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I guess there are good chances you can be a jedi, Look at this pic!

Mandalorian iTi

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Hmm on a closer look it does look more like a sash it bubh to skinny and long, but the models still A Jedi I think, praobly jsut has his lightsaber under his cloack...possibly Yeah but all that models means is if theres not at least one male bothan jedi in the game the devs will be annoyed for creating a model for no reason

or it may just be a guy in a cloak, but look Jedish to me

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Originally posted by D@rth M@ul


that looks too 2-d'ish.


The colors on it and the way its edge, its not a light saber.

yes but Maul, u can create ur own lightsaber, any way u want it, so it could be a lightsaber, not say that u said it couldnt be, but i still belive it is a lightsaber:p

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Originally posted by Mandalorian iTi

well im kinda a lightsaber freak and ive seen a lot of hilts, and to me it just looks like a saber, if u look close to his hand u can almost see the D ring to hook the hilt to the belt, or am i just seeing things?¿:rolleyes:


Or it could be the hoop which the sash/belt goes through.


And I think there will be limitations concerning the creation

of a lightsaber. You know??

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Originally posted by Mandalorian iTi

yes i did, lucast arts was messed up for me and put my posts all over the thread, well at the top instead of the bottom, i dunno y though?¿


Acctually all you said was, its possible to be a jedi. Which we

already knew. :D

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Ok. I've taken a good look myself at that picture, and it looks more and more like a lightsaber then a sash to me.


Looks alittle thin though, but it looks like a lightsaber none-the-less.


As for Skitzos comment:

...possibly Yeah but all that models means is if theres not at least one male bothan jedi in the game the devs will be annoyed for creating a model for no reason

When you start the game, your butt naked. :D


Well, not really, but my point is, you can dress yourself in up to 3 layers of clothing, from underpants to overcoat (exageration here on my part to make my point stand more out). You can even change your cloths while you play. You can choose to wear formal cloths or 'holiday' cloths.


There isn't one model for every cloth selection there's a posibility to make, just a body for the characther and then you cloth it. :)

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yes i did maul look


Originally posted by Mandalorian iTi

well.....did i say " it will be easy to become a jedi", no..... im not mad. i used to be under the impression it was almost impossible, but now that ive looked into it more and see the pic, i see that it isnt as "impossible" as i thought:cool:

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Originally posted by Mandalorian iTi

yes i did maul look



After all the post moving I got confused. But my main point is,

you told us something we already knew.


It would be like saying the earth is round or, richard simmons is



we know these things. :p

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and if that is a lightsaber, I'm a bit scared. I showed my friend

and he said " If thats a lightsaber, then thats gay"


But since he isn't the greatest picture judger in the world lets

take a few things into consideration.


First, it could easily be his belt, not saying it is but there is a possibility.


Second, That is a long light saber if you ask me, now they

may have big hands but, well its not a double because you would

see the projector at the end.


Third, the rings that the sabers clip onto, are usually at the

hip, but they could be in front so dont rule that out, but

lightsabers get clipped upside down, and the bottem of the

"saber" in this pic couldn't possibly be where the saber comes

out .


fourth, that is one of the simpilest light saber's I've ever seen.

I think the dev's wouldn't build a crappy lightsaber thats a black

cylinder with a silver outline.



Its his belt. I think :p

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my vote goes for lightsaber


First of all the characters wearing robes that look a lot like a jedi's.


Second to anyone whos played JK II that saber (if it is one) looks like Kyle Katarns. I'm not saying its his just stating that it is indeed a saber.


Third it's on the Bothans left side which is the traditional side for a jedi.

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RIchard Simmons is to Round!


Id say belt sash, it is excedinly long and thin. But also it appears to be part of the robe, and alightsaber would have to be a add on so it wil lstand out, or else the skin for the model would have to change every time you equipped or de equipped your saber.

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Ok, first off, I can't access the Station at this time to view that pic again, cause the Internet service I'm currently using doesn't allow me to view that site. :(


However, from memory there is actually one thing only that makes me positive that that isn't part of his belt (unless he has 2), and that is the simple fact that his belt is brown. :D


I still think it's a lightsaber. ;)

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