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Problem (everyone read)


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I'm in ctf_bespin.


This one guy (clan member of the server I believe) kept jumping through that open space to the right of the flag, but he didnt have absorb, push, or pull. You know that ledge you can stand on to the right of the flag? (if you're coming from the spawn, as if about to capture the flag)...I stood on top of it. Everytiem he's come, I'd pull him off...and he'd kill himself before anyone could get a score on his death. He comes again, I pull him off. he comes again, I pull him off. He did this about 51 times and everytime dying, never getting past the door. I was trying to teach him not to whine about something, but to learn to counter it...but he REFUSED to get absorb, push, or pull. Kept dying everytime...then eh said he was going to ban me for map exploiting (standing on the standable ledge).


Here it is...


1. He kept getting push or pulled off by people. He never learned, he kept dying. He complained.

2. When he saw me on the ledge, instead of shooting me once, or pulling me (which both would have me fall to my death), he complains.


He never learned, and finally said I was going to get banned for map exploiting.



Who was wrong here? Myself for standing on a ledge pulling him everytime he came? Him for never countering the problem (easy counter) but instead whining about it then threatning to ban me?



This is the -ex- clan.

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Well, sounds like you are having lots of fun with Mr. i-have-no-life-and-im-gonna-ban-someone-cause-im-too-lazy-to-change-my-force-powers-setting. i had that happen once (sorta). there was some n00b i was playin gainst and he got really mad that i kept beatin him in lightsaber duels. he eventually left. just ignore it and tell him to change his force settings or you will keep on doin it.

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