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Umm, Sir, you may not have read my thread from a long time back

but I have already made a player model for IG-88. I'm having DarkVash unwrap it and skin it for me. Take a look for yourself:




However, if your model is better than this one, I will gladly step down and let you take over the project. Otherwise, this has already been done. Sorry if you didn't get a chance to read the thread. And I have done some more work to the IG-88 model too

so don't think this image was my final copy. I will render a final copy of it to prove I have finished it.

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Now here is the final version:





Not many changes were made to it, but it is the final version of the model I'm putting ingame. If you still believe yours is better, feel free to prove it. I'm not trying to flame you Trowa500, I just

was wanting you to know that this is already being worked on.

So please don't flame me for telling the truth.

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Originally posted by Gram_Reaper

yeah ig88 was the controler for the death star at one point. Read in tales of bounty hunters


The last surviving unit, IG-88A (smuggler Dash Rendar had reportedly destroyed unit D on Ord Mantell) continued his plans for conquest. Having crafted a duplicate battle station computer core carrying his sentience, IG-88 arranged for it to be installed aboard the second Death Star. IG-88 became the second Death Star. The megalomaniacal droid was set to activate his countless mechanical co-conspirators scattered throughout the galaxy when the battle station was destroyed at the Battle of Endor. Little did Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles realized that when they destroyed the Death Star, they saved the galaxy not only from the Empire, but from IG-88 as well.

there were 4 in total. a, b, c, d.

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Well, that's all fascinating, but still going to close this one. Trowa- post a new thread once you actually have something to show us. And if you have any questions, use the halp file in max or use the list of tutorials I placed up top in these forums.

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