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Additional bot variables useable in JediMod v1.2


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I forgot to tell everyone about the new variables you can include in your bot files for JediMod v1.2. Lets start off with an exmaple bot entry.



name "Desann"

model Desann

color1 0

tck_saberred 125 //red value

tck_sabergreen 0 //green value

tck_saberblue 170 //blue value

tck_doublesaber 1 //doublesaber value

hilt "desann" //hilt model 1

hilt2 "vader" //hilt model 2

personality /botfiles/Desann.jkb

// Desann is attached to Tavion



Most of those are pretty self explanitory. tck_saberred is the red value for rgb sabers, tck_sabergreen is the green value, and tck_saberblue is the blue value. hilt is just the name of the hilt you want the bot to use, hilt2 is the name of the hilt for the other hand. If you dont set hilt or hilt2 then they are set to the name of the bot. So if there wasn't a hilt entry for desann then he would have the hilt "desann" which would work out nicely.


tck_doublesaber is a bit more complicated. Here is what the values mean:

0 or no entry for it: single bladed lightsaber

1: double bladed lightsaber

2: two lightsabers

3: two double bladed lightsabers


I think thats it. I don't think it will mess up the bots for normal versions of the game if you include these extra variables but I've never tested it so you might want to test it first.

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Cool, uber-configurable bots. =)


Dest, is there anything you can do about those 'Unknown Command' messages? The stuff works, but when you type it in the console it gives the unknown command error.


And tehre's grapple now, right? Woo!

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The unknown command bug was fixed in version 1.1 (it just never said unknown command) in version 1.2 it is fixed correctly so it says unknown command for unknown commands and doesnt say anything for known ones.

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Ive had the best idea for a jedimod feature!!!!


its just a shame i think it has come too late :(




The option to flip any saber model and use an upside down saber!(or two)


I know that with current animation stances it will look a bit odd but it is another possible saber style and i think some jedi use it.


If dest can get a saber+blade in a second hand he can easily rotate them 180 degrees :)

Or maybe saber models can be made with the flash_tag upside down (not sure how that would work with a doubleblade)



Ok i think you get my idea anyway

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Aww, Groovy idea!

Commands like fliphilt and fliphilt2, so you can flip one hilt while fighting with both, which will radically change the way you inflict damage with the dual sabers! Ub3r l33t as my younger CSer brother might say.


Another thing: I think that when one saber is off in the dualsaber\doublesaber mod, instead of the yellowish and purple stance you should have the blue one instead, and that the doublesaber won't slow you down if only one edge is on. I know it might change the game's balance, but I think it'll be cool if waving one edge instead of two will actually change anything.


And one LAST thing: how about removing the yellowish and purple stances from the normal saber? I think they're pretty useless, and when I'm fighting and aim at a specific stance I usually miss which wrecks my fighting groove. Aren't five stances too much?



And really really really last thing: I forgot to mention it earlier but it's been there since ver 1. If you change your saber atk level to 1 (Not less, cause then you have no saber), you still have all 5 stances! Great exploit :D

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Hey Darth Nasty I dont know if you've used these but the kinda work upside down and work really well with the two new stances. I'm trying to find someone right now to make these mod compatible. Mac D is the author. Here is some pics

http://www.geocities.com/darkness_112000/Tonfa_Saber.html When you use them you have to set the blade to length to 0.5 to remove all clipping. Its like have a whole nother weapon to fight with.

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Another thing that would be cool would be making it so you wouldn’t have to activate the double bladed saber every time you die, like when you activate dual sabers, you will still have dual sabers, even if you die. Also, it would be kind of nice if you could change to dual sabers or double blade without having to turn off your saber.

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Yeah, that'd be a cool option to flip the saber upside down.. But maybe we should just make it a whole new style! Dedicated to Adi. :D This version does have those custom hilt choosing pics right?

And in the readme's, tell people not to put the JediMod 1.2 .pk3 in their base folder when they make a server. It's becoming a pain to take it in and out when I wanna go somewhere different. -_-;;

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Originally posted by Dest

There is now. tck_saberred2 tck_sabergreen2 tck_saberblue2


I can`t get these to work properly with bots I edited the bots.txt and made sure the bot had second hilt enabled, but when i start the game the bot has a blue lightsaber with a green trail !!!

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Originally posted by funny_dude0

It may not have been but hey ya never know right?


wrong, Dest would know :p


and yeah, the mod comes with 45 hilts, also it's a stand alone mod, you don't need to have 1.0 and 1.1, delet those and just have this


and you can get rid of 5 stances in one saber mode, look through the cvar readme ;)

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