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WIP: Covenant Hunter

PIo Koon

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heh..besides the Covenant Elite and Grunt that Agent-j is making...since me and him are kinda a "short temportary" team...i decided that i would try and finish the Halo model pack since hes stopping on the grunt and continue by making the Hunter =O)


its...alright i guess...maybe like C or a B...but i think its starting to turn out nicly...personally i think Agentj would make one that would insult mine badly heh


anyway heres the pic




that one right now will probly change...since im modeling for JK2 and making a mod and modeling for C&C Renegade...they both have different poly limits


that model hasn't even passed 1000 yet and i will probly increase detail for the JK2 version...since Renegade's limit is around 1500


anyway let me know what u guys think of it so far



heres ref pics i used




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thankx =O)...thast a beta picture just so everyone knows


anyway...what do u mean? i posted on there as SpartnII not PIo Koon...im pretty sure anyway unless i made another name there lol...and i have no idea..mister punch never released it...no news anywhere on it and he started shatki so i think it won't be released for a while


but back tot he hunter =OP


im not good at making arms or legs so hopefully i can make them and they look good

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Haven't had a chance to post yet, but you have to keep working on the model, so far it's looking pretty good, and we've all seen what you can do, so i'm pretty sure it will turn out great.


Don't stop working on it because people are not responding, give it a little more time...


I sure hop you continue working on the model, and the other models of course :D:D

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Looks pretty good right now, does need more work of course...but by the end it'll probably be pretty intimidating yah? Scale him up and make him 12 feet tall and everyone will run from him! ;)


Hunters used to scare the bejeezes out of me in Halo....until i learned how to drop em with one shot from a pistol...;)

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yes i realize he looks top heavy..but in that picture...his upper body is to small...so his head has been shrunken and body and torso edited to fit that


now yes..your right...his upper body IS top heavy..thats a fact


in Halo..75% of the time the Hunter is in a position i call "hunting mode" (lol)..and look at these 2 pics





ok..the 2'nd pic is Hunting Mode...ok now look at the first picture..see how theres an extruding area on his from pelvic area? (for u idiots no its not its dick)...ok now look at the 2'nd picture.hunting mode...see how his body leans down?...the FRONT of his chest armor leans down and rests on that area


so yea..hes top heavy...but he rests on that...now for JK2 thats not possible on this bone structure..but o well..deal with it =OP


ill be posting updated pics soon but only if u guys r interested

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