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Modelling Forum Moderator Nominations


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I think Toonces would make a good moderator. He always gives good feedback to other modellers and seems to interact very well with others :)


Another idea might be Eets. He's a SuperOp with LucasForums now, but he could be made officially a moderator in this forum so that he's not stepping on anyone's toes.

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cROsIs**, I'm not saying you made a bad choice or anything, but BradFu kind of counseled against self-nominations.


Still, I have to say that self-nomination is not as bad as it seems - especially when it comes from someone who's been moderator and administrator for various top-level gaming domains for five years straight...*koff*

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I vote for BradFu. He seems think b4 posting, and is usally reasonable. :)


posted by cROsIs

I nominate myself for the reason that not alot of people here know me, and that is a good thing...


If Iam your moderator, these boards will be... happier.


Thank you for the campain speech. :p:lol: J/K

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I now nominate the following people for the following reasons:


HapSlash-good person, has experience, could get the job done right, and is just a wise choice.


Bradfu-inventive, thinks before he posts, has experience, could get the job done right, and is another wise choice b/c he knows what he is doing.


Kranckor: Cool headed, won't be corrupted by power, and doesn't play favorites.

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I also vote BradFu, for reasons that would be redundant to say.



so there you have it


yay bradfu


edit: another thing i noticed, is Kman has a habbit of closing threads, when they can just as easily be moved, dont you think that would be easier for all of us?



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Thanks for that valuable input, Midget. The reason we're doing this is because many people agree that we need more moderators. KMan himself said the redundant newbie posts get old and tiring. If you don't wish to help this community, that's your business. From your response, it appears to me that you're under the impression that we're trying to replace KMan. PLEASE read the thread before you respond. This is a thread discussing adding MORE moderators, not replacing KMan. There is nothing "pitiful" about trying to spread the work load and releiving KMan of some stress.

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My god Bradfu, quit telling me to read the entire topic. I am getting sick of hearing that. I have read all of this and all of the other topic. I know what you are trying to do but honestly, I for one don't think the admins will go for it, and for 2 I think that Kman handles it just fine by himself and he seems to enjoy it I think. Plus I think the plan goes deeper than just lifting the stress. Just a while ago in other threads the people here helping to "lift the stress" wanted him "relieved" of his moderating position. I just think it's all silly. It's a freaking star wars forum for christs sake. I won't be posting anymore here either.

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I wouldn't tell you to read the forums if you didn't keep posting things such as accusations that are not accurate. If you don't think there are problems with the moderating of this board, then you are welcome to that opinion. Don't spit on people that feel differently, though. You said in the other thread that you're sick of us not willing to hear alternate opinions, yet you're saying we're all stupid because we feel differently than you. I personally wanted KMan removed, mostly because he wasn't saying anything about the concerns that had been brought up. That looked to me like a silent denial and refusal to recognize that something might have been done wrong. He's spoke on the subject since, explained a bit of his side, and now I personally don't feel he should be removed as long as some things change. I think the cause of some of those problems is the fact that KMan has to deal single-handedly with dozens of useless threads every day, and sometimes it is a little too much. Having one person in authority anywhere is a bad idea anyway, there is no balance being kept, it's just one person making all the decisions. Again, if you had read the other thread, you would have already seen my posts that said the same thing. I'm not asking you to change your opinions, but at least stop telling other people what their opinions are.

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Anyone who is open minded and has frequented these forums before and during KMan's appointment to moderator will agree with BradFu's position.


I get the impression that some opposed to BradFu's position see this matter as a ploy for BradFu to become moderator and remove KMan. Those who have been frequent readers of the JKII.net forums, and in particular have read ALL of the threads in relation to this matter will know this is not the case and I think adding a moderator or two wouldn't hurt.


This is not an unreasonable request to possibly resolve this issue.



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Quite honestly, I don't have any desire to be a moderator. I'm half-tempted to just decline the nominations, because all it would do is add more stress to my life if the administrators even accepted, but that would be kind of hypocritical of me :) If they decide they're going to put more moderators in place and choose me, I'll do it because I honestly like these forums and want to see them run as well as possible so they can grow. If they don't choose me, that's quite all right too, just so long as someone gets put into place that can do the job well :) The main thing here is to get someone (preferably more than one) that can handle it well to help KMan out.

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