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WIP: Return of the Jedi Mod.


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No, not having the source won't hurt us.


We can still do


1) Cinematics (ingame and not)

2) Modelling

3) Scripting

4) Mapping

5) etc.


It is possible to make a tc almost exactly like the movie. Things like having a double light saber in SP is one of the problems of not having the code but that was only in episode 1.

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Excuse me i have so many questions, since this TC is actually progreesing.


WIll you have the dynamic music system for your own tracks, since JO doesn't have all the music from ROTJ?


WIll you make the player follow exactly whats going on in the movie, or will you guys make multiple ways to complete the objective? Example, when you invade Jabbas palace will you automatically go right to the scartac pit, or will you have an opportunity to accomplish the mission then and there?


Are voice actors really neccessary, or can some char be tooken directly from the movie,?(Lando) do you plan to remake him Lando in ROTJ form?


Is their a way to change the style of a saber combatant, for ex the reborn mainly flip around with their saber, is their anyway you guys can or will edit that for Vadar, so he uses only certain powers at certain times?


WIll you include more objects that can be manipulated by the force?Pull, pushed into people


DO you guys plan to make the damage factor more like the cannon movies, assuming because stormtrooper armor seems to be a slight downgrade from Mandalorian armor, you probably know more than I, but will you have that as well, so it will be realistic combat but the stormtroopers wont just be mincemeat for you?


THats all for now, if anyone from the team can answer thanks

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Most of what you said we are going to try to do.


About jabbas palace - it will go to the pit - the movie will be followed. There will however be stages where it is not exactly like the movie to keep up with gameplay.


About vader. We are able to make him do things when we want but not while he is fighting (if you are talking about animation). Otherwise we can make him move and act how we want him to.


Hope this helps



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Naphtali, here are the answers to your questions, to the best of my knowledge. Zeus, Chrono, Crosis, Mushashi, feel free to correct me...


1) The music is a non-issue... You can specify the background music for every level.


2) Yes and no. You WILL have to do the Sarlaac pit level... It would be very strange if that part of the story never happened (Boba Fett still being in the picture, Jabba not dead, Han/Chewie still prisoners, etc). There will be more room for exploration on Endor and such.


3) Yes and no again... Sounds can be ripped for some things, but not for all. It's too hard to get rid of the background music so we might have to voice act for a lot of scenes... :-/


4) No, at least not w/out the SP SDK (which may never come out)


5) I guess that could be possible, but only in levels where you are Luke, since nobody else uses the Force in ROTJ (besides Palpy and Vader when they're fighting Luke)


6) Not possible - see #4

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Will you have the dynamic music system for your own tracks, since JO doesn't have all the music from ROTJ?


1.) as stated previously, yes the music is customizable. So it is merely a matter of getting the music from various sources. For reference, the vast majority of music found in JO is from all 3 movies.


Will you make the player follow exactly whats going on in the movie, or will you guys make multiple ways to complete the objective? Example, when you invade Jabbas palace will you automatically go right to the scartac pit, or will you have an opportunity to accomplish the mission then and there?


2.) This is also covered quite a bit. For example, when you come to the Rancor pit you won't have a lightsaber. You can use different ways of defeating it. You can try and blast it (with the blaster Luke steals), you can crush it in the gate, or you can find alternative ways. However, for major scenes (i.e. the battle against Palpetine and Vader) you will not be able to accomplish it any different than it happens in the movie. For example, you cannot kill Vader, you can cut his hand off. You can't even touch Palpetine, and don't have any hope of being able to saber him.


Are voice actors really neccessary, or can some char be tooken directly from the movie,?(Lando) do you plan to remake him Lando in ROTJ form?


3.) Voice actors aren't really necessary, but some scenes have things like music/etc that make it really hard to filter out the proper frequencies. As far as Lando goes, we're planning on editing his model to have different surfaces, so that we don't have an extra model cluttering up disk space.


Is their a way to change the style of a saber combatant, for ex the reborn mainly flip around with their saber, is their anyway you guys can or will edit that for Vadar, so he uses only certain powers at certain times?


4.) This was the question I was waiting to answer ^_^. This is up my alley, because I will be handling most of the animation code, while Zeus is handling the scripting aspects. As far as Vader goes, he will retain his one-handed technique...and will not use lightning. You can alter specific AI files attributed to the NPCs so that they do not act outside what you want them to act like. However, since his class would still be Desann's, he would probably whoop your butt. ^_^


WIll you include more objects that can be manipulated by the force?Pull, pushed into people


5.) This is the plan so far. Right now (in the movie) we haven't found anything where Luke specifically pulled or pushed something in the movie and used it against someone else. However, seeing as how we want to make maps as interactive as possible...there might be ways of accomplishing objectives outside of how they were seen in the movies. We're just not telling how. ^_^


DO you guys plan to make the damage factor more like the cannon movies, assuming because stormtrooper armor seems to be a slight downgrade from Mandalorian armor, you probably know more than I, but will you have that as well, so it will be realistic combat but the stormtroopers wont just be mincemeat for you?


6.) First of all, there's no such thing as Mandalorian armor in ROTJ. That's EU, and definitely not canon to us. Lightsabers will do as they always have done - disintegrate or dismember. There will be times, however, that using your lightsaber probably isn't a good idea. Since you don't even get it back until the Sarlaac Pit, you'll definitely find other ways to get rid of your foes (yes, you can grip enemies into the Sarlaac Pit, and it is much more satisfying than sabering them ^_^).



If you have any more questions regarding features, don't hesitate to ask.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

yes, you can grip enemies into the Sarlaac Pit, and it is much more satisfying than sabering them ^_^.


I never saw Luke use grip very much in the movie, but of course we should be able to turn him to the dark side if we want too :D


But still.... the emperor wants to turn him to the dark side at the end, and if Luke is already gripping and frying his enemies with lighning, there wont be much of a ending...

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Well, Luke has the ability to grip. That's the kind of things I am talking about. He won't be shooting lightning, his force is limited to that which you see in the movie. It's not really nice to take a force power away in the name of continuity, so that's what I mean when I say the game will have its freedoms.


Yea, you can let Han, Leia, Chewie, and Lando die...but it'd be game over.


Sure, you can try and escape the Sarlaac Pit without the droids, but that'll be game over.


You CAN grip and get away with it. Right now, Luke is in a transitional period where he is a light side Jedi...but he doesn't know which powers are light and dark. He's not even powerful enough to do anything more than grip, push, jump, and pull. Those are the only force powers you will see in the game. As for weapons, you won't see any rocket launchers (without cheating) and you will most likely use your saber and blaster more than anything. Remember, Luke isn't trying to attract the Emperor's attention to his friends, he's trying to save them.


Additionally, as I said before, there will be multiple ways to solve puzzles other than what you see in the movie. Major plot points happen either way.

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I must disagree on Luke not using the Grip. When I last time watched the movie, it surely seemed to me that Luke indeed used his father's methods to the guards of Jabba's palace when he in the beginning entered it. Look at the face of the other ugly guard (pardon me for not remembering their gruesome race) when he staggered against the wall, almost holding his throat like so many of Vader's victims.

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Luke did use the grip, actually within that time he went to obiwans hut, were obiwan likely kept a record of the jediknight council,info,powers,antiques, remember the jedi have access to both dark, and light powers.


Chrono, on star wars official site, cannon their is mandalorian armor worn by the fetts.


Aside from that though, some jedi were having difficulty penertrating the super Battle Droid armor, they had to exert a lot of strength especially for a piercing attack.

My question was that since weve never seen a lightsaber used on stormtroopers will you just change the dismember properties, and damage that can be done to them with the saber?


With these new animations scripts are you hoping to give Vadar his style, and overpower technique as seen in the movies?

So with this do you plan to expand in the future, to make saber combat more grounded ,as oppose to flipping all over the place?


Are you going to replace every weapon with cannon weapons to be more realisticcombat, and also will you create more taunts for the char?

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Originally posted by Naphtali

Luke did use the grip, actually within that time he went to obiwans hut, were obiwan likely kept a record of the jediknight council,info,powers,antiques, remember the jedi have access to both dark, and light powers.


Chrono, on star wars official site, cannon their is mandalorian armor worn by the fetts.


Aside from that though, some jedi were having difficulty penertrating the super Battle Droid armor, they had to exert a lot of strength especially for a piercing attack.

My question was that since weve never seen a lightsaber used on stormtroopers will you just change the dismember properties, and damage that can be done to them with the saber?


With these new animations scripts are you hoping to give Vadar his style, and overpower technique as seen in the movies?

So with this do you plan to expand in the future, to make saber combat more grounded ,as oppose to flipping all over the place?


Are you going to replace every weapon with cannon weapons to be more realisticcombat, and also will you create more taunts for the char?


Yes, Luke does use grip. Watch ROTJ again if you think he doesn't, because he does at least once in the Jabba palace scene (you may not see him actually grip, but you see the end result). He also uses mind trick, and pull. We can probably assume he knows force push because of how he did the whole rock-lifting scene in ROTJ...


The other player characters (Leia, Han, Chewie, etc) will obviously not have access to the Force powers, because of obvious reasons.


Creating more taunts in SP is not possible as far as I know, but I know how to do it in MP... (made a playsound function that plays any sound, actually, not just taunts). We will be creating a lot of weapon models to mimic the canonical weapons in certain scenes. It might be tough because some characters have things that would have to fit under the "lightsaber" category because of the way they are swung instead of shot, so that may be a challenge, but I think that with enough creativity, that can be done right.


As far as the armor debate, I really doubt we'll be able to change anything there. Remember that this is a SP mod, and we don't have access to changing some things that we would if we had the SDK... Plus, I think the "mandalorian armor" is overrated anyways. I've personally never seen Jango or Boba take any hits to the armor to show it's any better than plate mail :).


As far as making Vader jump less, that's kinda tough, because the scripted enemies use the game AI engine, which somehow tells them to jump in certain situations (we cannot change this in SP). We can change basic behavioral characteristics, but we cannot control his exact movement.

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Fearless leader where art thou.........hmmm...I am think of re-doing jabba in xsi, for there is a vert that is hiding and can not be found. There is no way to get a clean import, so it look bad. I want to be able to weight him properly, so i am going to do it in xsi, where I have the nice paint brush.

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Originally posted by MUHAHAHAHAHA


Yes, Luke does use grip. Watch ROTJ again if you think he doesn't, because he does at least once in the Jabba palace scene (you may not see him actually grip, but you see the end result). He also uses mind trick, and pull. We can probably assume he knows force push because of how he did the whole rock-lifting scene in ROTJ...


The other player characters (Leia, Han, Chewie, etc) will obviously not have access to the Force powers, because of obvious reasons.


Creating more taunts in SP is not possible as far as I know, but I know how to do it in MP... (made a playsound function that plays any sound, actually, not just taunts). We will be creating a lot of weapon models to mimic the canonical weapons in certain scenes. It might be tough because some characters have things that would have to fit under the "lightsaber" category because of the way they are swung instead of shot, so that may be a challenge, but I think that with enough creativity, that can be done right.


As far as the armor debate, I really doubt we'll be able to change anything there. Remember that this is a SP mod, and we don't have access to changing some things that we would if we had the SDK... Plus, I think the "mandalorian armor" is overrated anyways. I've personally never seen Jango or Boba take any hits to the armor to show it's any better than plate mail :).


As far as making Vader jump less, that's kinda tough, because the scripted enemies use the game AI engine, which somehow tells them to jump in certain situations (we cannot change this in SP). We can change basic behavioral characteristics, but we cannot control his exact movement.



I think i was missunderstood, I know luke used those powers.


However will you guys make modifications to the existing model, making Vadar's cape animate?


Will you change edit the force charge pool as well?

Will including the X-wing physics mean that you will have to be lando and pilot into the deathstar?

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Originally posted by Naphtali



I think i was missunderstood, I know luke used those powers.


However will you guys make modifications to the existing model, making Vadar's cape animate?


Will you change edit the force charge pool as well?

Will including the X-wing physics mean that you will have to be lando and pilot into the deathstar?


No you weren't misunderstood, that was basically agreeing with you for the people who said that Luke didn't use the powers... Sorry for the confusion :).


As far as animating Vader's cape, I would probably say no. I don't think it's necessary, and I think Cheshire and SithlordII did a fine job w/ it. I don't know nearly enough about the animations to make the cape flop around in the wind. On a scale of 1-10 of priority, that would probably be a -5 for me.


Changing the force charge pool in SP is something that I am not familiar with. I know you can change the amount of time it takes in MP, but I'm not sure about SP. As far as the flying/speederbike scenes, stay tuned, we're working on it ;).

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