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all work and no play makes jack a dull boy


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last night...was a kick ass night....better than my masturbation-frenzy nights


VENGENCE!! MWAHAHA!! last night my friends and i headed for the middle school and snuck inside. first we cut the wires for the metal detectors and placed flour bombs in the teachers cars (it stalls the car for a day, and then its fine..hehe). then we dug a few holes on the grounds (we threw a smoke bomb for cover) and put solidox bombs in the holes. we covered the ditches and put a fuse in the ground over the bomb. we lit the fuse and ran...the explosion looked like something out of a war movie!! then we threw the rest of the smoke bombs (5 more, a pound per bomb....btw, a pound covers a whole block in thick smoke) from afar we could use our floating balloon bombs (they basically make things smell after a quick explosion)


ah, it was a fun as all hell. all the harmless bombs were homeade. and the funny thing is people NEVER KNEW ANYTHING
























i love my evil side

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Some things never amaze me, although I'm pretty shocked and somewhat dissapointed in you :( I always thought you had more sense than to sit around and play with home made bombs. I know it's your life, and you know I worry, but you always hear that these home made bombs sometimes backfire and you can end up getting hurt or even killed.

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heheh...almost as creative as the time i burnt down an entire building in my school...(The Pyromania years 2000) :halo2:


now it's not a part of my school anymore....the rebuilt it from the ashes and turned into some economy something something....



but dude, next time, why not MIX masturbation frenzy nights with creating chaos at school nights? that sounds like double the fun!:nutz3:

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i like homemade bombs, once me and me pals collected all the burnable, explodeble stuff ( dont know the english word.. the stuff that makes bombs blow and stuff :confused: ) and we had allot of it.. all putted it in a very long pipe and man that was a cool sight! a big flame ( about 1.5 meter ) came out of it... it took 20 seconds till the burnable stuff was all gone....


( dont worry natty, altough this wasnt a harmless bomb, it was still funny... )

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Originally posted by Natty

Oh phew :) That's okies then :) Kinda like flour bombs?


yes, the kind of bombs that get people really sticky and gooey and extremely smelly....basically, the school was covered with smoke bombs (which is basically salt peter and sugar) and smelled like rotten eggs


NiKo: well, dude...after the stinky and unbelievably fun chaos at the school, we all rented porno and jacked till the sun came up (seperate rooms of course)

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ah flour bombs, doesn't hurt anynoe phisically, but popularity wise, your not able to step inside the school for about a week without some laughing at you, unless you one of those who laughs at himself which then is okay (we should all learn to do that).


i know how to make a really dangerouse bomb, but i've never attempted it (because actually creating the thing could blow up most of you kitchen if you're not careful) and i'm not going to tell you how to do so because i don't want to be responsible for any deaths. of course. it's basically the kind of thing an arsen criminal or gangster would use and could kill, so it's probably best i don't tell (or never make).

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Originally posted by Guybrush122


I was originally 112 but my account became ####ed up..when i re-registered i made a typo so i am forever known as 122


the 112 was my street adress


Street number? I always thought that it was the Dutch-alarm number (112 here is like 911 in USA). Probably cause the friend from who I stole this nikname called himself Deadmeat122.

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