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Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust


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*on the Bride of the Pride of Vidi*


Sensor Officer: Lord, they have stoped, it appears that they have followed our commands.


Vidar: Lock a tractor beam on them and bring them into the hanger bay. Keep a weapons lock on them and be prepared to destroy at the slightest hint of deception.


*A tractor beam locks onto Guy's ship and pulls it into the hangar bay. Vidar, Tyr, Heimdall, and Idun go to the hangar bay will a squad of Beserks.*


Heimdall to beserks: If they are who we are expecting, you will act as an honor guard. However, if they prove hostile Aim for the heads.


Beserk Officer: Yes sir.


*Guy's Ship penatrates the cloaking shield and the group is allowed a brief glimpse of the enormous Pride of Vidi. The ship then enters the hangar and is set down on the bay floor. The Aesir wait for Guy and the others to exit*

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*As they step out of Guy's ship, the beserks snap to attention, aiming their blasters at the heads.*


Heimdall to Idun: That would be the Shadow, and Raschel....


*Idun steps forward and looks at each with a piercing gaze, she gives a small hand jesture signalling that everything was alright. The Beserks holster their blasters*


Idun: We have been expecting you.


*Vidar steps to a com unit*


Vidar: Bring us back to the planet. Stand down from alert


Bridge: Yes sir.


*The Fleet moves back towards the planet*


Heimdall: Welcome. There is much we have to talk about.

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Vidar: Yes Shadow, we have been. Lucky for you we were, since otherwise you would have been destroyed as soon as you entered the system.


Heimdall: I have told you no lies. You, simply haven't asked the right questions. For now, I'll only tell you this. I come from a world that was destroyed in the holocaust. A world which you have never heard of.


Vidar: You will get more information once we get planet side. We will discuss it over dinner. If you will follow us.


*Vidar leads everyone to a shuttle, which they board and head down to the surface. Upon landing they are escorted into a large dinning hall. Marin, Aidan, and Misea are also escorted into the dining hall. Everyone is showed their seats (the table is a rectangle in case your wondering)*


Vidar: Now if you please ask all of your questions, and we will answer them.

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Marcus: "Ravan The fleet is ready. and preparations on the Crimson Star II are complete. It is fully operational, with only the main structure 93% complete, however those sections are blocked off, and secured to make sure no one shall trespass. And we can make jumps."


Ravan: "Good, turn on the Sheild Barrier."


same like :deathii: had, but generates itself, no endor needed :p its only th ere so when the CSII travels it wont hurt the exterior part of the CSII


*engineers and other computer operators, all activate the shielkd generators, and creating a nearly impenituble force field around the CSII.*


Marcus: "Sheilds online."


Ravan: "Good. Open a channel to the fleet."


*A com's system operator preses afew buttons, and gives Ravan the "thumbs-up"*


Ravan: "The is the Chairman of the Imperial Council on the Crimson Star II. We shall go to the nearest system, and we will take it for the Empire. The more systems we have the better we are off agenst the Republic. We shall not use excessive force needed to take planet, we will just oocupy. If the Republic comes to defend those planets, you shall wiat for them to fire upon you first, then you all may attack full force..."


Navitgator: "Fleet checking in, course ploted."


Ravan: "Close channel."


*Comms operator, closes the Channel.*


Ravan: "Ladies and Gentlemen, today we are going to test out a new form of transportation, completey made for this project. It allows an entire planet to travel into hyperspace, thus moving it to a better location, By this, we can evetually find and rebuild our empire completey by adding the same form of engine on simular planets. How ever these engines on this Station are still only prototypes of the actual product needed to move real planets, this is just a meare hunk of steel and iron in space covered by a earthly shell, unlike those other ones whom have tectonical plates that shift the planet's crust.The Force Field Generators needed to cover the Cimson Star II, are for the protect of the planet, so it wont get harmed during light flight... Lets see how this baby fies..."


*The crew claps their hands, and Ravan tells the Navitagor to fire up the engines.*


Navitgator: "Peparing thrusters... Opening global flaps"


*Gigantic mechanical flaps around the survice open up, one to every 100th mile. opens up...*


Navigator: "Entending engines...*


*Massive pillars extend out from the wholes in the ground, nearly 250ft in the air...*


Navigator: "Locking engines... Engaging Shields..."


*A loud locking sound is herd by each engine, and a force field is emmited around the structures, protecting anyone from getting harmed...*


Navigator: "All systems green."


Comms: "Fleet standing by..."


Ravan: "Alright, hit it..."


*A strong electical field creating by each pillar like engine, surronds the planet with a force lighting like field as the whole planet stretches when it hits light speed...*


*People planetside, see the light from stars as the global light generaotrs become practically useless. the ground shook. but hardly felt. however it was felt in thecommand centre*


Ravan: "Why are shaking?"


Marcus: "Its natural, besides when the main structure not completed, you'd expect this..."


Ravan: "Alright then, I want a yellow alert, all personal report to stations, Navigation, I want you to jump out of light when things get seriously trouble."


Navigator: "Yes, Commander. I think we can make the kessel run in this in 9 parsects..."


Ravan: "Not bad, not very fast, but she'll get there..." 'I wonder how a normal planet would take it'

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Vidar: This is Fenrir.


*Vidar hits a button and a holographic image of Fenrir is displayed at the center of the table*


Fenrir, is a monster. He is extremly powerful, intelligent and is pure evil. He loves death and destruction. For hundreds of years My people kept him imprisoned. However a couple days ago he broke free. In twenty-two years he and some others will destroy this galaxy.


Oh and Raschel to finish answering your question earlier. We are the Aesir. I assume you reconize the name.

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((OOS: I don't know, I don't usually measure by the Kessel Run ;) also you've pretty much adlibbed with everything to do with the CSII, so it's your choice))


Guy: I saw that creature...only a few minutes ago. In a vision...he said I was blind...


Raschel: Aesir? The people supposedly responsible for destroying the stars? *looks at Orthos*

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Syrnl: Irvine. I'm taking the Pheonix to Coruscant. I have unfinished business with Lokpihet. You're welcome to follow.




Orthos: You caused this? I hope you're satisfied. And as for this Fenrir, why did you not destroy him while you had the chance! Why does nothing seem right anymore! Why does nothing make sense!

*Orthos collapses again as the Pheonix prepares to disembark*




*Lokpihet looks round his meditation chamber*


Lokpihet: Orthos...you're becoming powerful. Far too powerful.


You fear me?


*Lokpihet is worried by the voice that is not his own*

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Tyr: Allow me to explain. When we appeared over Coruscant, we only wanted to rescue Lord Odin. It was believed then that threatening the destruction of the galaxy would get his release. The threat failed and Lord Odin was killed. The death of Odin doomed the galaxy, to a terrible fate. We could do nothing to stop it. It was then decided if we couldn't stop people from dieing we would not allow them to suffer. Hence we destroyed the most populated and important world, inculding our own worlds.


The people we killed died in an instance, not knowing what happened and not feeling any pain. THe worlds we didn't attack we hoped would be small enough to be overlooked by Fenrir and the remaining Jotuns. However, we now know that Fenrir will not overlook any world.


Vidar: We never wanted to do what we did. We had really no choice. Either way the galaxy would be destroyed so we prevanted as much suffering as we could.


Idun: In twenty-two years Fenrir will complete the destruction of this galaxy. There is nothing we can do to stop Fenrir. However, there is a way to stop Odin's death and the holocaust from occuring. That is why you are here.

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*Irvine onboard the Pheonix's lounge, begins to train himself by attempting to move old fasioned chess pieces, one at a time...*


Irvine thinking to himself: 'I herd that this wasn't easy...'


*A pawn shakes, but not lifts, Irvine struggles a little...*


Irvine: 'NO! I herd I'm not to supposed to find it quick... Clam down...' *sigh*


*The pawn slides over a square, but to lifting up too much...*


'a little better... stay calm...'


*Irvine moves the opposite side's pawn forward, thus time easier.*


*Irvine completes 3 chess games agenst himself, eventually being able to move each piece w/o much physical

need for fingers nor stuggling not a slightest bit. And gettign faster as well... Irvine smiles...*

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((Overlooked Deac's post so...))


Heimdall: If we could have killed Fenrir, then we would have done so a long time ago. The only thing we could do was bind him and keep him locked away until Ragnarok. Fenrir was destined to fight Lord Odin. After a long battle Fenrir would have enventually killed Odin. Only after that battle could *motions towards Vidar* Vidar kill the beast.


This is no longer possible and now the galaxy is doomed to suffer from Fenrir. We stopped many from suffering so yes we are sastified.

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*Invisible to the group, floating above the table, the man in the dark coat, T, observes those seated*


Not quite the group I had in mind...will it be enough to work?


Marin: Maybe I don't know anything about this situation. But aren't you being fatalist? Isn't there any way to stop this Fenrir again, or at least slow him down?


Raschel: I'm not sure I believe all this. It's too much. *realizes* Then again, half the galaxy just vanished...


Guy: I believe you. I've...seen it. The visions...What do I need to do?

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Heimdall: There is nothing we can do. We hand a large number of our best warriors guarding Fenrir. When he broke free, he was in a weakened state yet still managed to kill everyone there.


Tyr: We were only able to bind Fenrir the first time through trickery. We challenged him to a test of his strength, and he agreed. Then we bound him with increasingly large chains and still he broke them as if they were nothing. Finally we created a new chain. The Strongest ever made, and it would become stronger the more he struggled. Fenrir doubted his ability to break it but his ego was to large and agreed, but only if I put my hand in his mouth. We then bound him and he struggled and couldn't break the chain. In his anger he bit off my hand. He won't fall for the same trick again. One thing dominates his mind, and that is destruction.


Until you see for yourself this monster then you will not truely understand that there is nothing we can do.


*They didn't say that the eye of Odin would give Vidar enough power to take on Fenrir*


Idun: That is why you are here like we said there is a way to reverse all that has happened.

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*Orthos finds himself in the outer planes, as he was when he bonded with both Avatars. He sees all three, Starkiller, Darkstar and Darkkiller standing in front him*


Welcome Orthos


Son of two fathers


One who will transcend the planes


You have a choice


You can stop all this happening with the Aesir...


Or become as the gods that spawned us.


Choose through your actions.


Explore the power we offer.


*Orthos awakes*

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Guy: A way to reverse all that has happened? What way?


Marin: I think I know. I've been thinking about those prophecies-


"Death of stars shall reveal

One tool that alone

Can destroy destiny or set it right"


-That probably refers to whatever we need to find, and plenty of stars have obviously 'died'-


"To find, seek:

Ten keys

Seven gates

Fire, Eye, and Ice" -


-That key we had must belong to a set of ten. The prophecy then talks about seven gates, and fire, eye, and ice - maybe the ten keys unlock those seven gates and three objects-


"Quest must be undertaken,

By the progeny of the dead, and their friends

If not, all will come to a terrible end"


-'Progeny of the dead and their friends' probably means us. We're supposed to undertake a 'quest', probably to find the objects from the other prophecy.


"Wake the Wolf unlocked from its tomb"


-Maybe Fenrir's "tomb" is the starting point to the 'quest'?-


"All the legions of Asgard cannot twist time, but a silver ball will."


Aidan, where else have we heard of a 'silver ball' that can 'twist time'?


Guy: *cuts in* The Time Matrix? A time-traveling device created by some legendary beings called the Ellimists? But that was just a story...the Ellimists never existed, and no one ever found a 'Time Matrix'...


Aidan: *eyes widen in realization* The story of the Time Matrix...but that's all it is. A story. And it's a story from our dimension. Not here.


Marin: I have a feeling it's more than just a story.

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Heimdall: Your story may not just be from your dimension. We also have a simlar story.


*The remaining Norn enters the hall, she immediatly looks at Guy*


Norn: I see we have a decendant of the mages in our presances. It is an honor to meet a relative of people I once worked with.


*Mainly addressing Marin and Aidan* The story is not fictional. The Time Matrix does exist and it is what you must seek to end Gotterdamrung. Hidden it was to safe guard the galaxy, freed it is to save the galaxy. Seek the remains of the Einherjar to find the begining. Bring along the eye.


*The Norn exits*

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i just had an idea for the Fire and Ice :)



*Irvine on syrnl's ship, practices the use of a lightsaber with the 'floating ball'. i really dont know that name to that thing :p A person with simular features as Irvine, but with red hair sits in a bar on Coruscant...*


*??? takes a sip of his drink...*


Bartender: "Say, you know who you look like?"


???: "No, but your welcome to tell me..."


*Takes another sip...*


Bartender: "You almost look like that damned Emperior. You know before the, whole galaxy, and..."


???: "He was a misunderstood person..."


*Yet another sip...*


Bartender: "I doubt that..."


???: "He misunderstood himself..." *Sips*"...instead like some Jedi, he found the easy way, too easily..."


*Finishes the drink...*


Bartender: "So how bout you?"


*??? throws down some cash*


???: "I found some easy ways. How ever I know that most meaningful goals aren't easy to complete. So I took some hard ways... Later..."

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*Orthos hears the words "Prognency of the Dead" and his ears prick. He turns to Raschel*


That almost sounds like me...Syrnl was technichally dead...once...all I know is wierd things I can't explain are happening to me...




*Syrnl enters the lounge*


Interesting. You move the pawns. Why do you not try the whole board?

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Irvine extingishing the lightsaber: "Well, i did play 3 games agenst myself... How ever why try big, when control with small has to be ackplomished first..."


*Irvine extends his arm towards the chess board, and then extends only two fingers. Rvine consentrates on the board, and the board lifts up a little, Irvine moves his arm and the board follows, and Irvine sets the boad down on a diferent table...*





*??? walks about the city, looking around... noticing homeless and small riots...*


???: "I admit this planet was crud to begin with, but now its really turning to crap..."


*A policemen approches from behind and raises a blaster to the unknown persons head... ??? just simply pulls out his lightsabe rand spins around fast while slicing the barrel... green crystal


Policeman: "Oh. a Jedi! Sorry, we need your help..." *looks around* "theres only one of ya..."


???: "No need..."


*??? waves his hand and the riots stop instantly...*


???: "You will return everything you stole..."


Rioters: "We will return everything we stole..."


???: "You will appologise to whom ever you had harmed, and stole from..."


Rioters: "We will appologise to whom ever we harmed, and stole from..."


*The roiters break up returning everything they stole...*


Policeman: "Wow, I herd of Jedi doing mind tricks on someone, but this is a lot of people!"


???: "I know..." *Waves hand* "...and your not going to remember it..."


Policeman: "Im not going to remember it..." *Policeman looks blankly then says:* "Remember what?"


??? while walking away: "Exactly..." 'must not let my appearence here become noticed...'

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