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Idea for JK2 sequel. Plz read and review


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Ok. Remember Dark Forces 2 and Mysteries of the Sith? Remember their storylines? They were almost mystical. So here is a slighlty mystical storyline for a sequel to JK2 that I believe can ensnare anyone into it's script of power .


The story starts out on a Remnant prison ship (the Remnant have become a powerful force in the far reaches of the galaxy and have built a small army) carrying a certain prisoner, among the others, named Jaman to a Remnant penal colony on the remote planet of Dathomir. Soon, this prisoner escapes only to find the planet more dangerous than the colony. The reason for the unfortanate curcimstance are the Witches that reside there. Here is a little history on them: >>>>Dathomir is a low-gravity world inhabited by the Witches of Dathomir, a group of Force-sensitive women who ride fearsome rancors. The planet is covered with many kinds of terrain, including mountains, deserts, purple savannas, and forests of 80-meter trees. Humans came to Dathomir when a group of illegal arms manufacturers were exiled to the planet by the Jedi knights. Several generations later, a rogue Jedi named Allya was also exiled to Dathomir. She began to teach the Force to the planet's inhabitants and her descendants, who also learned to tame the wild rancors. Nearly 400 years before the Battle of Yavin, the 2-kilometer Jedi academy ship Chu'unthor crashed in a Dathomir tar pit. Jedi sent to recover the crashed ship were repelled by the witches. Different clans of these witches (Singing Mountain, Frenzied River, Misty Falls) were formed, including a group of Dark Siders calling itself the Nightsisters. Life among the clans follows a pattern of female dominance, and males are largely used as slaves for work or breeding. The planet also has an Imperial penal colony."<<<<


As you can see this is not a very hospitable place. Quickly, Jaman finds a few of the slaves to the witches about to escape. They let him on their primitive escape pod and blast off. In the attempt, an old imperial gun emplacment operated by Allya's great grand daughter (who now is the leader of the witches) fire upon them and damages them badly. After floating in space for a few days, a bounty hunter picks them up in his ship. The bounty hunter seems to recognize Jaman and looks through his logs of ppl with bounty on their head. He finds Jaman among them. Without saying anything, the bounty hunter (who's name is Gribb; he is a Trandoshan) brings the group of fugitives to Nar Shadda (gotta have this in a game with Kyle Katarn as the main character). After releasing the men from Dathomir, Gribb turns in Jaman to Drobtik, the one who placed the bounty on Jaman's head.



Jaman, during his time on Dathomir, had learned that the Witches were getting more and more powerful and had heard talk of them making a surprise attack on the Jedi. While onboard Gribb's vessel, Jaman had secretly communicated with the Luke Skywalker (Jaman has been an imformant on many things for Skywalker) to tell him of this possible threat. As such, a Jedi followed Gribb's ship to Nar Shadda. To preclude any involvement of the Jedi in this matter, Skywalker has hired Kyle Katarn and his pilot, Jan Ors, to move in and rescue Jaman in order to get more detailed information on Dathomir (Jaman would not disclose this information until he had been rescued). Kyle is advised not to take his lightsaber along as many ppl would take this to mean there was Jedi involvement. Thus Kyle sets out with Bryar pistol in hand for Nar Shadda, therefore begining the next installment into the Jedi Knight series:


STAR WARS Jedi Knight 3: The Witches of Dathomir

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you would take up your lightsaber right after you rescue Jaman. I just wanted to put at least one level of just guns in the game as I think it adds to the atraction of the game (I have always liked the first levels where you don't have a lightsaber. they seem to hold more mercanary feel to them).

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I posted this same idea on another forum. I got a reply from one of my friends (who does not play SW games) and he said that the first part of the game should give a little backround on the whole Katarn thing and what-not. I thought I should put this in the intro section (you know, the part right after "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....."). Do you think that someone could put that ("that" reffering to a little backround) in a concise manner in that intro part and still leave room for the intro to the plot (have I been too confusing?)? If so, (and you are willing) can you write out an intro for me? I would appreciate that tremendously.

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Interesting.Although it does sound like all the women on the planet went mad(Witches)and think they are better at boys and,shockingly,are.But when you say witches,do you mean the screaming ones in cartoons and movies,or girls with magic(the force)?And why do they enslave all the men.Nice storyline though.

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"""Interesting.Although it does sound like all the women on the planet went mad(Witches)and think they are better at boys and,shockingly,are.But when you say witches,do you mean the screaming ones in cartoons and movies,or girls with magic(the force)?And why do they enslave all the men.Nice storyline though."""



Dude, I didn't make this planet up :) . It is a real planet (in the SW universe). In fact, Ithe planet will be one you can visit (if you dare) in SW: Galaxies. All the info I have on this planet is already in the intro to JK 3 (if inded there will be one coupled with the small chance this idea will get very far to Lucas Arts. I could use support if you guys would like to see this in the next game).


Oh, and thx for your thoughts!

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Oh, and thx for your thoughts! [/b]

Your welcome.So,can I give a helping hand for star wars jk3?But because im 12,most people wont accept me to help out.So,how about the leader of the witch race knows how to use this force power that no-one else knows about,but cant harness it yet,as she needs more power to use it.So she attacks jedi knights all over the universe,killing them,then sapping their souls so she gets even stronger.Shes extremely powerful with the force,and is destroying the jedi one by one.Which is why there are only a few who are jedis(because most of the jedis raging in episode 2 were killed by her later in the years).

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Multiple endings? I can do that for you but I don't even know if Lucas Arts will even pay attention to my idea. If some one set up a peition to them to review my idea (if enough of you thought it was a good idea and would like to see it in a sequel) THEN maybe some one up there would at least take a peak at it.


To hoverbeast: I think that your idea is good but the catch is that the Jedi hardly know that the Witches exist which is why the Witches are planning a surprise attack. The only contact Jedi and the Witches have made, over 400 years ago during the time of the Old Republic, was when the Chu-unthor crashed on their planet. But thx for the support!

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Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a story based after the events of EP2. With a new Jedi hero.


There could be some cool droid v jedi battles in it and some sweet links to other main jedi characters.


I'd definately like to play levels along with other friendly characters along side me.

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Brainstorm! In the last, say, 6 levels of my idea for JK3, you will fight side by side with many other Jedi including Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade. That would make for some really awesome battles between the Jedi and the Witches. There would also be some rebel men-slaves there fighting for freedom from the Witches.

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Well, the JK series really is reserved for Kyle but I can go with you on this one. A new hero, ooh, maybe a sith is the hero. It could be called "Adventures in Sith World" ;) j/k. Seriously though, I think it would be cool to play as at least a dark Jedi trying to destroy the Jedi who he believes killed his family (the Sith did this to make this man, Rysan Durs, become a dark Jedi as they saw a great potential in him. The Sith framed the Jedi for the incident). In this game, you could fight along side stormtroopers and other Remnant and dark Jedi forces and maybe even earn your "black armor"........ ahhh dream. It shouldn't be hard to do and I think it would be a welcome twist for SW fans. I've always wanted to be evil. Bwa-ha-ha. :lightning:darth:

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