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Jedi Mod - Its FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!


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people say that all the time, put the mod or level in the gamedata folder it does not work. but if you put it in your base folder it works.



i download a mod and it said gamedata folder, tryed it did not work. moved it to the base folder work.



some people need to get it right. does not work in the gamedata folder.only the base folder.


Create a folder in Your gamedata directory like JediMod and then place all the config and pk3 files in there. tehn it should be on your mod list in setup. mods SHOULDN'T be placed in the base directory, as the base directory is for files that loads everytime in JK2 plus it messes with other mods

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Originally posted by Elven Jedi

I did what Dest said to do but its not there! Can someone help?


Do not put this mod in the base folder. I goes into Game Data.


If all else fails.....


Make sure ALL the files from the .zip are in a folder called JediMod.

Then place that folder in your Game Data directory. It will then show up in the modlist. Also read the cvar listing doc for all the commands BEFORE you play it.



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"what command do i type in so the game will execute the mod on JK2 startup? (im playing on Qtracker and need to know)"


I don't know Qtracker so I'm not sure if any of this will help, but here it goes.


If you mean just to play it then load it like any other mod. Go under settings then mods and it should be listed if it was installed properly. Keep in mind the server you connect to has to be running it.


Now, if you want to run it on a dedicated server add this to your shortcut's command line(if running windows)


+set fs_game jedimod


So your final command line should look something like this:


"C:\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\jk2mp.exe" +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game jedimod


Keep in mind the forum's format may truncate this. If you need any further explaination just ask.


I hope this helps.


Oh and Dest, this mod is AWESOME! :cool:

Now if I could only get it to work with the Duel_SE mod my server would be set.

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My server is temporarily down until further notice, I'll let you guys know when I'm back up, sorry. I'm making some changes.


"can some one give me some server IP adresses for the mod?"


Well I only know of my own at the moment, so here's a shameless plug.:p


I run a server with this mod.




Version 1.03a(haven't decided about 1.04 yet)At the moment I feel to many of the moves are weak not just BS. If only I could combine this with the Duel_SE mod.;) hint...hint guys:p


This is a Duel only server, so please don't ask for FFA.


5 open slots

I have many models and skins. Right now I have default duel maps running because even though I have many great maps, no one else seems to and no one bothers to D/L them.


Force jump and push only.



1)Respect and be polite to your fellow players, I don't tolerate jerks.

No racial, sexual remarks or other nastiness(sure way to get banned)


2)All moves are valid, but please, Variety is the spice of life and life would be boring without it. The exception is Push, if all your doing is pushing someone around, you will be warned. There is usually other players waiting to play and I'm not going to make them wait 15min just because you want to be a push whore.


3)No WHINING, if someone is spamming moves, ADAPT, they will leave when you kick their ass enough. Although if someone is boring everyone with the same move to much, you get ONE warning.(See rule #2)


4) No ridiculas scripts! Simple ones are fine, but if I see any yawspeed crap or moves that are impossible normally, you will again get ONE warning then your gone.


Those are the main rules and are subject to change at the discretion of me.:p


So, have fun and remember it's only a game. I do prefer serious duelists with good attitudes who use multiple moves above others though. So if I see someone who keeps coming back and spamming the same thing over and over, you get ONE warning, then your gone.


One other thing, I run a pure server, so please don't bother trying to connect if you know your not. I'm mentioning this because lately I've noticed a lot of people trying to connect just to get booted for unpure files. I don't know if they were trying to cheat or just got a bad file, but several of them got beat earlier in my server and tried to come back and all of a sudden they were no longer pure...hmmm.

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Originally posted by thehomicidalegg


Create a folder in Your gamedata directory like JediMod and then place all the config and pk3 files in there. tehn it should be on your mod list in setup. mods SHOULDN'T be placed in the base directory, as the base directory is for files that loads everytime in JK2 plus it messes with other mods





Tryed it,did not work. move it to your base folder it works

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Version 1.03a(haven't decided about 1.04 yet)At the moment I feel to many of the moves are weak not just BS. If only I could combine this with the Duel_SE mod. hint...hint guys

That would be awsome if that could be done.


There is usually other players waiting to play and I'm not going to make them wait 15min just because you want to be a push whore.

Yep agree. I hate that. I solved the issue of players waiting too long by putting a 2 minute time limit on duels. I don't know why many duel server have like a 10 or 20 minute time limit for a one on one duel. There is no way that a duel should ever take longer then 2 or 3 minutes.

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"I solved the issue of players waiting too long by putting a 2 minute time limit on duels."


How do you do this without causing the map to change? I like this idea.


"That would be awsome if that could be done."


I love Nitemares mod to, I only took it down to try this one out. I hate not being able to customize everything though. I want all damage values and kick customizable, but I want double sabers too. Choices, choices...I want my cake and eat it to!:p


Seriously, can you guys PLEASE work together...it would be the ULTIMATE mod.:D

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"I solved the issue of players waiting too long by putting a 2 minute time limit on duels."

How do you do this without causing the map to change? I like this idea.

Oh yes this is absolutely wonderful for keeping a good pace to the game.


I'll post my server config here later. I'm at work now and I don't have it handy.


(Don't quote me on these server variables below. I don't have my notes in front of me and I always forget the variable names)


Basically you just set the timelimit "2" or "3" and the duelfraglimit to "8" or "10" or whatever you like for the number of kills to win the match and go to the next map. Now if you run FFA and DUELS you'll want to set the time limit higher for FFA. You can have a map rotation that sets the time limit for each map. I think it is a misconception that timelimit is for the entire DUEL match but it is really just the time limit for each fight in DUEL mode.

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*smacks his head against the Desk* if you are to join a server like **||GATEWAY WEST JediMod ||**, and you have Mod in your base folder, this server, depending upon if you the client has auto download on, will then download the mod to your Gamedata/JediMod folder... That's why the zip file says to place it in your Gamedata folder, because if you do it right, it will extract it to essentially a subfolder in gamedata called JediMod... ok? I know this because I run a JediMod server, and host over 10 people, all of them using JediMod... so don't try to say I don't know what I am talking about.. you can even ask Dest....

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Dest only has his server up at certain times, and I have to admit, even he has joined my server to check it out...that was pretty cool... I even now can host a server of 12 people... took some tweaking, but it manages at less than 150 ping:)

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Anyone else get the problem when you host a server or your own little personal game with bots, this command scrolling over and over and over and over.


"no 2nd saberinstance"


I can't get it to stop, it's annoying as hell, since it scrolls so fast all other commands go off screen within a second.

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2 min is WAY too short for a serious duel...

2 or 3 minutes is PLENTY of time to fight one on one if you are seriously fighting and not running away, hiding, jump around like a monkey, or just plain screwing around. If you like watching people act like idiots for 5 minutes before they even start to fight then thats fine but if you like to fight for real then check my server.

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Here's my config blackfire:


seta duel_fraglimit "8"

// Custom Map Rotation

set d1 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map Matrix_Dojo; set nextmap vstr d2"

set d2 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_temple; set nextmap vstr d3"

set d3 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_kamino; set nextmap vstr d4"

set d4 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_wls11; set nextmap vstr d5"

set d5 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_chamber; set nextmap vstr d6"

set d6 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_training; set nextmap vstr d7"

set d7 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_attack; set nextmap vstr d8"

set d8 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_wls12; set nextmap vstr d9"

set d9 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_jedi; set nextmap vstr d10"

set d10 "set g_gametype 3; set g_forcePowerDisable "16353"; set fraglimit 1; set timelimit "2"; map duel_wls5; set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1 //set the start map for custom rotation

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I love this mod! The new stances for the two sabers, and doublesaber works good. Is there any special moves for those?


However i dont understand how to get two doublebladed sabers! That must be truly awesome! FOUR BLADES! Havoc wreaking time!

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I love this mod! The new stances for the two sabers, and doublesaber works good. Is there any special moves for those?


the singlehanded yellow or orange stance has the yellow dfa

the purple or the single handed blue has this fancy jumping twisting attack executed by pressing jumo+attack+forward in the same way as you would do a yellow dfa, this move looks very cool but i doubt the practical uses, you can see it a mile off and takes ages to perform althought you can rotate during this.


However i dont understand how to get two doublebladed sabers! That must be truly awesome! FOUR BLADES! Havoc wreaking time!


theres a cvarlist that comes with the mod, look in there. type mod_dualsaber 1 in your console, the default is 1 i think...then type /twosaber AFTER YOU TURN OFF YOUR SABER. then yype mod_dualblade 2, turn off saber, type /thedestroyer, you should get 2 doouble blades

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"The Command Line works with Qtracker. THX for the hint Blackfire.




No problem, if I could help that's great.


I unfortunely had to take down this great mod because I was experiencing some problems with it. Namely, it keeps booting legitimate players(says they were kicked even though I didn't kick them). I don't know if it's the fault of the mod because even after I went back to the Duel_SE mod it was doing it, so I may have to do a complete reinstall of the game and see if that fixes it.

If anyone has any ideas on this, it would be appreciated.


But I'm glad I could be of some help to you, have fun with it, it's :cool:


:)Oh, and thank you Crazyplaya73, I'll look into it, think I'll set mine to 4 or 5 though as sometimes we get into some really good fights and it would suck if it ended after putting so much time trying to beat someone.

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