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WIP: Return of the Jedi Mod.


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This sounds really interesting. I've been working on a programming degree and will graduate in nine months. I went to school with the intentions of getting a job in the Gaming industry so have been planning to join a modding team near the end of my schooling. I would like to help out with your mod.


My qualifications:

I have mapping experience with the Quake 3 engine and would be willing to work on a few maps in addition to coding work.


I have formal training in ANSI C++ which is the language the game is written in.


I have formal training in ASP and HTML development.


I have downloaded the Source for MP JK2 and have been playing with it :)


If you're still looking for someone, please email me at primesghost@hotmail.com


or contact me through AOL instant messenger

Screenname: primesgho




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well, PM me if you are interested in that mod...but for this mod what we really need to do is get a ton of models done (heh), and make maps. Part 2 will come when we have figured out how to successfully implement something we are dying to do.


Speeder bikes. We want that awesome speeder bike sequence to be fully done. I imagine it will require a lot of creative thinking, so if you are up to helping us figure it out we would be grateful. Other than that, modelers and mappers are what we are in need of.

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Well, I plan on resuming work on my Boba Fett Slave 1 prefab this week, I stopped working on it for a while because I got kinda burned out on it, but i'm determined to finish this thing. Once completed it'll be available to anyone who wants it, check it out here -- http://www.manquesa.com/jk2.htm


Also, i've been planning on making a map based on ROTJ for quite some time now and I intend to start work on it as soon as I finish this Slave 1. I want to make and SP map based on the scene on Endor where Han, Leia, the ewoks, etc., try to enter that power station bunker. They have to fight against at-st's and stormies and then they take over an at-st and make their way inside and destroy the power station. I probablly wouldn't be a very long level, but i'd do plenty of cutscenes and cinematics to make it like the movie.


If once I get going in making this level I feel that it would be a worthwile contribution to your mod and that I can finish it in a decent amount of time, i'll offer that up to you guys as well (if you'd want it) otherwise i'll just release it by itself.

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Sorry to say this, but you are an (5 minutes of bleeped out words).



So what if the links are dead? We have plenty to show for in other forums, and in other screens. Just because we don't visit this forum with an update every day doesn't mean anything.


So, what are you trying to say? That we're not really doing an ROTJ mod? All because we don't have pictures that are working right now? Who the hell are you? Wait, don't answer that. Frankly, I don't really care. Go find someone else's thread to trash, because the progress we're making on this TC isn't going to come at light speed. Unlike other TC people, we're planning things out one step at a time.


If we were to do everything we wanted at once, this mod would never see the light of day. Instead, we're breaking it up into 3 seperate levels for you to play in, and doing the best we can to be accurate. If that's not good enough for you, go play another TC (like AOTC, which I don't think will ever see the light of day).

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Ok lets break it up.



Lets get back on to topic.



First off, we will be applying x-wing physics to the Speeder bikes and the MF so we will be able to have some levels outside the standard walking around with a saber.


And, if you have had any intrest in joining in the rotj tc, Keep an eye on your email this week, I will get back to ALL of you.

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Originally posted by MUHAHAHAHAHA

If anyone has a visual dictionary, reference pics for characters like crumb, Nien Nunb, the Rancor, Ewoks, etc would be very helpful. Also, any pics of Dagobah, Endor, and inside the imperial ship would be great.


Nice job on Jabba, Mushashi, he's looking fat and proud.


i have the star wars visual dictionary and the cross-sections books -- id be glad to help out there

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And unlike other TCs we don't put a ****load of work into our site and not our mod. AOTC keeps you updated, yea...but what else do they have to show for? Nothing. When we feel you need to be updated, we'll only give major updates. So our site isn't working. Can you afford a website and storage space for your team to work off of?


Manquesa just go somewhere else besides here. You aren't wanted by the team or by anyone who has shown interest, it's obvious all you are trying to do is cause trouble.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

Manquesa just go somewhere else besides here. You aren't wanted by the team or by anyone who has shown interest, it's obvious all you are trying to do is cause trouble.


whoa whoa whoa, excuse me mother****er, I asked a simple ****ing question. Unlike other TC's/mods, you guys say you got a website up, but all you provide is dead links to it. I've been as polite as can be and even offered my own help to you guys, check one page back. Others have been accusing you of not doing anything, not me. I asked if you guys maybe had another link to your website or something, because as the quote said, your website is now up and running, but when I click on the link to it I get an access forbidden page. You guys should be pleased that people are interested in this, not getting pissed off because people want to check it out. Please read these posts before you respond to them.


I'll apologize for my language if you apologize for telling to go somewhere and jumping to conclusions about what you think i'm imlying when I ask you a simple question.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

And unlike other TCs we don't put a ****load of work into our site and not our mod. AOTC keeps you updated, yea...but what else do they have to show for? Nothing. When we feel you need to be updated, we'll only give major updates. So our site isn't working. Can you afford a website and storage space for your team to work off of?


Manquesa just go somewhere else besides here. You aren't wanted by the team or by anyone who has shown interest, it's obvious all you are trying to do is cause trouble.


Manquesa ain't causing any trouble for you. One would think a simple question like that could be answered easily by you and not so avoided as you just did.

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I appreciate your being mature enough to admit a mistake was made. I understand, there were others trying to trash you guys, but not me. I apologize for getting as upset as I did and in that language, I just felt I was being so wronged. Well my previous offer still stands, if I have anything that I think maybe you guys could use, i'll let you know and offer it up to you, if you guys want it, cool, if not, on prob either.

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

And unlike other TCs we don't put a ****load of work into our site and not our mod. AOTC keeps you updated, yea...but what else do they have to show for? Nothing. When we feel you need to be updated, we'll only give major updates. So our site isn't working. Can you afford a website and storage space for your team to work off of?


Jediknightii.net offers free webspace for good mods. The need for a website might seem unnecessary to you, but it is your portal to the world out there.


Secondly, you should cool it. The person who in your opinion tried to trash the mod earlier just stated that : the links were all dead, and that a few numbers in your signature actually mean nothing. Which is completely true. There was nothing wrong with his comment, yet you took it the bad way.


The only thing you are achieving at the moment is giving your mod the reputation of being a bunch of jerks who think they are better than anyone, and apart from that, have bad comments on other mods like AOTCTC, guys who are also only doing this for the community and in their free time. Disrespect is all you are getting from me. Instead of having respect for other mod teams, you bash em. Pretty hypocrit if you ask me.

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Hi, I am working on the MOD as well and I haven't said anything bad to anyone, ever.


I got pissed off enough when people gave crap comments about my maps.


Just because one team member says something idiotic, doesn't mean you must get all huffy and disrespect the whole team.


Not everyone is trying to be an *******. I am just trying to make something enjoyable for everyone to have fun with.


Anyone that is not interested in the MOD, please don't post comments as it just causes unneccessary arguments.


Thanks a lot



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Every team member of your mod team has a responsability to keep his teams reputation high. It is very clear that he speaks as a member of the team and not as an individual. A member of my team would face a serious warning or would even be kicked out when acting like this.


The other members of the team individually still got my respect, and I can understand that you don't like to see your teams reputation be destroyed, but it is upon the teams members to behave themselves. Once you join a mod team, you know that your actions will affect the whole team and not yourself alone.

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