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The New Jedi Mod....(questions)....


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I've extracted it...but it doesn;t appear in the Mod window in the game. So i thought it was always activated, and it did work when I found a Jedi Mod server....but i want the power to turn it off and on...


Also, where can i find all the commands that can be used in this mod????? In the screenshots i saw a player sitting Jedi style, and in the description, I read that there's more moves and stuff...


Is there a way I can find out all this stuff???

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Seems like you have extracted it into the base directory. All files here will be loaded automatically. Put it in a new folder called "JediMod" or something in the GameData folder. Now you can (and will have to) load it from the mod menu.


About the commands...in jedimod.zip there should be a file called "cvar.txt". Look in that...

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I know there are two new styles, which I am asuming are Bouble saber ones, but how do you get two sabers to appear??

Do you type it in? . .I have looked at the cammands and all I see to enter is that "Enabledoublesaber" command . . .

What am I missing?

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extract jedimod check option "use folder names" extract it to your JkII Jedi Outcast/Gamedata folder, read the readme and the cvar txt, in cvar.txt are all jedimod commands like /twosaber /cheataccess /sit /shake


start jkII mp


got to setup screen /mod screen and highlight jedimod and click "activate" after the game reload check again the setup screen go to the tck mod screen and define the colors for ur sabers.


start ur own server or check the server browser for jedimod servers..


to use twosabers u must type /twosaber in the console after that u must wait till the map restarts after that deactivate ur saber and type again /twosaber .. now u should get two sabers.. if it still don't work type in console: mod_dualsaber 1



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are there any other emotes? i only know: sit, kiss, shake, nod, taunt.. .. i saw a guy who used different emotes.. i wanna know them all..


i tried dualphase but nothing happend :eek:


and what is the difference between yoda and darkyoda model??? it' seems they have both the same size..


a list with all jedimod cmds would be very nice :D

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a list with all jedimod cmds would be very nice


There is, there's a text file called cvar.txt with all the commands.



this is a post by the creator of the mod, Dest, from the valley forum:


The documents will be better in version 1.1.

Here is the faq I am working on.



1. How do I turn on my second saber?

2. How do I turn on the dualbladed saber?

3. What emotes are there in the game?

4. How do I load JediMod with the dedicated server?

5. What are the new special moves?


Trouble Shooting

1. JediMod doesn't load. Gives a white screen and a user interface error

2. JediMod isn't in the mods menu.

3. JediMod behaves strangely

4. Stance colors are missing



1. How do I turn on my second saber?

type /twosaber or /dualsaber in the console while your saber is off

typing this again while your sabers are off will go back to the single saber.

If you are hosting the server make sure mod_dualsaber is set to 1.


2. How do I turn on the dualbladed saber?

type /thedestroyer or /dualblade while your saber is off to toggle the dualbladed saber

if mod_dualblade is set to 2 then executing this command while you have double sabers

will turn on double dual bladed sabers.


3. What emotes are there in the game?

/sit -sits do again the stand up

/stand -stands up from sit, typing /sit a second time will do the same thing

/kiss -kisses another player if both of you have your sabers off

/taunt -does the spinning saber taunt

/draw -does a nifty saber drawing move

/nod -nods your ehad

/shake -shakes your head

/super -strike a superman pose

/thumbsdown -looks like your giving something a thumbs down

when binding emotes or commands to keys make sure to leave the / out.

ex. bind x "super" and not bind x "/super"


4. How do I load JediMod with the dedicated server?

add +fs_game JediMod to the command line.

ex. "C:\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\jk2ded.exe" +set fs_game JediMod


5. What are the new special moves?

purple stance: forward + jump + attack while facing the enemy.

Jumps fairly high and does a spinning twirling thingy.


orange stance: forward + jump + attack while facing the enemy.

same move as the yellow stance.


Trouble Shooting:

1. JediMod doesn't load. Gives a white screen and a user interface error

Try updating to the 1.04 patch. If this doesn't work you may have a mod in your base directory

that is interfereing with my mod. Try removeing all mods from your base directory.


2. JediMod isn't in the mods menu.

Make sure all the files from the zip end up gamedata/JediMod


3. JediMod behaves strangely

Another mod may be interfering with my mod. Try removing all mods from your base directory.


4. Stance colors are missing

You need both JediMod v1.0 and the JediMod patch to version 1.1

Both JediMod (JediMod.pk3) and the patch (JediMod1_1.pk3) must be in the JediMod directory.


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In the readme file, Dest mentions a "special move" does anyone know how to do this, or what it is?


do you mean a stance specific move? the purple stance or the 1 handed blue stance has this very cool loking fancy twisting jumping move. Its done the same way you'd do a yellow dfa. IT looks extremely cool, but it has little practical value, takes too long 2 perform, stuck in animation too long(though u can rotate) and the oppositions has to practically walk into you then stand there for half a day for it to have any effect

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