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i hate 1.04


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i have been playing jk2 from right when it came out and now i hate 1.04. i became used to how powerful the backstab was in red stance and i became number one in every server i played but now the backstab is not as effective in red now and i hate it. how do u feel bout 1.04 balance

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Try playing on servers runing Jedimod. With this mod the server admin can un-nerf backstab to almost 103 levels and you can un-nerf the blue lunge in mid air. You'll have to try a few jedimod servers until you find the ones that are set the way you like it. Save thise as your favorites.


I think you'll really enjoy yourself on my server. :D


Do yourself a favor and D/L Jedimod and Qtracker before you go searching for servers. :)

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There are less offensive choices in saber combat and far too much blocking. The result is a dull game that would NEVER have gotten good reviews had the game started out this way.


Yes admins can change things but we are talking about the patch NOT what admins do to their own servers.


I can honestly say that had the game played this way when I first played it I would NOT have bought it.

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Originally posted by benswayzie

i have been playing jk2 from right when it came out and now i hate 1.04. i became used to how powerful the backstab was in red stance and i became number one in every server i played but now the backstab is not as effective in red now and i hate it. how do u feel bout 1.04 balance


Mwahahahahahaha!! :D :D :D This is exactly why I love 1.04!


(just with the mid-air-lunge, less blocking & more powerful sabers)


You, sir, are the lame spammer-of-the-day, congrats....and thanks for starting a brand new thread telling everyone about it. Good job. :rolleyes:

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Yeah in 1.04 its yellow dfa spamming. I just use JediMod and either turn the blocking way down by doing mod_blockscale 50 (higher numbers mean less blocking and 50 will basicly turn autoblocking off) or by nerfing the spin on backstab and unnerfing the damage on backstab. Turning up the damage is also good.

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yeah in 1.04 when someone yellow DFA spams you just uppercut them till they are dead. Comon everything has an easy counter, you just have to spend the time to figure it out. Personally I thought 1.02 was the best version.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar


Mwahahahahahaha!! :D :D :D This is exactly why I love 1.04!


Yeah you are right, over use of bacstab was annoying, but I still think nerfing is NEVER the right way to fix anything.


Originally posted by Luc Solar

(just with the mid-air-lunge, less blocking & more powerful sabers)


That sounds like 1.02 :)

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Originally posted by Luc Solar



Uh, god...I doubt I have ever met one of those, or maybe I've killed them too fast to notice that they intended to spam it...oh well... :rolleyes:


Yellow DFA? That stupid flip thing? haha!


That move looks cool but is not a move that you can spam with any success.

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i became used to how powerful the backstab was in red stance and i became number one in every server i played but now the backstab is not as effective in red now and i hate it.

You know, its rather stupid to have one move that is stronger and easier to do than all the others. That is called "overpowering", and that means that everyone will use it and the game will become BORING.


Also, IF we really must have a move that is the best and most effective, WHY BACKSLASH! Why should running backwards and spinning be so strong? If you MUST, then overpower some other move that looks better and is more realistic.

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Originally posted by Cedrin

LOL, sure you can spam yellow DFA against newbies that dont know how to counter it. If you spam it against ANY good players, they'll wax the floor with you.


It's very easy to counter.


Uh..its WIPE the floor with you, not wax....anyway


You are right, anyone who is even an average player will be able to at the very least land a few good hits if you use Yellow DFA more then once.

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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

You can spam yellow DFA. I was in a duel and I only used that move. I spammed it and got 5 kills in a row as a result. See? You can spam it.

Great job Revan Bakr',you just revealed to everyone that you spam yellow DFA.:D :D :D :D :D :D :deathii:

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Normally, I'm the first to just dismiss whiners, but I have to agree with him. 1.04 has made saber fighting a bit slow, in my opinion. 1.0 was fine and I had no problems with 1.03 either.


I'd recommend people start using JediMod. It's up to version 1.2 so far, and it's a lot more flexible than 1.04 plus there are a lot of neat little extras. There are one or two bugs that I've noticed but I'm pretty sure this only happens with bots.


1) Often when a bot switches weapons, and returns to saber, the saber "hilt" will be the previous weapon. I think this only works if the Bryaar pistol is used.


2) When bots throw sabers, sometimes it won't come back to them until they die. Not sure if this is fixed in 1.2 as I've yet to upgrade.


Don't bother writing emails to Raven complaining. All it's done it drag the game down, though not by the fault of Raven. They were trying to please eveyone, an impossible task. If you are unhappy with 1.04, just use JediMod. It's more or less the same as 1.03. :)

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Originally posted by FatalStrike

Yeah you are right, over use of bacstab was annoying, but I still think nerfing is NEVER the right way to fix anything.


You need to stop agreeing with me, Fatal! It's unnatural and...it's just....not right! :D


Every time you do this, I'm forced to read through my post multiple times to make sure I didn't leave out a "not" or type something terribly wrong...like "1.02" instead of "1.04". :D

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Originally posted by Luc Solar


You need to stop agreeing with me, Fatal! It's unnatural and...it's just....not right! :D


Every time you do this, I'm forced to read through my post multiple times to make sure I didn't leave out a "not" or type something terribly wrong...like "1.02" instead of "1.04". :D


HAHAHA I agree.


But I think we could reach and agreement very easily on the 1.02 v 1.04 thing.


Reduce blocking so that you must turn to block (not as low as 1.02 I agree that blocking should be a readily available ability)


Also give me back my DFA that turns in the air BUT (before you start typing your evil reply) I think that it should do no damage once it is on the ground AND you shouldn't be able to turn once you land. And make ALL special moves blockable, so that people must search for openings instead of just landing them.


This in my opinion bridges the gap between what you love and what I love about JO. No spamming because ALL CAN BE BLOCKED, but at the same time Blocking is a skill not a given ability, and special moves still offer more then a just marginal use.


Agree (the devil is freezing right about now)

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I agree with the blocking issues of 1.04 also. I don't know how big the arc of parry is... but it must be over 180 degrees as I see people parry even when behind them to the side. The arck of parry should be perhaps 100 so an attack directly from the side will not be parried... sometimes I even see people deflect my saber when I attack then almost from behind... that is really weird, but it might be a bug. It happends mostly when people crouch and I am too close to them. Also saber damage is a bit too low. I would rather see shields, health kits, bacta etc. removed (so people don't fight on top of theese, run away for health and annoying things like that and then add a feature for crouching to heal) - but a good solution would be upping the saber damage, although the specials are quite fine imo.

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