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Confederacy / Federation merger for SW:GB 2?

Darth Windu

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Personally i think it should happen, as it is the Trade Federation are part of the confederacy military. I would also like to see a more 'technological' and modern look to the confederacy, one that isnt based on Geonosis. Also, i think the units for this confeds then should be-


Worker - Geonosian

Trooper / Trooper Recuit - Battle Droid

Hvy Trooper / Repeater Trooper - Super Battle Droid

Mounted Trooper - Battle Droid

Anti-Air Trooper - Battle Droid

Grenade Trooper - Super Battle Droid

Scout - STAP

Strike Mech - Small Confederacy Spider Droid

Mech Destroyer - Large Spider Droid

Assault Mech - MTT

Artillery - New Confederacy Design

Pummel - New Confederacy Design

Anti-Air Mobile - Hail Droid

Fighter - Droid Fighter / Geonosian Fighter

Bomber - Droid Bomber / Geonosian Bomber

Air Transport - Trade Federation Lander (from ep1)

Air Cruiser - Trade Federation Battleship

All ships - non-Geonosian

Unique Units - Geonosian Warrior, Destroyer Droid

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You are aware that the Trade Federation had an army separate of the corporate alliance. They were just allies. The coporate alliance got its spider droids from the Commerce Guild, its troops from the Techno union, and the Hailfire from the banking guild. no units from the trade feds. Separate entities. period.

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You know, Windu, from all the various MERGERS you have suggested, one gets the impression that you desire a simpler game, possibly for your simple mind to better understand. However, most people like games with more than 1 civ and 3 unit types. :rolleyes:

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sithmaster - the confederacy has many members including things like the commerce guild, techno union and trade federation, so why shouldnt they be merged? I also remember dooku saying that with the combined battle droid army of the trade federation and techno union, they would be unstoppable. Finally, do you remember seeing confederacy destroyer droids in ep2? I certainly do.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

From my understanding, I think the Trade Federation becomes the Rebel Alliance in Episode 3 with other systems joining to take on the Republic.


Since Palpatine has his massive army, he can more or less do what he wants without the approval of the Senate.




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I'll try to explain this to you in SWGB terms because you didnt understand it the first time. There are two players, a Confed one and a Trade fed one. They are allies. The Confed player, who has troopers, strike mechs, mech destroyers, aams, assualt mechs, and a small air force wants his trade fed, who has built a massive trooper army intermitten with hdds, to help him assault a republic base. The trade feds say they want the confeds to get rid of a naboo interlooper (the lovely Padime) who has been harrassing his workers. The confeds send some bounties her way but they lose her. Meanwhile, scouts pick upactivity in the rep base and the Confed guy gets the Trade fed guy to help protect his flank. Just as the trade feds are moving in to help, the rep guy attacks a confed forward base and the two allies try to hold him off but end up retreating to their own bases. Make sense? No merger, just a bunch of friends hanging out.

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Well then why isnt there a seperate civ for the commerce guild, techno union etc? The way i see it, you can compare the Confederacy to NATO. An alliance made up of a number of sovereign nations who in a time of war, act as one entity with all of the individual military's merger into one.

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Just had a new idea, instead of merging the two incorperate federation units into the Confederacy as i said in the unit listing, including the destroyer droid as a unique unit. Also, keep the federation civ as it is (for episode 1 campaigns) and add a new unique unit alongside the destroyer droid, such as the grapple droid. This way, we can still play as the TF, plus the Confederacy will have trade federation units, as they did in episode 2.


Sound reasonable?


NOTE: apart from the destroyer droid, the changes would only be art for the confederacy

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Are you illiterate? THE TRADE FEDERATION WASN'T PART OF THE CONFEDERACY. period. They were buddies, allies, what ever. The techno guild ect. were part of the confeds. And no, the confeds didt have trade fed units. Thats like saying lets give the beserker to the rebs or the fambaa to the naboo. Seeing that you are so apt at destroying games, id bet your one of those scenerio people that clog the zone and ruin the game. Senate anyone?

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Here is a quote from the official Star Wars databank about Nute Gunray-


"(Nute) Gunray was willing to pledge the forces of the Trade Federation to the Confederacy of Independent System on one condition: the death of Padmé Amidala. The young Naboo politician became the target of several assassination attempts, but she escaped time and again. Nonetheless, Gunray committed the Trade Federation to the Separatist cause, and in the first battle of the Clone Wars, the Trade Federation droid army fought against the clone army of the Republic."


This proves that the Trade Federation ARE part of the Confederacy, and that their forces DID fight the Republic on Geonosis. That is why Trade Federation art and one unique unit should be incorporated into the Confederacy.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The Confederacy have a team bonus with the Trade Federation in Clone Campaigns.


If LA put Trade Federation droids into the game it would make for confusion. Clone Campaigns doesn't have to follow exactly how the film was.


If it did that, the Republic Artillery should be able to fire at air units, only the Republic, Empire & Rebels should have Jedi.. and the Empire would be limited to just 1 Sith Lord and a Master.



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Actually the Republic should be the only side to have Jedi. With artillery, even in the modern world ground-combat equipment can fire at aircraft, the T-80 Main Battle Tank has the ability to shoot down helicopters, so the artillery doesnt have to fire at air. As i said, the Federation is part of the Confederacy and there should at least be a token representation of them in the Confederacy.

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"(Nute) Gunray was willing to pledge the forces of the Trade Federation to the Confederacy of Independent System on one condition: the death of Padmé Amidala. The young Naboo politician became the target of several assassination attempts, but she escaped time and again. Nonetheless, Gunray committed the Trade Federation to the Separatist cause, and in the first battle of the Clone Wars, the Trade Federation droid army fought against the clone army of the Republic."

It NEVER says that the Trade Feds became part of the confeds, just that they committed their army to attack the Republic to gain their own benefits and to help a friend (the republic, and later the empire, was not very nice to the Trade Feds). Since you are obviously unable to read things in paragraphs, i will number it for you.

1. Dooku & Co. join and secretly plan to take down Republic. Gunray and his amigos are in on the plot but are to scared to attack the republic again.

2. Dooku pleads, and Gunray gives in, but says that Dooku must first exact revenge on Amidala. That fits into Palpatine's scheme of things so dooku agrees.

3. Dooku cant kill Amidala, but Gunray decides, during a secret meeting on Geonosis, that he is willing to send his army to war alongside Dooku.

4. The rest you understand (hopefully).


So, no merger, no unit sharing, and no deal.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

Actually the Republic should be the only side to have Jedi.


When you take someone else's intentional example of bad ideas and then say they are good ideas, now that shows you have the intelligence of a rock. Windu, I am completely puzzled at how you lack brain capacity, and comprehension of the English language. I try to explain rather basic things to you, you don't understand. Sith tries and you still are baffled yet try to sound smart, but fail. Then DMUK tries to explain something to you and you miss the point entirely.

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It's odd to read DMUK's theory about the TF becoming the Rebels since the other day I was playing someone who thought that in Ep. 3 that the CIS would become the Rebels. However, if you read the manual it states that the Rebels were a small group that grew over time and weren't ever really big until later on. Not to mention that the TF and CIS air should then in theory be better.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

Nonetheless, Gunray committed the Trade Federation to the Separatist cause...


As it says sithmaster, the Trade Federation joined the Confederacy. I can't see why you are even trying to agrue the opposite. Go look at the Star Wars Databank, it will show that I am right.


As for the allies thing. The USA has its own military, one of the most powerful in the modern world. However it is also part of the NATO alliance, and in the case of war in Europe, the US military would fight as part of a larger army alongside Dutch, French, British, Canadian, Flemmish, Spanish, Greek, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Turkish etc forces. This is the same case for the Trade Federation.


What i am proposing is not to demolisgh the Federation civ, just add some trade federation presence into the confederacy to show that they are part of it.



simwiz - i had already proposed that the jedi should be a republic UU before you made your comment about them here.

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you are as stubborn as jedi without guidance. The federation is not part of the confederacy, they weren't allies untill the republic attack (I believe this is stated in Clone Campiagns's database). The federation didn't hav a choice once their "secret army" was discovered. And abou the jedi being only for the republic, i agree, but to an extent. The jedi should be extremely rare in the game but able to desotroy a small army (masters) and padawans are built as "pairs" with their jedi master that leave once they are on the level of jedi knight but changeable in the scenario. But that is just me :)

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Taken from the star wars databank: "Count Dooku courted the massive engines of commerce in the galaxy -- institutions such as the Corporate Alliance, THE TRADE FEDERATION, the Techno Union, InterGalactic Banking Clan and Commerce Guild -- with promises of reform and unyielding devotion to capitalism. In exchange, these bodies would commit their immense armies to the Separatist cause. With their droid armies scattered throughout the galaxy, the Separatists would overwhelm the Republic."

So you see the Trade Fed did join the confederacy before the attack on geonosis. The Star Wars databank is as canon as you can get.

And I am not stubborn for stating an opinion. I really don't care whether they make the changes in a sequel or not.

Also, don't excessively flame people for having different ideas. Not every one is narrow minded.

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Windu- Fine.Then,they would also have to merge the gungans and the nabbos,and the rebels and the wookies together because they fought with each other against thier greater evils.


So instead of 7 races,there are only 5 to choose,with the empire and the rebublic getting the short stick.

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

Hmm, 4 extermely powerful civs, unquie, with super units, sounds familuar. Maybe we should call it StarWARCRAFT 3 :D LOL


The blizzard suers are coming.If you are in norther U.S.A.,go to Canada.If you are in Southern U.S.A.,go to Mexico A.S.A.P.



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