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Lord of The Rings Models????


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Originally posted by VampireHunterD


Hopefully in this special edition they'll have the real battle scene of where the Elven-King Gil-Galad and the human king Elendil will fight against Sauron in the Battle of the Last Alliance instead of that gay little creep Isildur cutting the ring from Sauron's hand. Those idiots who made the movie completely changed the story right there. There should have been a showdown between the 2 kings and Sauron there. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


And another thing, in the Fellowship of the Ring book, Aragorn gets Anduril, the real sword that he used reforged. Aragorn never even got it in the movie. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


*-EDIT-*: I've also read The Hobbit as well.




Firstly this movie was thought to be impossible to make, due to the infinite complexity and details of the Lord of the Ring trilogy, the fact that they pulled it off, through encapsulation of tolkien's main points, is an accomplishment of its own, good or bad!

The fact the movie is actually incredible, gives Peter Jackson and associates so much needed praise, from (non-retarded), LOTR fans.


Do you honestly expect, a movie to portray full details of the many ideas in the Fellowship of the ring! GOD, the visit to TOM BOMBADIL could be a movie in itself!


NEXT, how can you call the makers of the Lord of the Rings movie (peter jackson and others) idiots? They did the impossible, by summarizing this amazing story, and with amazing effects brought it to the screen! MANY, have stated how they feel that movie is exactly what they imagined it to be in their minds!!!



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Originally posted by Major Clod


You idiot, the special edition will not be rated R. Most of the extra scenes include extended council of elrond scenes, more of the travel to Lothlorien, and other scenes that fans of the book will recognise. Rumours of extensive gore are completely fake.


Actually, the R rating would only be there for a single shot in the film. There is some sequence where someone gets 3 arrows in him, now that's the PG-13 version. The R version had the person instead getting 5 or more arrows in him, I don't remember now. I'm not sure if this difference is in the extended version but that's the story behind the R version. New Line has also stated that they will stand behind Jackson and the films and won't have him change them to get a PG-13 rating if any of them to do get an R.

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A Tolkien-ish Total Conversion mod for JK2 is already in the works:




(Note, I say "Tolkien-ish" because we're still not sure about invasion of copyright :( The mod will include elements from the Silmarillion - ages BEFORE the events of The Hobbit or it's sequel, LOTR - I guess, similar to Knights of the Old Republic. I saw that Chris Reed released his "Dwarrowdelf" (Moria) map a couple days ago; http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=737

I don't see why anyone should have a problem with a TC that'll be FREE for download ;)


Here's the thread I started a while back about the Journey into the Dark mod. (WE ARE STILL IN NEED OF EXPERIENCED SKINNERS AND MODELLERS!)






BTW, I thought Hugo Weaving was and EXCELLENT choice for Elrond! I think ALL of the elves were done "right" - as represented by Tolkien's Middle Earth. (The guy that pretty much CREATED the FANTASY genre).


Jackson did as good a job (in 3 hours) as could be expected; I even forgave him the use of Arwen instead of (? ) Glorfindel, though I hope the Special edition DVD will include Galadriel's "gift-givings", and it'd be nice to see Bombadil and the Barrowwights (though that's a lost hope :(


**EDIT: I agree with Smood "in substance", but NOT in delivery! Chill out, man! Yeah, the movie WAS AWESOME, but name-calling doesn't get us anywhere.



Originally posted by TheWhiteRaider

The books came out 21 years ago and I read them when I was 7

. . .


Hmm. Check out the original copyright dates on any copy of LOTR or the Hobbit; they were releaseed LONG before you and I were born (1937 by Unwin for The Hobbit, I think).

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Originally posted by TheWhiteRaider

The hobbit was writen by Tolken's father.

21 years ago was the first major scale release. Oh and I'm 15.


Um.... .. . you're speaking of Christopher Tolkien, right? True, his father WAS the one to "birth Middle Earth", and Christopher has since taken over the "estate" and done LOADS of work editing and so forth. However, when people speak of "Tolkien", they generally refer to J.R.R. Tolkien.


I'm still not sure where you're getting you're information from. It MAY be that the early '80's saw a "NEW" resurgence of Tolkien (JRR) fans, but some of the the books were release decades before. :)


I'm 27, and I remeber my Mom reading the Hobbit to my brothers and I when I was very young; she has a boxed set from WHO knows when (Ballantine, I think), and she's the one that introduced us to JRR Tolkien.




Originally posted by musashi122

Yes the special edition will go into more of the gift giving. They talk about that on disk two of the cd thats out now. they even go into gimiles love afflection.......lol...should be interesting.


Sweet!!!! :))

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The hobbit was writen by Tolken's father.


The hobbit was written by J. R. R. Tolkien, the same person who wrote LOTR and the Silmarillion. LOTR was first published in three volumes between 1954 and 1955.


I think the Peter Jackson and crew did a wonderful job on the movie. I went into the movie knowing that they would not be able to create an exact copy of the book, but it is still LOTR, and I enjoyed it! No matter what scenes are missing or what dialogue is changed, the film still was LOTR, and felt like it.


I was disappointed though at how Aragorn did not recieve the remade Narsil. I feel that was an important part of the story that could have easily been added. Perhaps he will somehow receive it later on, I don't know... But it is strange how they talk about the sword in rivendell, yet he does not receive it.


I cannot wait for Helms Deep, and the competition between Legolas and Gimli. From what has been shown in the trailers it looks awesome!

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Yeah I agree with Frum

BTW, I thought Hugo Weaving was and EXCELLENT choice for Elrond! I think ALL of the elves were done "right" - as represented by Tolkien's Middle Earth. (The guy that pretty much CREATED the FANTASY genre).


Jackson did as good a job (in 3 hours) as could be expected; I even forgave him the use of Arwen instead of (? ) Glorfindel, though I hope the Special edition DVD will include Galadriel's "gift-givings", and it'd be nice to see Bombadil and the Barrowwights (though that's a lost hope)


I agree completely. Some of the characters threw me for loop at first. But after a second veiwing I decided that all fit their parts well. I would have liked to see more of Gandalf vs. Balrog (fire demon thing). Like the spells on the door. Another thing that bugged me was that he had the wrong character speaking lines at times, easily overlooked but why not just have the right person say it? But overall I think he did a great job.


Good luck with your conversion guys! And as long as were leaving request... BALROG!!! FIRE DEMON!!!:devburn:

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I'd say the movie in it self was good, though as a translation of the book it was less then adequate. As a representation of the novels it was good, but there were too many discrepenscies to call it an excellent translation. My biggest peeve is how Pippin and Merry were transformed from the strong supporting characters of the book, to a mere goofy, comedy relief. Though I'll admit, Ian Mcallen was brilliant as Gandalf. Ok thats it.




P.S. The orcs were sort of lame looking too, and Aragorn was waaaaaaay too young looking

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Do you honestly expect, a movie to portray full details of the many ideas in the Fellowship of the ring! GOD, the visit to TOM BOMBADIL could be a movie in itself!


Smood you little penis sucking peice of sh!t! Did I ever mention one god damn thing about expecting all the details of the book?! No I didn't! I said there should have been the 2 kings killing Sauron instead of Isildur in the movie! Isildur did not kill Sauron in the book! And it was retarded of them to have Isilidur simply cutting Sauron's hand off in the movie!!! :mad:


And I never said one god damn thing about having the Tom Bombadil scene put in. I'm rather glad they didn't put that in. So next time think before you call me a f@cking moron that demands to have everything. I don't demand to have everything. I don't demand at all. So f@ck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are the retarded one Smood!!! I'm sorry to say that but you are. Anyone who has read the book would know the people who made the movie made a very stupid move right there. My main focus was right on that scene.


SO SHUT THE F@CK UUUUPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :swear:

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I never said you wanted the tom bombadil scene, I merely said including all details in the movie would be impossible.


Well O.K. you only wanted the fighting scene at the start, that's fine.....





For the mere fact you said that...


You are retarded, stupid, a moron, whatever you may choose. But basically idiotic, the makers of the LOTR movie have done incredible work.

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lets hold the flame war until the movie is COMPLETLY done. It should be interesting to see how everything plays out. Granted for the HArdcore fans, some of the important things were overlooked, but none the less, it was done to almost perfection. Books heading to the big screen have not always had to much success, But lord of the Rings stormed the charts.


It should be interesting to see how true to the novel's they stay. How big of an impact will gollum truly play in the movie. I hope its a big one. Oh and the Ents, you can't forget the ents.

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I believe I should take that back what I said about the people who are making the movie. That was way out of line.


Anyways, to try to get back on topic, I have made a model of Aragorn's famous sword that was reforged. If someone would like to skin it I would be happy to send it to them to try. :D


The model was supposed to be part of my Ultimate Weapon Pack that I never got around to finishing. I also have a model of Sauron's weapon from the movie I've made as well. And even though I didn't quite appreciate the way they changed the story, I still enjoyed seeing Sauron knock several men and elves to oblivion. hehheh. :D

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