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New Game Engines?


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I was just wondering, is LucasArts going to make any new adventure game engines? I noticed that MI4 had a somewhat dated engine and the graphics weren't quite up to the Times. I am hoping that for FT2 and MI5, that you don't spend all there time on Star Wars games and (way to many, by the way) make some new, up to date adventure game engines that people could talk about, and attract a few more costomers. I don't want another sloppy job on the 3D graphics!

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Actually, the Star Wars games have been tied closely with LEC's two 3D adventures...


Grim Fandango's 3D graphics engine was RenderDroid, first developed for Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith (and reused also in at least some of the TPM games and Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine).


EMI's graphics engine was based on the (at that time still alive and kicking) Obi Wan engine, as far as I'm aware.


Doubt you'll see a 3D graphics engine developed purely for adventures. Just a ripped-out renderer from one of the "way too many" :) Star Wars games (or some other action game), combined with an adventure targetted interpreter etc.


- Serge

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Grim Fandango looked better because its characters were based on painted paper mache masks. Obviously less sophisticated than an actual human face.


That was one of the geniuses of Grim Fandango - whether the style was chosen because of its simplicity and ability to be rendered in 3D, or whether it was just chosen because it's cool, it resulted in graphics which were almost perfect for what they were showing.

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