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Favorite moments


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I must say the best impression was the level when you jump with the airwinds (or whatever) to platform to platform higher and higher and then finally reach the top and there's someone screams out "Jedi!" ... the first encounter with a saberist I think...

(although I can be wrong)


But that fight blew my mind, from that moment I couldn't stop playing. The fight lasted for a while too, as I did not know how to fight with the saber then...


Somehow I never really used the saber until then (well, turned it on and tried it a couple of kills, then went back to the guns again)... But afterwards I never killed anything again without the use of the force or the saber... except some snipers and out of range and reach foes...

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I know it's one of those pre-defined "they're gonna loooooove this" moments, but I have to say the fight alongside Luke blew me away. Thing is, it wasn't necessarily what had been planned to happen that I found amazing, it was the randomness of the fight. It ended with Luke and I turning at exactly the same time towards the last stormtrooper and simultaneously throwing our Lightsabres and cutting him up. It was amazing, and the best thing was that it was completely random and will never happen like that again. This is the way games have to move. Stunning.

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After about a day of blasting through the other levels, she was my first real challenge. She is by far, IMHO, the best fighter in JKII.


It may have took me only 15 mins to finnally beat her(Reload, reload, reload) but it waas a great time in jkii.

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My favorite part is when you first get on the ship -- I can't remember what is called, but your standing in the ships bridge, and Stormtroopers enter from the room below, and the door to the ships bridge. Just standing there, using force pull and lightning and all the powers in your arsenal to diffuse them. That is very fun.



I also like when you get to open the magnetic field and see all the stormtroopers get pulled out into space :D :D :D

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