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JediMod v1.1 Released!


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JediMod v1.1 is the next official version of JediMod. 2.1++ is just a mod of JediMod that overwrites JediMod on accident so if you installed JediMod v2.0++ or v2.1++ you have to delete JediMod.pk3(if the pk3 size is around 600kb it is 2.1++ if it is closer to 2mb then it is JediMod v1.0) and then reinstall JediMod v1.0. After that you can download v1.1. Selectable saber hilts are very cool :)

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Ok, I got and tried it. The purple special is very cool looking. I'm getting a few weird errors thou (but honestly, I haven't reinstalled JK2 in a while so it could just be me.)


1. After playing the game for a while I get a "Re_RegisterModel: R_AllocModel() failed for 'models/weapons2/saber_/saber_w.glm'" repeated over and over. I think it's got something to do with a bot trying to use it's dual sabers, but I'm not sure.


2. Sometimes if a bot switches from the default blaster to the saber, the saber blade pops out of the blaster at an angle and works like normal. Very weird looking.

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The RE_Register problem occurs because the game tries to register a model(for example, taking out a double-bladed saber, changing your player model, throwing your saber), but it's reached it's model limit(i think).


This makes thrown sabers appear invisible, and will refuse to change your player model, etc.


This might be able to be fixed by upping the max model registration. I have no idea how to do this, but it might give Dest a clue...



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No no no...you needn't delete models. The problem is that too many models have been loaded. So say its like this:


Get into the game. Choose the Desann model. Choose the Desann hilt. The game loads Desann, and his hilt.


Another person joins and chooses yoda and his hilt. Those are loaded.


You throw your saber, creating a new model. This adds to the model count. You take out two sabers. Add's to the model count.


Think of it as levels. You can have as many levels you want on your computer. You just can't load more than one at a time. Well, same thing with the models. It can only register so many, before it starts not being able to add any more.



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I run my own server off and on, and I want to play with scaled yoda(only), but I can't seem to disable /twosaber. everytime I set the cvar to 0 it broadcasts that it's changed to 1(which it's set at initially). Is there a way to fix this?

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