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Cheating in MP??


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Well this happened yesterday night. I connected to TEAM FFA server and one the guys from the other team was able to fly all over the map and when he fired with the rocket luncher the rocket was really strange looking.


Have anybody seen this before?

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Cheats of this kind in MP can ONLY be used when the Admin of the server has loaded the "devmap <mapname>" command (or similar) to enable cheats. Then everyone in the game can...


Load "map <mapname>" (or similar) to load without again.


The cheats there are the same as the cheats posted elsewhere pretty much, and are well known. Heck, many are similar to other Quake3 engine games. Check the Raven support pages and they'll have some there. /THEDESTROYER is one that only works in MP of course.


If somebody had out how to cheat in MP when they are NOT the admin (and the admin hadn't allowed it), we certainly wouldn't allow that information on the forums, but this stuff is okay, since it can't be used maliciously.

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A clanmate and I were playing CTF the other day, we were winning, then this person joins the other team and basically starts kicking our asses. Naturally we're a bit annoyed, but we carry on, we still do well because he is still only one person on the opposing team.


Then my teammate pointed out to my that he had shot 8 direct rockets and not killed the guy, my friend is pretty accurate even with a bit of lag, I can't see how 8 rockets wouldn't get the kill. So we're thinking "ok, maybe he's just very good at evading".


His reflexes also seemed inhumanly fast, but again we put this down to skill. Then I saw him fighting with the saber, he did a move that i've never even seen before.


He jumped to the side and did something like a lunge attack to the side, the saber was held out the left (ie not swinging) and he flew through the air with it. Basically its what the blue lunge in the air would be if you could do it to the side instead of just forwards. Kind of like a stabbing move.


At this point I was asking myself what was going on, my teammate and I were able to kill him a few times, but it was that saber move that is confusing me.


I'm pretty sure that cheating isn't possible in MP, ie hacks like in JK, so seeing this move has left me completely perplexed.

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Originally posted by JEDI PREDATOR

lol can u post cheats on the forums


Erhm....who made the game?? Good....now...


Who also made all the cheats?? Aha!!


There you go...



Now, serious...

What is the big deal in posting about cheats on the forum...it not a tabu...


Cheats were made by the creator of the game...not any casual person...


Now, if it is hacks that you are thinking of...there I think that you should be careful posting here in the forum...(if it is hacks that you wanna know how to get) Not about hacks in general...


(sorry for my bad english :))

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"the rocket was really strange looking." LOL!!


sebazve, this isn't a cheat at all! What you were seeing is the Grappling Hook mod. This is a third-party mod that can be installed into the game. It lets players fire a rope (which looks like a rocket) and be pulled to whereever the hook is aimed. Since you observed this, I guarantee that you now have this mod as well. When playing on a "Grapple" server, hit your "USE" key and you'll be able to do the same thing!

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He jumped to the side and did something like a lunge attack to the side, the saber was held out the left (ie not swinging) and he flew through the air with it. Basically its what the blue lunge in the air would be if you could do it to the side instead of just forwards. Kind of like a stabbing move.



AHAHAHA i hope your being sarcastic, hahahah thats a l337 jedi move fool, built into the game. hahahaha n00b



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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

He jumped to the side and did something like a lunge attack to the side, the saber was held out the left (ie not swinging) and he flew through the air with it. Basically its what the blue lunge in the air would be if you could do it to the side instead of just forwards. Kind of like a stabbing move.


This "move" is the aftermath of striking at a heavier stance's block than you're attacking with. Try it out by attacking a heavy stance opponent with light/medium style... sometimes your hit will get blocked with such force it makes your character put his arms to the side with saber hanging away loosely.


At this point he is as defenseless as someone who had just DFAed or someone in the end of a Heavy swing, and you should take advantage of it.


Did the "move" do any damage? It should do about as much as an idle saber...

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Only a few problems with that argument.


1) I was the only person around this guy

2) I didn't attack him

3) He did this move when he was the equivalent of 10m away from me

4) He just jumped to the side and did this move


and Silent Wolf, don't call me a noob i've been playing online since the day BEFORE the game came out.


Guys, give me some credit, if this was done as a the result of an attack/block I wouldn't be confused. But if as you say this is the result of a block, even though what I saw does not match your description, then the fact that I WAS USING A GUN might make you think a bit more.

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I have seen people do the 'side lunge' move. it doesn't do damage that I have seen and seems to be a animation bug more than anything 'special'.


If you were on a pure server I highly doubt anyone was 'cheating'. You might have been playing on a server with grappling hook enabled for 'jedi vs merc' if the rocket he was shooting looked strange but that grappler shouldn't have done damage either.


As for 8 rockets without someone dieing- on some maps there are literally PILES of shields and health packs all over the place. Good players know how to manuever a map and remain at max health and shield.

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Originally posted by Bird Of Prey!

"the rocket was really strange looking." LOL!!


sebazve, this isn't a cheat at all! What you were seeing is the Grappling Hook mod. This is a third-party mod that can be installed into the game. It lets players fire a rope (which looks like a rocket) and be pulled to whereever the hook is aimed. Since you observed this, I guarantee that you now have this mod as well. When playing on a "Grapple" server, hit your "USE" key and you'll be able to do the same thing!

Great rocket rope lol :D

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Originally posted by Hanch Saode


Erhm....who made the game?? Good....now...


Who also made all the cheats?? Aha!!


There you go...



Now, serious...

What is the big deal in posting about cheats on the forum...it not a tabu...


Cheats were made by the creator of the game...not any casual person...


Now, if it is hacks that you are thinking of...there I think that you should be careful posting here in the forum...(if it is hacks that you wanna know how to get) Not about hacks in general...


(sorry for my bad english :))


cuz i know a forum that u cant post cheats or whatever but i hope that no cheaters invade JK II look at CS much cheaters there

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I'm quite happy with the online JK community as it is. Other than bug exploitations, there's no real cheats on pure servers (which virtually all of them are).


Definitely a nice change from the kind of thing going rampant through Counter-Strike.

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