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Technology Timeline

Boba Rhett

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Have any of you checked this out before?




Have a look at it here.



A ton of the predectipons are pretty "out there". :eek:




"Highest earning celebrity is synthetic 2010" - Eh? :confused: Me no think so!


"Direct electronic pleasure production 2010"- We can only hope. :D


"Designer babies 2005" - I sincerely hope not.


"Software trained rather than written 2006" - Naughty Windows! Naughty! Baaaaaaaad Windows!


"Chips with clock speed of 10GHz 2003" - Nah...


"First organism brought back from extinction 2006" - Heh, that would be kinda cool.


"Thought recognition used in sleep enhancement 2015" - Spiffy


"Insect-like robots used in warfare 2010: - Scary thought...


"Orgasmatron 2012" - AHAHAHAHAHA :D


"Various forms of electronic addiction 2003" - Try like 1994 :D


"Use of nuclear fusion as power source" - ehhhhhh....... maybe...

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retirement age raised to 70 year 2020 YIKES!!!!!!!! Nooo..that can't happen to us...


frequent use of differnt net identies cause personality disorders 2005.....oh my gosh...anything for a law suit...


Creation of THEMATRIX??????


these people scare me...hair stands on end and hides under desk...

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

"Software trained rather than written 2006" - Naughty Windows! Naughty! Baaaaaaaad Windows!


I can do this now :)


Originally posted by Boba Rhett

"Chips with clock speed of 10GHz 2003" - Nah...


when i 2003? If it is anytime i could see this happening, thought then again i am sure there are chips with clock speed of 10GHz or more, thought they are not in pc's which mean there are really big ;)

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU


Nuclear fission is already used for power.

Ah, we're talking about nuclear FUSION, not fission. Theoretically, fusion is supposed to provide even better energy output from a nuclear reaction and be a heck of a lot safer than fission.



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Originally posted by Kryllith

Ah, we're talking about nuclear FUSION, not fission. Theoretically, fusion is supposed to provide even better energy output from a nuclear reaction and be a heck of a lot safer than fission.




Just alot hotter! :D


I assume this means were talking about "cold fusion", yes? Or are we talking Fusion plants for the masses, not "Mr. Fusion" or Fusion generators for private use? ;)

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

Havoc i think you watch may to much tv ;)


Me... watch too much TV? Nah...


I read alot too, ya know! :mad:


Yeah...that's right...I read! let's see...


TV Guide

Entertainment tonight

Entertainment Weekly





j/k ;)


I know I spend too much time in front of the "boob-tube"! Just ask my wife! :D

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Originally posted by Kryllith

Ah, we're talking about nuclear FUSION, not fission. Theoretically, fusion is supposed to provide even better energy output from a nuclear reaction and be a heck of a lot safer than fission.




Ah, ok, I just wanted to make sure. They provide about the same amount of energy, only fusion is VERY expensive but hypothetically safer. There is no chain reaction, so if containment was breeched, the reaction should just stop instead of meltdown. But fission is very very safe and is a controled chain reaction.

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