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aotctc responses


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Originally posted by {xg}darthVADER

what do you think of aotctc

sinds we have bin active for a few months now

i would like to know what ppl are thinking about it

check it out here (http://www.aotctc.org.uk)

hope ya all enjoy

and let me know what you ppl think about it


It's a work from GOd.



Your tatooine level is complete uber 1337ness. Your creature models from the geonosis battle OWN. Your models OWN. Your levels look kick ass.


Good work kids.

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You know what factor is really going to bog down this tc? There are no geonosians being made (I think). There is also no Watto, Zam Wessel, sandtroopers, etc...These may not be very important parts of the tc, gameplay wise, but still. I hope you dont just go around killing Droids and Reborn (Reborn look stupid and just dont fit with the film). I'm hoping for a lot of new sounds, and hopefully all new weapons. Not to mention movie-style saber beams.


Just a few wishes....


By the way, your website doesnt have anything (no pics, no real info, or anything).


Great Job Guys Cant Wait!

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Visit the forums.... the source of public relations, there you will find your lost media.


And, Zam Wessel is being made, and we already have clone troopers. Also, as for watto and the geonosans.... watto is in line to be made by a staffer.... and I am certainly NOT up for doing the geonosan.

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I could post a few images, with permission.


Courtesy of lOsT hOpe/BeatA55:






Courtesy of MeLoN (model) Skin by Destructive, and a friend of his:






Unfortunately, MeLoN attempted to format and lost it all, so expect an even better model/skin still. :D

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yes, that's my acklay, and yes, MeLoN's reek kicked major ass, as did destructive's skin. sadly, it was lost in a cyber battle between a messed up win2k and its user. win2k won, and death took its toll on the beautiful model. it will be back, though, even better than the original. . .if MeLoN can get his computer working right again (cross the fingers).


as for new characters. . .oh yes. . .there WILL be new characters. modelers are all lining up to put them together, and it will be a complete conversion. the only place you MIGHT see anything from Outcast is a choice character here and there walking through the cities. personally, i am working on the acklay right now, but then pit droids, jawas, sebulba, and then the nexu for the final of the beast trio in the arena.


and as for updates. . .i hope so anakin. i have yet to be given a proper welcome as the mod mercenary :) just kidding. i just want some updates up so people can see from our normal site what exactly is going on.


keep watching us everyone. you WILL live the movie. . .if i have anything to say about it. . .and it will be the best star wars game you have ever played. you won't even call it a mod.

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