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BOFH trashing JediMod, read on please, know the truth

remark 666

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Infact I have now played both JediMod 1.2 and JediMod++ 3.0 I must say, JediMod 1.2 royaly owns ++crap. It's so much better that I'll never play any other mod..well untill we get an update of JediMod =P


I hate to say it, but I understand why BOFH trashed it. He simply knows Jedimod 1.2 owns his crap, all he did was edit Dest's source anyway. So it suprises me that Dest even puts up with BOFH's crap.....


Dest I sugest you don't release your sources anymore. More lammerz are just gonna rip you off. We need one good version of your mod. not the main one and 4 coppies.....I'm still angry when I get on the zone (I play on mainly MSN ZONE) and I see JediMod++ 3.0 game...and people give me the "It's Version 3 tho!" but it really sucks...it sucks bad, but then i host a game with 1.2 and give them a link to 1.2 and they say "MY WORD LAD, this is so much greater!" (ok maybe not MY WORD LAD)


Wow now I'm just babbleing.....


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Dest isn't going to make anymore mods, he's gone off to collage


and I really hope he doesn't release the code for 1.2, maybe for another month or so... I'll talk to him about it :p


(I bet someone will say, "hey! don't do that, we want to rape his code, take it appart and give him some credit, blah blah!!") ^_^

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yeah and this mod gets TO F@CKING much attention. and u know why there are hundrets of threads to this mod? because it has doublebladed double sabers, the model/saber scaling, the rgb saber colorizer, the cutsom hilt pack, many taunts/emotes. the less important feature will make it always to the most wanted ones! because THE people are dumb. and remark666: you should not think this code is holy and should be preserved. because it has been made for the dumb majority. to please them. the mod itself is raping already so many forums and servers. this is not dests code! its an open source projekt to save jk2 of becoming irelevant because of the lack of features. dest knows that and he wants to share his work with us all to learn from it. mabe there are some just SOME people around here who do not want to rape your pretious mod but want to look into it and add some features to their mod. tho there are not so many i would use (e.g. the laggy hiltpack, nice idea tho) for myself.

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laggy hilt pack ? maybe get better Internet provider, that should solve it ;)


and when did I say the code is holy ? I know it's not that hard for a good coder to do BUT go ahead, if it's that easy then do it, feel free, no one is stopping you...


and "doublebladed double sabers, the model/saber scaling, the rgb saber colorizer, the custom hilt pack, many taunts/emotes", double sabers, admin commands (there are the basic ones), new moves, a lot more voice taunts for one model, grapple hook, more cvars, more options...ALL that put together isn't simple "less important features", all of that makes a good ****ing mod, it makes it THE best mod EVER out (for JK2) and for the time being.


yes, it's the BEST mod, of course it's going to get all of the attention and the mod isn't raping anyone, maybe just your mind


and who do you think you are ? calling all the people dumb ? what are you ? holy ? get out of my sight, your kind sickens me


and the deal with BOFH made Dest rethink about releasing his code again, I don't know why you talk like you know


and you've said the same thing I've said few post above...just a longer version...


if you're going to take some, just SOME, small features then please, go ahead, make them yourself Einstein.


-remark for you

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Heck, anyone can do the admin and gameplay additions. Now, if only someone figures out a way to add animations.....


Why don't I see YOU doing this? You said anyone can.


Besides, the fact of this mod having Tchouky's, mine and some others' code is not making it bland.


I'd like to remind you that before Dest, a lot of people (including myself) thought that it's impossible to add another saber/custom hilt without a MAJOR rewrite of the ghoul2 saber handling in the code.


I'd like you to go and do the two sabers support WITHOUT even looking on Dest's code. Then you have the right to say "this mod is nothing more than a or b, these features are piece of cake to add"


And besides, if people love this mod, this alone makes it great.



And last time I checked, AgentJ and Dest managed to add a custom animation. I do not know alot of details, but from what I heard it worked.


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heh remark666 is getting hot over my post...

sure the features are good but i miss the greater purpose. its just a collection of the most wanted features. that i think most people are dumb is not very original. if u watch films or read books u will come across many statements like this. everybody likes darth maul and want to be a him. ok, but i get frustrated here because i see some great features in many mods but none with all the good ones together. jedimod has all the features for the fun aspect together which came out the last months. but where is the adminmod collection with all the possible and more features to make jk2 realy great?

its good to defend jedimod but remark666, u are taking it to serious. its not a piece of cake but also nothing to keep closed in a safe. i hope it keeps beeing opensource. not to be ripped off but to serve as an example and teaching others...

another annoying thing is this animation thingy. im glad it stopped from beeing so frequent, but at the beginning it was a spamfest for people who wanted to make their own anims. and it was futile. 99% of them wont get any done. one has to look at the possibilities and decide how to do the best of it. adding new anims seems to be VERY difficult if not even impossible for most of us. so forget it!

atelast its not completly stupid to use the double bladed saber anymore because jedimod has this extra one handed stances made for it.

its realy bad that this guy released the mod under the same name. but that should not stop open source. i would keep my mouth shut if it would be a complete thought thru mod which changes gameplay in an advanced way. if it would have realy good gameplay additions to make duels better or team games. but for now i dont see very much of it. it makes no greater sense than just little fun additions. which mabe are hard to do, i didnt intend to underestimate it.

i dont know if u get what im trying to say. but at the current stage it would not be such a righteous thing to keep it in the safe.

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NITEMARE, I'm sure you had a lot of interesting things to say. Unfortunately, I don't really feel the need to sift through that garbage pit you call a paragraph, so any intelligent arguments you made are completely unreadable.


On a side not, they didn't say the animations worked in-game, only in Mod-View.


And before Dest, there was me. I was the one who originally started pushing the idea of having two sabers, which I knew was completely possible. Dest was just able to understand the code and turn it into a reality. So Dest isn't the be-all end-all of coders out there, or pioneers, he just managed to get a mod out first.


And before you start judging the difference between the two mods (for those who say downloads mean nothing) remember that JediPlus is BASED off of JediMod code, nothing will ever change that.

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And before you start judging the difference between the two mods (for those who say downloads mean nothing) remember that JediPlus is BASED off of JediMod code, nothing will ever change that.


And Dest's code is based on TCK's code, which is based on the JK2 code, etc, etc. Basing your code on someone else's code doesn't show infuriority. Sure, JM++ is basically a slightly more streamlined version of JM but does that mean it shouldn't be released? Some people actually want that addition smoothing of the JM options.


Making mods is about making mods that are fun and interesting to play, not a popularity contest. Personally, I'm into JK2 modding to improve the overall "realism" and fun of the game. I really like what Dest has done with the JK2 code but I'm not going to impliment some of it into my mod until the bugs and gliches have been hammered out. Not that I don't like it or anything, I just feel that many of the features in JK2 haven't been perfected yet and will be tricky to properly insert into a fun, balanced gameplay package.

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Actually, Dest's code ISN'T based off of Tchouky's code, he implements his tck saber mod into JediMod. If you were around when Dest was first creating JediMod you would know that. Dest is the one who coded the entire dual-saber thing from scratch. Tchouky helped with scaling, and with the saber-colors. That's it.


Maybe it is based off of JK2 code, but as far as the mod goes Dest created it himself, just implementing the colors/scaling as part of it.



And yea, we're all waiting for that super-exciting mod that kicks the shyte out of all the others.


I'm in the middle of making one as we speak :p

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And yea, we're all waiting for that super-exciting mod that kicks the shyte out of all the others.


I'm in the middle of making one as we speak :p


Oh, really? So what's the killer app feature in this Mod? I'm thinking the killer app Mod is going to be a modification to bring the saber combat to the next level.

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Originally posted by Emon

If the author of JM++ thinks regular JM is crap, then so be it. That's his opinion. He should not, however, judge a mod without playing it.


his mod is even worse (lets say JediMod 1.2 is unliked), that's like dissing your own mod 2X worse then actually dissing the original because his mod is really close to the older version of it......maybe I don't know what I'm saying, I'm just one person with a lot of remarks.....


*me go into duel server and then sleep*

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

NITEMARE, I'm sure you had a lot of interesting things to say. Unfortunately, I don't really feel the need to sift through that garbage pit you call a paragraph, so any intelligent arguments you made are completely unreadable.


so u did not read my post? man i would like to have the same client side prediction app u have to save my time instead of reading stupid posts. but at the moment i have to READ all the posts if i want to make sure they are crap. man u r are far ahead of your time...

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