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JediMOD++ 3.0 suggestions for new features


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My suggestion is (if possible) could you create a cvar that can toggle team Icons that float above bots head. I know it would be confusing for online play but against bots it should be ok.


Great to hear ++3.0 is coming, hope to download it soon :thumbs1:


P.S how soon will it be available ??

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I'm not sure if it's possible, but could you try making it so that we can have multiple music when dueling (I'd like to have it switch between the Throne Room Duel music and Duel of the Fates - when entering a duel, it would either play those two randomly), for a little variety? I'd also be cool if we could add new custom saber saber designs and select them from the menu, other than just the default ones or the TCK colors mod. And I think it'd be cool if you could have bots with custom hilts, like Yoda could have his own hilt, Maul his, etc.


One more little suggestion, if it's possible, do you think you could allow an image to replace the default hilt image in the hilt selection screen? Instead of having to click on the hilts and read the names, we could have pictures for Count Dooku's hilt, etc. Would that be possible?


That's about all I can think about for now. And maybe renaming the mod? I was also confused at the JediMod 2.2 ++ name, perhaps you could rename it Ultimate Jedi Mod or something like that?

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Sorry but, wheres the MAJOR improvement. You still can't give bots their own hilts, or import any new blade. Nor have dual blades animations been improved in anyway or new saber icons successfully been imported yet. Apart from some new minor bug fixes, minor additional Cvars and dual sabers for bots (which as yet, has no practical use, seeing as theirs no Micah Giilet, Groc or Anakin models yet.)


No offense but I think a few more thing needed to be done before an update to version 3 was warrented. Maybe JediPlus 2.3++ would have been better.


Again, no offense.

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this is an offence


I'm tired of you using JediMods name to get fame, you blow, you can't even make a good update so you call it 3.0 (so it seems like you've done a lot), your mod is only a #### up, you're giving the true JediMod a bad name, please call it JediPlus or I'll make sure personally that the name of it gets changed on file sites to something dumb or gets taken off all together, I'm already getting servers of 2.2 to change to 1.1



peeps, the true JediMod is haveing an update, it's going to be called JediMod Official 1.2, it'll have way more options and many new goodies, get that instead, don't even download this...whatever it is

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hehe Remark 666 ... you're an angry fella. Well I do agree though. I started out downloading jediplus because I thought it was the same and since jediplus was v. 2.2 ... anyway - it's really lame to make a ripoff of a mod and even lamer to call it almost the same. And when playing jediplus I really can't see a difference.... except some of the jediplus I were on had some really lame settings that ruined the gameplay.


well I will stick to the original because how can the rip ups ever keep up with them... other than keep ripping them off.


There are a few things about jedimod I don't like though.


- Two sabers. Looks lame, isn't making me think of SW, looking lame, and well a jedi with two sabers really look lame.


- Double bladed saber. It's ugly... the saber clipping through the models... IT HURTS MY EYES! It takes the beauty away. BUT if you made a special style just for this saber, that would take care of clipping I could stand looking at it. There is another problem though... when someone is spinning around with this double saber it's really hard to hit them in the back... this saber is just the dream weapon for those "headless chicken" fighters.


- Modelscaling. People can change their models to mrbig or whatever they are called. This will make them stick in the ground... well I'll just say that this is being exploited by a few lamers badly... using scripts.


- The dualphase saber. Well... lol ... it sure is a feature... but why is it there? I can see how it can make up for The Destroyer and Two Sabers.... but honestly I'd rather see these things fixed rather than giving me a longer saber :D


- The two extra stances... I hate them. They suck, I have to go through them whenever I change modes and this sucks even worse. One of the specials are also a bit easy to abuse... they were left out of the game for a reason me thinks.


- If you insist on keeping double bladed and two sabers I suggest that you make two special styles for these that can only be used when holding the weapons so I don't have to worry about them. But please I beg of you... take out two sabers... it looks so ugly I feel like vomiting whenever I see someone using two sabers. Besides they also degrade the gameplay.



But Jedimod looks nice still and I look forward to 1.2

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Remark, perhaps if you and others would pay more attention to what you download (and read readme files) there wouldn't be a problem.


BOFH made a mod out of JediMod and JK2++. I think it is only fitting that he name the mod after the two.

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All of the Cvars should be set from a console front end, Like Tchouky's mod.. There is zero reason for someone who doesn't know how to make .bat files to even use the extras you provided. And that's probably 70% of the community. Give it a front end like the tck saber mod, with all of the options plainly labeled and listed, and an auto executor, function for entity scripting. and an auto-bat function for servers to execute. Also, If you going to go with Desann's and Tavion's stances I would recomment giving BOTH a unique special. After all, that's the point of having another stance, something you can't find anywhere else. If you look at Desann's spinning moves.. the Purple Special should actually be with Orange Stance.. if you're simply going to port another anim, then use the strafe+crouch side butterfly vault animation as an overhead attack that crosses the opponent with saber out. Chop Chop. All the stances should have a different special. You might also think of adding a cvar/console command for dis/enabling proximity for specials, so Admins can decide whether they can be executed by only proximity, or when ever the person wants to, and whether they can be spammed or not.

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Originally posted by WD_Rage

Remark, perhaps if you and others would pay more attention to what you download (and read readme files) there wouldn't be a problem.


BOFH made a mod out of JediMod and JK2++. I think it is only fitting that he name the mod after the two.


I know what I download, I'm not dumb, I downloaded both, deleted 2.1/2.2 (didn't even bother for 3.0) because it's so lame, started to work with Dest on JediMod Official 1.2 and it came out ####ing sweet as hell, so I don't even know what you're talking about here.....I'm just bitching at how lame BOFH/BARFs ""mod"" is, he only changed like few things (for the worst), combined JediMod and JK2++ and released it, he's sooo lucky Dest is easy going


Canis_Aureus beat me to it but I'll say it again


Dest let you use the name because he thought you're going to make a good edit of it, he actually thought you'll work hard and implement some cool new original features (boy he was wrong, eh ?), you just stole the fame of JediMod with your higher number crap, without Dest you wouldn't even be known to these people (how I wish)


I suggest changing the name of the mod and adding more options to it because I won't get off your case until you do that or drop the whole "project" (haha, this can't even be called a project)


even Dest himself told you to change the name before you release 3.0, why the #### haven't you ?



*flame mode...deactivate*



and no, I'm actually not an angry person, I help many people every day with whatever they need, it's just people like him tick me off, I would never even think of doing something like this, what is he trying to do ? trying to get popular ? this type of edits are on servers, they have it on there so when people connect these options are there, this is like chicken #### release, nothing good in (name one thing that made 2.0 better then 1.1 ??), my god!! and it actually fooled everyone, in the readme (as WD_Rage said) he listed everything that Dest made and then at the end like 3 lines of what he changed (scale, force in duels and ####ed up saber damage), he doesn't even know how to change the ####ing search button, when you go to search for JediMod 2.0++ servers it searches for JediMod servers, Dest implemented that in to see if he'd know how to change it (guess not) and now in 2.2 (or whatever) you can push people that are dueling, yeah, you're not part of it but YOU can push them, fun ? I'd find that rather annoying, someone pushing me while I try to duel


but ohh well, don't want to make this post longer then it already is (but I easily could by listing all the #### ups in his release ;))


lets see his next "creative" response, the last one flooded with intelligence and professionality :)

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Agree 110% with everything Remark stated....


If you're gonna make a mod using Dest's code, give Dest credit for the things he added, and only say what YOU added in the readme.


Also, about the name.... Dest specifically posted a thread saying any mod that used his source code would be named something other than JediMod, and would give credit to Tchouky and Dest.


The game w/ the version numbers is really dumb and is obviously a ploy to get people to download that mod instead of JediMod (Jediknightii.net seemed to cause that problem when the Yoda model came out too)


Any coder out there knows the difference between a whole number release and a decimal release eg 2.0 vs 1.1. If you make minor changes, you dont go from version 2.0 to 3.0... BTW, where was JediMod++ v1.0? You don't increment from JediMod's code.... Windows95 wasn't called DOS++ v9.3 for a reason.

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2.0 and 2.1 were improperly named, but before 2.2, dest and I agreed on me using the name JediMOD++, because it is less confusing than what i used for 2.0 and 2.1. 2.0 and 2.1 have been destroyed and removed. and for 3.0 there was no reason to break the cycle so i left the name as JediMOD++

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