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2X saber damage our only hope?(CTF)


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I love lightsabers it made me like starwars as a kid

so to use one in a game is awsome...


I just want to see what others out there think of the saber damage upped in games like ctf ect..

I find it stops spam moves and makes the game play more like 102 the edge of your seat type of playing.

I think more servers should use that setting for more saer damage like X2 or more



I miss all the servers out there and really hate the 103 patch. The game ballance should have the saber more powerful than it is in 104 so we can correct this by, setting the saberdamage by 2 and it makes duels and ctf more skillful and spamola alot less . I mean come on we all want to use a lightsaber. I mean really would you want to kick someone (5 x) to kill or wack em with a saber n chop their head off with one shot well placed? saber should win over kicking.

just my 2 cents worth check out this server as it needs to be filled up.


Forced Reaction CTF

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I don't know about ctf, but I played a duel with 2X saber damage and it was really fun. You really had to watch what you were doing and plan you moves. It makes the game more like the movies and less swinging around wildly in the air.

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Originally posted by Old_Ben

I don't know about ctf, but I played a duel with 2X saber damage and it was really fun. You really had to watch what you were doing and plan you moves. It makes the game more like the movies and less swinging around wildly in the air.


Me too.


I hate hitting someone with the saber and they dont fall apart until

3 hits later.

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yes we need to get more people playing with increased saber damagecuz its too slow without it it takes too long to get the flag carrier and too long if health packs/bacta tanks are around.


we need to bump this thread as it can help save this game....

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Yeah, this patch is screwed up. Why AS DEFAULT should sabers do nearly no damage? it takes 5 lunge attacks to kill AFKa with their pistol drawn. Now, try killing a flag carrier with speed on the run with your saber.


The Raven guys just say "Type in this command to fix it" when 85% of the admins uot there don't know how, or don't bother using the command.



Also...why use the saber when you can practically one hit people with a rocket, or fletchette? or repeated blasts of the ¬_¬ ...repeater?



Saber damage should be set as default on HIGH damage, and THEN the admins can tone it down to 1.04's low damage barely can cut a slice of bread damage.

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I agree. 2 x saberdamage wakes a world of difference and I use it on my server... Come join in on all the fun!


My server is:


Poomba's Playground (GSD)(SaberDamage x 2)

Auto download is on, Maxrate 25000

g_saberghoul2collision 1

g_sabertracesaberfirst 0

g_dismember 300

g_saberdamagescale 2


There's tons of custom maps loaded, but I've got a custom map rotation going that restricts the rotation to 10 fairly common maps...


1) Matrix: Sparring Program



2) Kamino Landing Platform



3) Duel Hall



4) Jedi Council Temple Arena



5) Canyon of the Faces



6) Kektik: Mystique



7) Cathedral



8) Faceoff version 2



9) Persian Royal Battle Grounds



10) Livid



11) Coloseum


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yes i a gree we need to make more noise on this issue bump bump saber damage up is good i ve been playing it for over a week and with out it the saber feels like a fisher-price bat...

i can kick kill faster than clean saber hits.. mmmm lame...


so the saberdamagescale 2 command needs everyone to ask admins to do it to make the game fun again.

bump...ya all.

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Man i wish i could contact the admin of the forced reaction server to enable force even teams, yesterday i was playing and it was 3v6 and one person on my team was AFK so it was effectivly 6v2.

Not only did noone want to swich teams, they didnt even give a responce.


Who cares if you win if your team has 2x the amount of people as the other? Thats like killing a person who is AFK and saying how much more skilled you are then them.


Man, people today...

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the server for forced reaction is set to even teams i was on there the other day


We need more upped saber damage servers tired of the kick then dfa move i have to do over and over.I prefer skill over key mashing...i study kendo and sword so i understand a clean hit and a crappy one.

also no one is playing the jedi mod for the scaling of yoda.....



the ramped up saber damage is whats needed for ctf to be fast and fun...no skill lamers will always use the over explioted way to get kills be it backstab or kick or farting or what ever the latest patch makes flavor of the week...i mean weak...


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I think most people can see (and I would wager the Raven guys agree) that the majority of the "fixes" made to the MP saber since 1.02 were to make duels more "movie-like" and last longer and be more dramatic. As far as I was concerned, in a non-duel situation, the 1.02 SABERS were just fine.


Lots of high damage and potential one-hit kill moves (and even then it wasn't unstoppable) were great in a CTF game.


I haven't had a chance to try out the latest 1.04 with the default settings, but at least in 1.03, I did notice it was totally pointless to clash sabers with anyone, since it took so much longer to kill them. Then again, I also don't play sabers-only CTF (I figure it would take most of the fun out of it)...


2X damage might be a good start.

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Yeah, I agree completely with you guys!


The problem is, most admins don't know this variable or doesn't bother trying it, since they're afraid of adapting to a new style of playing. And let's not forget that there's loads of people who don't read these forums, and therefore don't even know of ANY variable in this game.


Let's all enlighten some admins - Today!

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Shields, health-kits, bactacanisters are what ruins saber only fights.


1. Figthing on top of these... pointless.

2. Fighting a guy who keeps running for health... pointless.

3. Fighting with megashield... the saber damage is way too low.


Saber damage works fine with 100 health and no more than 25 shield. If saber damage is increased, special attacks will be more lethal and that is simply nonsense. Besides people who don't want to run around collecting pick ups whenever they spawn as if they were playing Doom... they are in trouble.


There is only one thing that can give us good saber fights.

REMOVE THE ABOVE THINGS... No shields, no med kits, no bacta canisters, no force-boons, no enlightenment.


Don't you believe me?


- Think about how much it annoys you when people run away for health.

- Think about how lame fights on top of health/shields are.

- Think about how annoying it is to duel someone who just got their shield to 200.

- Think about how boring it is to have to collect all these items.'

- Think about how badly hey fit into a star wars game.

- Think about how the saber damage scale would be perfect with this easy solution.


Server admins... please give us some hardcore servers where cowards can't run for health, where it is Jedi vs. Jedi until the best stands victorious above his enemys body... gloating because he know he deserved the victory.

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Oh and for the server variables. Here are some I think is good for great fights.


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1

seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0

seta disable_item_medpac 1

seta disable_item_medpak_instant 1

seta disable_item_shield_lrg_instant 1

seta disable_item_shield_sm_instant 1



Haven't checked out how toremove force boons and enlightenment, but they are just lame, they don't really ruin the gameplay. It is easy though... just insert the names you see in the console when picking them up unto the above "disable_item_name_of_the_bugger 1"


Please server admins consider putting the above variables into your server.cfg to give us some great saber fights that makes sense and doesn't resemble some star wars doom hybrid.

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YES! People are finally learning the settings... I hope I helped the cause with my previously stuck post... (for great saber duels, the ideal settings)



I prefer


g_saberdamagescale 3 << even in a saber duel or ffa match!

// Any game type

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