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FF saber dueling..


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I decided for once instead of CTF, or TDM, i'd play FF duels. I practiced for sometime when my internet was down the pull/saberthrow/kick combo, until i could do it reasonably.

But however, once i started playing people online, the very first duel, me and my opponent just kept draining each other, and none of us had any force to do anything significant, we just danced around for some good 20 minutes before we both got frustrated and just said 'nf' and dueled.


Any way to avoid this?

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let them drain you!!! if you don't use any force and all they do for a while is drain, then, they lose force faster than you do and if they're stoopid enough to simply continue, you'll get to the point where you have force and they don't, just pull them down and attack them (they won't have any defence against pull if they have no force left)... of course this is jus the easy way to deal with it...


also, since you're playing darkside, lightning is soo damn effective with the patch, if your opponent's also dark, this is the way to go!!! (or dark rage/speed)

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mex, i wasn't playing against a n00b


1.) absorb is easily heard, and he can just wait, plus i was darkside anyway


2.)I wanted to play FF :p


3.)just attack, he would just run and heal and drain...


the running away and draining was mutual.



and to the second, drain actually takes mana faster than it uses....

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well if you dont use any force powers when he is or immediately before he drains you he's at an immediate disadvantage... with less force than you, you push/pull him around to get a few hits in or if the force level difference is great drain him back so that he'll have no force power left

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Originally posted by MrYepp

mex, i wasn't playing against a n00b


1.) absorb is easily heard, and he can just wait, plus i was darkside anyway


2.)I wanted to play FF :p


3.)just attack, he would just run and heal and drain...


the running away and draining was mutual.



and to the second, drain actually takes mana faster than it uses....


hey, i'm pretty sure drain uses more force than it drains, unless u have some kinda weird version of jkii... i think it's meant to be a 5-4 ratio, for each 5 points of force you use to drain, the enemy loses 4...


i think homicidalegg is agreeing with this in his post...


unless it's changed in 1.04 (i don't encounter drainers often at all, i'm always lightside), but ever since i've been playing, what i've said has been the case...

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