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Starting a Small Corellian Band... need members!

Darth Xerxes

What do you feel is the most under-rated profession in the game?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you feel is the most under-rated profession in the game?

    • Entertainer
    • Slicer
    • Haircutter
    • Smuggler

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Yes, it's rare that people in this game want to be more than A) a Jedi, B) a Dark Jedi or C) a bounty hunter. So what I'm making this topic for is to reach out to the people that want to be entertainers yet don't have anybody to perform with...


Not only do I plan on becoming an entertainer, but I also plan on co-owning a small nightclub/casino business deep in the urban developements of Corellia with the people I perform amunst. So becides the band, I'll need a bartender and maybe even a couple bouncers (hey, maybe you bounty hunters will serve some purpose)...


I'm going to be a charismatic Mon Calamarian Red Ball Jett keyboardist named "Karlee Stills", and I'm looking for a vocalist (preferably a human, bothan or just someone who would have vocals that won't consist of random growling), a percussionist, two or more people to play the horns, a person to play the hermonica, and perhaps maybe some zesty twi-lek female dancers (that'd be sexy ;-)).


Also, a person willing to be the bartender. And I'll staff at least four bouncers to keep out trouble (if none of you bounty hunters want to work full time, we'll just pay you to come for a one night visit and enjoy all the free drinks you can handle in exchange for your services ;-))


I'm planning on naming this joint of mine "Bandits Way", where there will eb gambling (if possible), drinks and entertainment as the guests of our establishment discuss seedy if not illegal activity... a great place for a person to hang low and chill in the busy industrial world of Corellia.


So, I need help, and I'm looking at you guys. Any of you interested in forming a club and making some decent credits and try something original rather than the overly sighted bounty hunter and jedi skills?

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read the second sticky! :D



Hi there. My name is Wraith 8 (NO!? DUH!) and im one of the (now)19 members of the Associates. we plan to begin out business on Corellia and i think our PA can help you out with a lot of things. Our PA does not have ANY jedi wannabees yet although we do have 2 or 3 bountyhunters. the rest is planning on smuggler, builder, soldier, miner, whatever.:D


I would like to offer some services if you need them.

I myself am planning on transporting goods. and i think it falls under the Smugggler proffesion....

just call us when you need help with anything.

The Associates!

The site is in its designer stages.. but we do have a lot of info up :D


Hope you will stick around :D


-Wraith 8-

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That sounds great! :D


We're probably going to need some supplies for this shin-dig as well. I was kind of looking for members, but hey, what good's a bar if it's got no hard liquor? ;-)


I'd be honored if I could purchase your goods. Of course I'd buy in bulk, which would be cheaper, but hey - who knows how much this is going to cost. We'll arrange it together so it'll be profitable for both our businesses...


I'm not going to officially allign with your faction, but I will purchase goods from it. I'm trying to keep our little club not alligned with anything really... we want this to be a place where people can hang out and not feel that we're listening or watching them for information that will benefit us - because that's not what we are about. We want to provide a safe (relatively speaking) place to drink some alcohol and watch some entertainment. A place where rebels, Imperials and criminals allike can lay back and just enjoy themselves without having to worry about someone watching them and stealing information.


To start this club, I mainly need some more members of my band. I'm looking for more of a hired gun/assassin types to be bouncers. People who aren't looking for bounties on crime lords or others, just because my business welcomes these scum as our most profitable customers ;-)


So, does anyone here besides me desire to be an entertainer, or am I the only one?

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Congrats Darth Xerxes.


Not only have you put more thought into it, but you have just advertised for the most original PA I have seen.


Good luck with the bar, Ill look forward to stopping in and having a drink.

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first to tell you.. we will not be aligning with any of the 3 factions in game.. we wish to stay neutral so we can fish in everybody's water :D


so if you do align with us.. you dont align with the hutt, imp or rebel.. so dont worry.. you can find our forums by clicking here!

you can ask more questions there and arange meetings....

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This is about the point where I jump in and shout 'serve the empire!' etc. while that is still a valid and great career choice, it's so refreshing to see a PA devoted to the role-play aspect of the game, I think I'll just let you get on with it...

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Together we could make profits, and I plan on becoming a strong affiliate of your business, but as far as bringing my whole bar idea into your business, I'd still like to stay in private ownership just for control reasons. I like to have me and my crew in charge, not a business president dictating what we do from some distant planet office building...


We'll be practically partners, but mainly, I'd like to stay your loyal affiliate for now... after all, we're going to need supplies, your going to need a consumer... we could benefit off of each other while still maintaining our independance. As the forefront of the "Techno Twilight Bar and Casino" (new name), I hearby conclude that our biggest alliegence be with on Associate-brand products! ;-)

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What, egghead? :D


Now I've heard it all. :p j/k


Darth Xerxes, it is pretty much safe to bring the bar idea into this PA. Noone will take it from you, noone can ... noone will dare. You will have full control over it and noone will be in a position to be able to tell you how to run it. It is, and will be, totally up to you how you want it.


The only thing you will be obligated to do is, like with all of us, pay a certain amount to our town once it is established.

However, if you chose not to place your resort in this town, or you have already established it another place, then you might not even have to pay the PA since you are already paying to the town/city you have placed it in.


In that case we might be able to figure out some other form of payment, such as free access to the establishment or special offers just for the members. ;) Again, your choise.


This PA is meant to help each other out, so if you are ever in need of assistance in any way, you can call on any of us, or all of us.

That's the basic foundation that makes this PA what it is. (or will be, the game isn't out yet ;) )

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I'm probably going to either be located in the Corellian capital of CorSec (which will probably be imperial controlled, but still, criminals and socialites will be residing there), and this depends on if CorSec is under too strict of control.


Perhaps I'll join your city yet. I'd think there'd be more business within CorSec, but we could always make the Techno Twilight a chain :-)


Plus, I'll still pay your PA money and some for supplies that I'll be needing, so we'll still be associated. One things for sure - if the Techno Twilight is in either one of the towns at first, they will both eventually have one.

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Hmmm, I'm alittle confused of what you mean in your last post.


CorSec isn't a city, or a planet. It's a police force operating thru-out the Corellian System, and possibly beyond in the neihbouring systems thru-out the Corellian Sector (it's juresdiction is somewhat unclear).


CorSec is short for Corellian Security Force.


I'm assuming you are talking about Coronet, the capital on Corellia. And Corellia remained neutral during the Galactic Civil War as far as i know.


In that case, yes, I would imagine you would place it there, that's why I included the scenario. ;)


We'll figure something out. It's somewhat in the dark at the moment as we don't really know so much about the game dynamics involving the economy.

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Yeah, that's what I meant... I have NO idea why I wrote CorSec.


Anyway, Corellia was under Imperial control during the Gallactic Civil War. Corellia's major ship factories were taken over and used for the Imperials advantage, though many rebel ship factories existed. Corellia was like the second most important planet in the galaxy after Alderaan was destroyed, first being Coruscant.


Corellia's Imperial control is lofty at most, with the capital under control, but much of the outer regions taking neutral or rebel views.

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Oh, yeah, that's right, Corellia WAS under Imperial control. lol Forgot about that Dictat that was in control of the planet.


Sorry, my bad. :D


Anywho, I'm helping Wraith to wright about the different planets, alittle of it's history, wildlife, what species inhabit it, business ... but I found out that wrighting about Corellia was somewhat hard. Which surprised me, that there is so little info on such an important planet. Some of the later history near the game is very confussing, and seems full of holes in it.


Maybe you could be of assistance?

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It seems like me jan wraith and set keep this forum alive.


Glad to have your comedic replies to read everyday :D


*lifts glass


To the posters!



(can't wait till this game hits the stores we will have to setup sand bags when the people come to this forum)

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*lifts glass*


To the posters!



(can't wait till this game hits the stores we will have to setup sand bags when the people come to this forum)

Well, 7 months or so ago, there were only 4 or 5 people posting regulary, Com Raven and Wraith 8 being the 2 to post the most. :D


Now, incuding me, there are only 2 left. The other being Wraith 8. But the number of regular posters doubled just in Mai or even tripled since I came here. ;) And more are comming each week.


As for the 'lost 3' :p , Com Raven seems to be starting to come back although he is currently busy over at the Knights of the Old Republic boards (alittle advertisment for ya there, Raven ;) ), MikeC got computer problems at the moment but will be back (I hope) and Juztyn is very busy over at The Massassi Temple making maps and mods to Jedi Knight II last time I heard (alittle advertising for you and Mike to, Juztyn :D ).

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yeah well :D.. some people have to keep these foums alive :D

and now we are going threw another quiet part of the forums.


other games

and all that stuff.. once we get closer to the release we will have this forums swarming :D

and then i think we need more that just me to keep the peace.. but that is in the future :D

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Hmm you said you where looking for members? I have a chacter that Im going to play untill the Space expansion comes out then ill have to split time. Anyway My first chacter is going to be a female Twi'elk and unless im bleesed with becoming force sensitive plan on being an entainer. So if you need mabye a singer still, or somehting else that would be sutable let me no.

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  • 2 months later...


Hey, well no one has went to this post in a while so I decided to bring it back counting it's interest. Well, as you can see I'm going for the Dark Jedi profession, but I can help you still. Think of it as a compromise. I can get you buisness and hook you up with some cheap smugglers and bouncers as long as you can keep your club an Imperial Place. A safe house basically for Imperial Forces stationed in that area. Just make sure I get some free entertainment and stuff. If your interested or any other "Club Owner" is interested, contact me. I can hook you up with the goods at low prices as long as you make sure that the bouncers don't allow any goody rebels in. Get back to me and when the game starts I'll contact you at your place. I'll be in all black, probably with face paint and hood up. In a robe too. Just post something back on the Forums.

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