.


3) X-wing Alliance. I'm a sucker for any flight combat game. I love em. Hell, add just about every other game in the flight combat genre here too.

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Originally posted by power_ed

my alltime high

[*]JK II .. gotta love this game..

[*]Total annihalation (not that kingdoms crap.. the original and best)


[*]SWGB - nice AOE clone ;)

[*]Max payne

[*]WC3 havent played it so much yet but it looks very promising



cant think of any more right now


Nice Avatar!

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1.) Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast


2.) Black and White- I just built up my creature and build a utopea forlike 3 months. Didn't really play multiplayer, but there was a new patch for it, and Creature Isle SUCKED!


3.) Hmmmmmm...Toughy....I'd say Tribes 2. It was an amazing game till the f&*&ed it to hell with horrible, horrible patches. My favorite thing was flying the original shrike and getting into dogfights. Then came rapeing bases (Lame but 1 guy to tie up 1/2 the other team was great). Then Capping, got really good at that. And Finnally Defending, nothing like watching a scout walk into ur flag room and freeze as he hears 4 turrets powering up.

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The elephant ate my whole platoon. That's funny! What's that from OPERATION: Dumbo drop?


:elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:



Other notable games.


1) The SIMS (I like to see if I can make it as a SIMS)

2) SIM City (can't wait for the new one)

3) Tony Hawk 3 (play as Darth Maul!!)

4) Tekken 4 (My favorite fighting game)

5) Capcom vs. SNK 2

6) Bionic Commando (yup, it's cool)

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Man, I dont think I could pick just 3. This is way too hard. But some of my favs that I am currently playing is JK2, SWGB, Dungeon Siege, NHL 2002 (but getting ready to finish my season and start one in Madden). I love HL and all its mods (CS, DoD, FA). I just downloaded a couple new ones but I have not tried any of them out yet, have not had the time. I am also thinking about playing a little Civ 3 too. Anyway, that's about it right now for games I am currently playing.

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Like saying whats your favorite child, not that I have any, but my top five are:


1.Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

2.Zelda: Orcarina Of Time


4. Knights Of The Old Republic (love it already)



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The elephant ate my whole platoon. That's funny! What's that from OPERATION: Dumbo drop?


Three guys are sitting in a bamboo cage in Vietnam.


1st guy: Quick, while the guards are partying with Jane Fonda

we can make our escape.


Principal Skinner: No, we're just going to sit here and think about candy-bars.


2nd guy: One time I was eating a candy-bar at the beach and this girl started taking off her bathing-suit.


Principal Skinner: Get back to the part about the candy-bar.


1st guy: I'm outta here * crashes through the wall*


Skinner: No! You fool!


An elephant with a straw vietcong type hat, eats the man.


Flashback to present day Springfield Elementary.


Skinner: That elephant ate my whole platoon.

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Dagnabbit, I typed a huge post here and it got bounced by the server for too many logins. ;(


Here's my list.


1. Descent 2

2. TIE Fighter

3. Deus Ex



1. Descent 2 was a fantastic leap in 6-degrees of freedom gaming. It combined the ship-to-ship of cockpit battling with the frenzied pace of FPS games. Multiplayer was fast and furious; its only competitor at the time was Quake, which wasn't as impressive in the sheer speed department (and the necessary design of being human-based rather than ship-based, so rotating yourself along your Z axis just doesn't make sense). The MP community on Kali was and IS phoenomenal; I played as "Nihilist" for about 5 years before I burned out. Great, friendly and spirited community that still rocks the spacelanes. :evil3:


2. TIE Fighter was the pinnacle of space sims at the time, and with good reason. While Freespace 1/2 definitely outshone it in sheer quality/beauty of graphics and solid storywriting, there's nothing that beats the feeling of knowing THE Empire was behind you every step of the way. :) It was nice, fighting for the bad guys!


3. Deus Ex raised the bar for FPS games of all time, IMHO. Combine great level design and execution with awesome weaponry/enhancements and a storyline bent around the idea of "what if every conspiracy theory were true?", and you have my all-time FPS/RPG favorite. Sure, the MP lacked (barely existed), but it was an afterthought to a game that was designed from top to bottom as a singleplayer epic. No other game has managed to keep me engrossed in the plotline; nor has any other game engendered a desire in me to turn over every damn leaf in the game in hopes of finding something hidden and cool. :)


There you have it. My list. JK2, while a great game thus far, hasn't been around long enough for me to decide if it's got staying power. If I'm still dueling in 2004, I'll edit this post. Later!



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My fave PC games are as follows (3 just won't do it for me):


1. Every Final Fantasy Game there is

2. Jedi Knight 2

3. Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind

4. Neverwinter Nights

5. Diablo... both

6. War Craft 3

7. Star Wars Galaxies when it comes out

8. City of Heroes when it comes out



Those are my PC faves... I have a ton of faves on the console.

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