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Should Kman be relieved of duty

Lord Ignasius

Should Kman be removed from moderator status  

97 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Kman be removed from moderator status

    • Yes, he should be removed
    • No, he should not removed
    • He should not be removed but should change his ways

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I personally do. When he closes a thread he doesn't just close it. he adds a rude remark, making the person who's thread got closed angry and want to reply, but cant cuz the thread was deleted.




I dont think we need a 5 yr old mod for our forums. I really am sick of it. I remember when Chrono was workin on those Mods for npc's and posted it in the modelling thread, which in all truth does not relate to modelling,but to general editing. I then posted mine, listed all the models, and skins with the authors names, and provided pictures. Guess What? He closed it, and included the remark of you cant use my Red Yoda skin which technaclly(sp?) I can. As you can see his Dictatorship is getting way out of hand. The purpose of a forum, is not to show of work, which is what you are required to do to post in the modelling forum. How is the editing of JkO going to improve if newbies cant post for help. I personally think that a modelling forum is not designed to be just for showing off work.


So please give your opinion and complete the poll, And may Kman be banned

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Personally I think This thread is completely useless BECASUE the admins have already stated that kman is doing an exceptional job. Plus I am sure, he is probably aware of the fact that people are alittle disgruntled. But him being removed will never happen. Plus he can only do so much.


Personally i think the comments are rather humours BECAUSE, the person genrally posting is in the wrong, by not following the rules. AND I am sorry for you if you can't take alittle sarcasm.

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That is WAY off course mushashi. Kman has deleted and closed threads for no apparent reason. He closed the Yoda thread long after pages of useless spam had been put in and he won't even delete all the threads that little ****er tru_weed_smoka3 puts up. Plus he definetely DOES add immature little babyish comments once he closes a thread so that HE gets the last word and there ain't **** that you can do about it. I say he's out or he changes his course bye a LOT.

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way off course HUH?



ok lets see.




He won't delete the usless spam of tur_weed_smoka becasue he wasn't on. IF you looked at the people logged on, he wasn;t one of them. So it was impossible for him to delete the threads.


Favortism huh? I have really only have ONE case and that was with kinja. But that would be a very ingornant thing to get upset about, Becasue well favortism exists all around. People get strings pulled for them all the time. I posted this before, but there is a good saying "Its not what you know but who you know"..


If you think that this does not exist, you live in a very small bubble. I suggest, you don't worry about kman and the lamers, and the spammers and the wannabes, and even the POSers. Unless they utter your name IGNORE them. why becasue it doens't concern you.


If you follow the rules, your threads won't get shot down, and they will live a long and happy life.

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childish remarks....personally I think they are well diserved.. it sounds and look better than what some of you post.....generally looks like this



*********** *********** *****


the remark are supposed to sound scarastic, and YES they do have a tendency to sound lame and kid like, but hell if you have a shread of personality you might get it.


Again, maybe if you know the RIGHT people someday you could moderate, and play god. I know I would.

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Well if that's your opinion you should look at the forum that had only 2 replies. Mine and the person that started it. It wasn't pages and pages of useless spam like some threads. The person that started the thread wanted to know when the next version of the Battle Droid was coming out and I said that's a good question. Kman closes the thread with this remark "Why not wait for it like a normal person." Now that is just plain outta line. Maybe you should look at the thread started by BradFu on this subject and read it from beginning to end as I did.

As for the battle droid post I'll try to find it and get you the link so that you can see how immature Kman really is.

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http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73428 This is the link. Whoever said that we were impatient? There hand't been word of the Battle Droid for a quite a while at the time this thread was posted and Kman should have known that. There is another thread just like the link posted above and that one isn't closed. Why? This is the second thread. It's a little old now that the WIP:Battle Droid thread has been updated but nonetheless shows basically the same points of both threads and this one has not been closed: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=73529
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Originally posted by funny_dude0

Well if that's your opinion you should look at the forum that had only 2 replies. Mine and the person that started it. It wasn't pages and pages of useless spam like some threads. The person that started the thread wanted to know when the next version of the Battle Droid was coming out and I said that's a good question. Kman closes the thread with this remark "Why not wait for it like a normal person." Now that is just plain outta line. Maybe you should look at the thread started by BradFu on this subject and read it from beginning to end as I did.

As for the battle droid post I'll try to find it and get you the link so that you can see how immature Kman really is.


funny_dude0, you just don't seem to get the point... Did you follow forum rules when you posted that thread? Nope, you sure didn't. Did Kman have the right to lock your thread? Yes, he did. In fact, according to forum rules, he was OBLIGED to lock it. ALL requests go in the request thread. All questions about a particular model go in that model's thread... How hard is that to comprehend? C'mon people, you were born w/ a brain, learn to use it.

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musashi, the attitude of "Life isn't fair" while accurate, doesn't mean we shouldn't be upset about it and demand change. Favoritism doesn't have to happen, just because it can. Innappropriate comments don't have to be accepted. If the LucasForums staff decides that kind of behavior is acceptable, then we'll have to live with it. But no Administrator has weighed in yet. From what I know of LucasForums, they try to have quality moderators, but occasionally things slip through the cracks. With all the forums encompassed by LucasForums, it's understandable that they can't keep an eye on everything, so we need to draw their attention here and hope they take the complaints and concerns seriously. Taking an attitude of "Don't bother, you're not going to get your way" is very defeatist, and indicates to me that some people don't care about the community enough to raise their voice in protest.

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Yeah, I have tried to tell everyone that the community is going down, Its up to us the posters to realize the rules, and just follow them.



I am sorry that he didn't close the thread, I am sorry he hurt your feelings with the remark and closed the thread. I am truly sorry. Saracism...Ok the fact is in order to get this community up and rolling again, people have to READ the post before posting, and not just shoot off random questions. We have people asking what program is the best to use for modeling EVERY DAY, don't yoou think that is a bit of a problem. Kman must be loaded with work on deleting on the same thing over and over. Chances are he is going to miss some of the small stuff.



Well has anything been acomplished thus far? I have seen the adims step in and say " A+ for kman". but no change. The change begins with US. We have to stop flaming each other, and just hep each other out regardless. Read the posts before postings. Saying something conscrutive would go great lengths, a perfect example would be the tom servo thread. Emon posted that it look like a school girl. then that developed into alittle fight.



I am kinda getting off track becase well, nothing can be changed really.....its kinda of a hopeless adnveture. the only thing that can be fixed is jsut to leave the forum and don't look back.

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Hey mushashi please don't stop posting on these threads your SO helpful... sarcasm. Sheesh your right on Kman's level. Pretty bad for you. And that help each other out crap that you sayin... that's bs cuz you ain't helpin right now. All ya doin is pissin me off. The battle droid thread that I replied to was 2 requests and the other thread was more than that.

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I understand the frustration with people posting things over and over, and I agree that stuff like that needs to be stopped. The problem is that it's not always just closed, it tends to be accomponied by a rude remark, then closed. The favoritism bit that came up recently was just too much.


As I said before, the admins have not weighed in. They haven't said "Great Job" or given KMan an A+, because they have not posted one word on the subject. Eets is the closest to that, but he's not an Administrator, he's a Super-Op from the GB forums. Aristotle and ZeroXcape have been e-mailed, so I hope they will come in and make a decision soon. It's not necessary to give up yet, especially if you're giving up because you think the Administrators have sided with KMan. At this point, we can still try to rescue this forum. I won't be giving up until an Administrator comes over and says KMan is doing everything right.

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It's not the fact that he closes threads and does his job, it's the fact that he sometimes DOESN'T.




He stated there should be NO recruiting for TCs and stuff. Kinja posts a TC thread and Kman does NOT close it because he says he likes Kinja's ideas. Whether he likes them or not, if he closes one he needs to close them ALL, and not play favorites.

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