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Can your computer handle SWG?

Eldon Nitcellok

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma

what are you talking about, im god :D


i beg to differ...


i'm assembling a new comp now, it's got 1.53 ghz amd athlon, 512 ddr ram, 64 mb geforce4 & dsl to cap it all off :p

i don't generally like to brag, but when the oppurtunity arrises...;)

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Let's see my main computer:


Athlon 1600+XP (1.4Ghz)


40GB 7200 RPM drive

GeForce2 MX 400 (64mb) <-- bottle neck :(


I would personally upgrade the videocard for this game to atleast a GeForce4 4200 128MB card and change the 768MB sdram for DDR (mainboard handles 1.5gb in sdram or ddr (different slots)


Though I'm sure I'll be upgrading and tweaking until the silly game comes out.


Btw: 56K users isnt all that bad, since you technically do not have to continuously donload graphics and things, mainly just all text.


Though Cable/DSL and faster connection wouldnt hurt and of course are perferred!

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Nah, actually, there's not that big difference of playing mmorpgs on a modem or a cable. Not that I've noticed. Except, that is, that there's a smaller risk of being disconnected at inappropriate moments.


However, when broadband has spread even more, say 2-3 years from now, this will propably change. After all, it would enable a much more complicated and detailed environment. So yeah, it's just a matter of time before the first cable-only mmorpg arrives. SWG will not be that game, though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Jackrabbit

Only one problem...56K.


Can somebody please help me?


You must come from an FPS background. In MMORPGs the Server sends you only the information that you see. (that's why it only lags in highly populated areas.)


They tested it on 28.8K and it ran fine.


Don't worry, I'm on 56k too.

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1.8 ghz AMD Athlon XP


1 ghz DDR RAM


GeForce 2 MX 400 (64 MB)

, but getting the cheapest GeForce 4 Ti when we get an official release date.


I certainly hope they made this better than EverQuest. Even with all this power EverQuest continues to be laggy in many Luclin zones.

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Savrip: it is physically impossible to construct a graphics engine weaker than the EQ engine. Many men have tried and failed, with catastophic consequenses.


Right now my computer can't handle SWG, since it can't handle to boot. Last time I checked, it was pretty crucial.

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