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Save Darkside!!!!


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By the way every one.....please visit the darkside servers and see the freindships that for there and feel the Best competition in the world there and then tell me that it would be ok to let this go.....and one other thing, the stats system there just doesnt count your wins and losses, It measures and ranks you byu your skillz with the game.......you can have a guy with 500 fights rankes lower that a guy with only 100 fights, it measures you by skill with a saber, not how many wins you get......I could drive that up by going and beating on 40 noobs a day, but have no skill.........go to darkside and be a measure where you stand with the Elite in the world.


We are hoping that someone here at JKII.net will take notice and contact us about keeping it going......the only servers in the world that track and rank you by skill, not record. Thats what they were first brought up to do and still currently do.....after just a couple of days on darkside servers, all others are a letdown.

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Saw your site...liked it...nice design, clean, and got damn near everything you could want........but I never said this was a Dark Side site or set of servers, I said that they call it darkside servers...the web site is http://www.darkstats.com



Why don't you pop on over to the website and check out the stats tracking software that is run there......doesn't track you by wins losses like some ladder would, it tracks your skill and ranks you by that.......try it for a couple of days and I'll bet that you find some of the worlds best are on the darkside servers.

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Plz, Plz help us to save Darkside.

There are nearly only good player except some noobs which use only the newbie chop.

But I think some of the top guys there are the best duellers in the whole world.

So plz let the darkside surrender.

help us.


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That`s right rodney 75!!!!

On all the other servers I always see only noobs.



hold down the attack button................lol..........lol............?!?!?!........................lol...........

save the darkside!!!!


Let the darkside surrender!!!!

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obi, I've actually gained more skillz faster than I though, juat pending the time there that I do........I swear that I'm gonna write a letter to them to get the top 5 to play against Raven....I got $20.00 on the top 5 from darkside to take it.....

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Thats it then...Hear That RAVEN..........THE GAUNTLET HAS BEEN THROWN DOWN...........actually, any clan out there, I dont care who you are.............Sabers only, no force, duel, you bring your top 5 and I guarantee, they cant beat the top 5, whoeverthat may be at the time, on the darkside stats boarrd.......think you got what it takes to top the ladder.......bring it.


This is an un-official challenge to Raven team.......cmon.......scared? :smirk2:

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As far as I know, they run pure servers with extra/alternative maps & thats it. I don't think they adjusted the range of heavy stance, or if they have I didn't notice it.


On a side-note, I actually think the range of damage done by swings should match where the blade tip is during the swing in all stances. After all, we do not change blade length when we change stances, so the damage should not extend past the blade. If there is a difference in range, it should be reflected in how far the arms are extended during the swing so that the range still matches up with the blade tip.


It seems funny that Raven would make you run slower in red stance, but then make up for that by having extended ranges that allow you to inflict damage on someone with a swing that missed by a mile. That's just another glitch I'd like to see fixed in a patch.

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Select multiplayer game, then join a server, then get new list, then look for servers named darkside, & click on one. there is no charge to play there. You might change the selections that say show full & empty servers to yes so that you can at least see them even if you can't get in, then you can refresh list & see when a spot opens up.


If I'm telling you stuff that you already know I'm sorry, I just wanna make sure you get your answer. You can also go to darkstats.com for more information about IP's etc.


I like playing there because of the variety of maps, usually good ping, & most importantly because there are so many really good players playing there.

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Originally posted by ToppDog

As far as I know, they run pure servers with extra/alternative maps & thats it. I don't think they adjusted the range of heavy stance, or if they have I didn't notice it.


its a different heavy that I saw. Player only swings with one hand on the saber.


Originally posted by ToppDog

On a side-note, I actually think the range of damage done by swings should match where the blade tip is during the swing in all stances. After all, we do not change blade length when we change stances, so the damage should not extend past the blade. If there is a difference in range, it should be reflected in how far the arms are extended during the swing so that the range still matches up with the blade tip.


Heavy has longer reach not because a longer saber, but because the player reaches out further with his arms. Obviously if you swing with your arms fully extended you will reach further and take longer to recover.


Originally posted by ToppDog

It seems funny that Raven would make you run slower in red stance, but then make up for that by having extended ranges that allow you to inflict damage on someone with a swing that missed by a mile. That's just another glitch I'd like to see fixed in a patch.


I heavy didn't have any advantages it would be useless!!! Light short reach fast swing, yellow medium reach medium speed, Red - long reach slow speed. Thats how it works and that how it should stay.

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Originally posted by FatalStrike

its a different heavy that I saw. Player only swings with one hand on the saber.


You could very well be right. I'm not sure on that one.



Originally posted by FatalStrike

Heavy has longer reach not because a longer saber, but because the player reaches out further with his arms. Obviously if you swing with your arms fully extended you will reach further and take longer to recover.


We agree on this, sort of. While you're saying that the game is already doing this, I'm saying that they aren't yet, but that they should be. I agree with your reasoning that the range should be greater because of arm reach & not differing blade lengths. But what I was getting at is that sometimes this is not the case in the game. Sometimes the reach of damage extends way past the tip of the blade in the heavy swing animations. In the DFA it can be almost a full blade length at times. It looks silly to be killed by a DFA swing that clearly missed you by almost a full blade length.


Originally posted by FatalStrike

If heavy didn't have any advantages it would be useless!!! Light short reach fast swing, yellow medium reach medium speed, Red - long reach slow speed. Thats how it works and that how it should stay.


On this we both agree. In this case I just want the animations to reflect this as well. Right now we run slower in heavy, but the damage of the swings is often extended past the tip of the blade during swings to make up for it. I would rather the animations reflect the greater range by, as you said, having the model reach more with extended arms & possibly leaning into it more so that the blade tip matches up with the greater range during the animation. If that's not enough to equal the current range of heavy, then the rest should be made up for by allowing the player in heavy to run a little faster.

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