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Darth Vader question


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I forsee 3 possible outcomes.


1. You die a horrible and painful death spitted on the end of Vader's blade.


2. You flee and pray he can't catch up to you.


3. You defeat him but he escapes (since he can't be killed).

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yeah thats wha I was thinking nad think I found away to "kill" him aobut 50 not thats not enough 60 maybe all throw thermal detantors at him at the same time, while some starfigters shoot at him. Sure most of us willl die praobly becuase hell always have some Storms NPC's hanigng nearby incase any one does manage to kill him.

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Originally posted by Sckitzo

Yeah, by some miracle I make Jedi, i aint telling anybody, nope just as soon use a blaster and save my saber for emergencys. Think thats what MOST caustious Jedi will do, or at least intellgeint.

well. belive me that a lot of "jedi" will show off their stunts and all.. just to let us all see that they made it and we didnt :D.. and if they do... they are dead :D
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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah but a single squadron of X-wngs are able to destroy wings of TIEs, considering the numbers there is no reason to worry about loosing some stormies unless the planet rises in rebellion. the tarnishing of the jedis' reputattion works well enough to get the populace to often times try to get help to get rid of Jedis (see the EU book I,jedi)

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Originally posted by ewok hunter

now imagine what would happen if Mace tried to go to a world like that after hidding on a nowhere planet like degobah and told the populace that he was there to help with his purple lightsabre...:D

i would say that the next morning an imperial stardestroyer would come along and deply all their at-at and at-st and their full squads of Stormtroopers to kill him
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