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Force Question


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Desann is a terrible boss. Not very evil, 500 health freak, lightning grip and saber throw spammer. Oh yay. What a fun duel, if that's even considered a duel. I'd rather fight a maxed out RebornFencer that's got really short reaction time and high evasion. I want my bosses to be harder to hit, not harder to kill.


[Edit]What the hell? I didn't post this in this thread...[/edit]

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Actually, I haven't tested this, but I think setting Force Push and Pull higher gives you an edge against Force users whose level is 3. There's something that gives an advantage, but I'm not a hundred percent certain that's it. It would make sense, imho, if the code simply checked if your level is higher than theirs.


That, of course, doesn't change Jump or Speed's limitations. For that, you're pretty much stuck with what the game offers.


And three Desanns? That's pretty damn sick. I wouldn't last too long, that's for certain.

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The file "bg_pmove.c" contains the costs for force powers as well as the speeds for force speed and the height for force jump, among other things. That's what you'll want to change.


--- And the higher your force push/pull levels, the less force someone can toss you around with using the same force powers(it's in the code).

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